Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Aug 28, 2013 14:19
$r = $c ? $t : $f;
	$r = $t;
	$r = $f;
Aug 28, 2013 14:14
@ఠ_ఠ: if alias, use id:alias, else use id
Aug 28, 2013 14:12
PeeHaa: exec return affected rows, so cant use exec for select querys, but can i use query for update/insert-querys
Aug 28, 2013 14:08
whats the difference between $pdo->exec() and $pdo->query()? can i send everything i use to send to mysql_query() to $pdo->query()?
Aug 16, 2011 09:28
can i put a list in a mysql-user-var, like: "SELECT @user_list := GROUP_CONCAT(", and then use it in a where like " WHERE user_id IN (@user_list)"?
Aug 16, 2011 08:58
in our customer database, we can either delete a persons data, or mark it as blacklisted, the blacklisting prevent the custoemer to me called again, but the laws says we need to remove them if they ask for that, but then they probely get imported a month later, and we call them again
Aug 16, 2011 08:56
do your contry have laws, that says you need to remove all personal data if a persson ask for it?
Aug 16, 2011 07:48
probely missunderstood your question completly
Aug 16, 2011 07:48
@maulikpatel echo "<html><body><h1></h1></body></html>" ?
May 31, 2013 23:12
may i ask what timezone your in?
May 31, 2013 23:08
thanks for giving me the posiblity to learn more about optimizations, from your databse structure
May 31, 2013 23:04
if you got more intresting optimiziations, send me a mail: [email protected]
May 31, 2013 23:03
should we say goodnight then (or your maybe in antoher timezone, here its 01:02 am CET)
May 31, 2013 22:51
tried to recreate the situation, and the 2 that gets close is: follows.f_id isn't a key, or follows.f_id and comments_following.f_id are diferent datatypes
May 31, 2013 22:42
the row "1 SIMPLE f index NULL PRIMARY 8 NULL 35718 Using index" should be "1 SIMPLE f eq_ref PRIMARY PRIMARY 8 NULL 1 Using where; Using index; Not exists"
May 31, 2013 22:40
is both follows.f_id and comments_following.f_id the same column type?
May 31, 2013 22:39
"The index join type is the same as ALL, except that the index tree is scanned", sounds like you need to get that to be of a better type then "index"
May 31, 2013 22:35
ops, checkd the wrong table, i get "ref" whit "Using where; Using index; Not exists"
May 31, 2013 22:33
ok, when i do a left join in combination with IS NULL on primary key, i get "eq_reference" and "using index", while you only had "index" "using index"
May 31, 2013 22:31
or was it whit the "where not in"
May 31, 2013 22:30
that explain, was it for: SELECT comments_following.f_id
FROM comments_following
LEFT JOIN comments ON comments_following.c_id =
LEFT JOIN follows ON follows.f_id = comments_following.f_id
WHERE follows.f_id IS NULL
May 31, 2013 22:28
is f_id the primary key? or is the primary key some other column?
May 31, 2013 22:26
the explain row "1 SIMPLE f index NULL PRIMARY 8 NULL 35718 Using index", have NULL at the column possible_keys, maybe there somthing there that can be better
May 31, 2013 22:24
ok :-), see what more ides that can plop up in my head
May 31, 2013 22:23
can't? tecnily can't, or permission type of can't?
May 31, 2013 22:20
can you give me a "SHOW CREATE TABLE" for all 3 tables?
May 31, 2013 22:18
4998143 rows in set (23.50 sec)

interfaceways> DESCRIBE SELECT 1 FROM citizens LEFT JOIN customers USING (citizen_id);
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
May 31, 2013 22:18
a left join of 5.2 miljon row at work:
May 31, 2013 22:16
so how short is your timeout?
May 31, 2013 22:07
hows the speed if you ignore the comments table?
May 31, 2013 22:06
or at least better, your orgianl query had one "all"
May 31, 2013 22:05
and "using index" on all 3
May 31, 2013 22:05
thats sounds perfect: index, eq_ref and index
May 31, 2013 22:03
what dose the explain/describe says?
May 31, 2013 22:01
did you try a left join insetd?
May 31, 2013 22:00
oh, there you are :-)
May 31, 2013 21:03
Sugesting a chat to dump querys and explain results, to not fill up the question with test data
Aug 15, 2011 15:08
finaly time to go from work, see you later
Aug 15, 2011 15:00
is this site avaible, so i can see whats happening whit my own browser?
Aug 15, 2011 14:35
i guess you could replace the row "drawStatistics(result);" whit document.getElementById('spanParticipants').innerHTML = result;
Aug 15, 2011 14:34
then you try to run eval on the html code, that could have done somthing if you gave it json code insted of html
Aug 15, 2011 14:33
so far its look ok
Aug 15, 2011 14:33
so your ajax is getting userdata.php, that have the $participants html-code, and sends its to drawStatistics?
Aug 15, 2011 14:23
so none of your 3 mysql_query gives an error?
Aug 15, 2011 14:09
you can also test if the query is executed correct by extending: $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Database error from query '" . $query . "', database says: " . mysql_error());
Aug 15, 2011 14:07
comment out the row if ($include == 1) just above the tr, and see if that change the number of rows
Aug 15, 2011 14:06
so you got a table with no rows
Aug 15, 2011 14:05
but yes, thats the tr (tabe row) that shows the user
Aug 15, 2011 14:04
or use AS in the query to name the field to somthing easier, whitout ' in the name
Aug 15, 2011 14:03
either let php concat them $grow['usrSurname'] . " " . $grow['usrFirstname']