From the JPA 2.0 spec, the defaults are like so:
OneToMany: LAZY
ManyToOne: EAGER
ManyToMany: LAZY
And in hibernate, all is Lazy
From Hibernate Docs,
By default, Hibernate uses lazy select fetching for collections and
lazy proxy fetching for single-valued associations. T...
btw, I asked you to comment out the code, just for you to understand it, look for @Query for more information, otherwise your code does what is asked to do
No when you call cmp.getEmployee(), it will get all the related employees. if you want to get one specific employee. write a specific @query method in JpaRepository interface
@AnkitBansal As the Lazy implies it fetch on demand. if you call cmp.getEmployee(). Then it will bring in the employees, Thats what you need right, unless you get the employees you can not get the names of employees. you can also write another method to fetch employs depending on the company id :).
I am doing this for the understanding. In my case I have a class extended by BaseAdapter. in the new class I am passing the list of objects I want to bind to the ListView in android and I keep a reference to that passing list of objects.
ListView list2 = (ListView)findViewById(
Is it possible to create a Google script and deploy once and installing that app can we use the functionality in the app inside all the spread sheets?
As it turn out to be, all the examples are creating of scripts and have to run for very spread sheet before getting the functionality. Is there a...