is asking "Why do this?" as a way of suggesting "Don't do this" unfriendly? at the very worst it's asking someone to think about justifications, even if it's implied that there are none
@vaultah I'm getting objects with the same name but different UIDs back from an API, and I need to display them in a list and be able to tell the difference between them -- there's only ever like 3 of the same name
let's golf: given a list of strings, sort them and add distinguishing (increasing, starting at 1) numbers to any duplicates -- e.g. ['b','c','d','f','b','f'] -> ['b1','b2','c','d','f1','f2']
this week I learned that there's a place called Sand Mountain in Nevada that is just a 600-foot-tall pile of sand, and there's a species of butterfly that lives only there