Akshay Parate


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
May 7, 2018 18:12
@Allenph @StatikStasis yes i got hte solution but the link you provided i.e related to particular character lets imagine if you have other couples of character you need to rectify than.. i find solution in @allenph link
May 7, 2018 18:02
May 7, 2018 18:01
thats is what i always getting
May 7, 2018 18:01
May 7, 2018 18:00
SO SEO is too high even if don't type stackoverflow.com it provide the 1st link and then you trying out to find the solution and you will find other solution that is not realted to what you are looking for
May 7, 2018 17:56
this case i can relates to submit and reset buttons where we can differentiate by their name attributes
May 7, 2018 17:51
yes you are right @StatikStasis
May 7, 2018 17:49
thats work and its shows how bad i am in googling
May 7, 2018 17:45
@Allenph thanks a lot for your time
May 7, 2018 17:43
it never told to me why would he want that specific problem may be he want to implement that logic in project .. and thanks for your answers
May 7, 2018 17:35
if $string = 'aacdeefghss'; and we want to eliminate aa & ss from the string how can i do that
May 7, 2018 17:33
ok i take it your words as "start coding" . es that was the task .. according to task =>
May 7, 2018 17:30
actually i have task like if we have a long string contain double character or triple as so. we need to eliminate double character . for that i spent whole day but all in vain. so i thought to just build up my logical skills and then i asked that question
May 7, 2018 17:26
thanks for your response
May 7, 2018 17:24
@all I need a favour can anybody help me in this actually I want to build up my logical skill in php programming like in string & array related logics .
Apr 17, 2018 05:21
how to learn more about php
Apr 17, 2018 05:21