Nov 22, 2023 22:51
@Useless the reason we say to use an optimizer is because the experts in the topic usually guess wrong when trying to guess why code is slow. The experts have learned to always start with a proper profiling tool, because then we don't waste time optimizing the wrong things.


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
Feb 24, 2023 19:21
restrict appears to only affect reads, not construction, so it's like const and volatile
Feb 24, 2023 19:20
I don't know enough about restrict to say.
Feb 24, 2023 19:20
put another way: & and && affect how the parameter is constructed on the stack, but not how it's read. const and volatile affect how the parameter is read, but not how it's constructed.
Feb 24, 2023 19:18
@PeterT std::array<const char,2> and std::array<char,2> are both non-const parameters, they're just different types.
Feb 24, 2023 18:30
It strikes me as weird that in C++ the qualifiers on parameters work entirely different from each other. A const qualifier puts no requirements on the parameter passed in, and only affects the local access, in contrast to & and && which do not affect local access (local is always an l-value), but require the argument to be the matching type.
Mar 13, 2021 00:43
Of course, it also would have caused problems in edge cases but meh
Mar 13, 2021 00:43
@StackedCrooked That would have been nice and solved so many problems :(
Mar 12, 2021 23:40
Because now it's "user generated" (which is dumb)
Dec 31, 2020 01:29
"The emulator creates an entire emulated system which has its own kernel etc whereas Anbox runs the Android system under the same kernel as the host operating system does. No emulation layer like QEMU is necessary. Everything runs directly on the hardware. This approach also allows a much better integration with the host operating system." ah
Dec 31, 2020 01:29
This appears to just be an emulator with extra steps
Dec 31, 2020 01:28
Why does Anbox require an android image?
Dec 31, 2020 01:27
that's a fascinating idea
Dec 31, 2020 01:27
oh, I didn't make the connection the first time you said it. Too long of a day I guess
Dec 31, 2020 01:21
@Mikhail I was so excited to read this until I got to "to run on GNU/Linux distributions"
Dec 31, 2020 01:17
@catPlusPlus Apparently my Discord username is Ambeco#7880
Dec 31, 2020 01:08
It kind of bugs me that we don't have a WINE-type executor for Android apps on Windows. Emulators take too long to boot.
Feb 17, 2023 14:44
Note that the floating point mantissa size also limits the theoretical maximum memory you can handle, though that's probably a purely theoretical issue
Feb 17, 2023 14:42
I think this means you need a different base algorithm, if you're trying to compete for performance
Feb 17, 2023 00:18
But also note that accuracy aside, the floating point algo is already ~53 ASM ops, many of which are multi-tick, so this is WAAAY slower
Feb 17, 2023 00:16
Ah you're right. Branch is needed :(
Feb 17, 2023 00:14
floating point logarithms are heavily rounded
Feb 17, 2023 00:04
like, even reading a byte from RAM costs 13-17 ticks
Feb 17, 2023 00:03
how are you profiling?
Feb 17, 2023 00:02
your version had a branch, which if it's a miss can be lots of ticks wasted
Feb 17, 2023 00:02
now it's branchless, give that a shot
Feb 17, 2023 00:01
got it down to 11 by eliminating the shortcut/branch
Feb 17, 2023 00:00
13 clock ticks? There's no way thats too slow
Feb 16, 2023 23:59
Wheras what you have there is ~13 ASM instructions, all of which are 1 tick
Feb 16, 2023 23:54
This algorithm doesn't have integer division though, it's just a few shifts and masks
Feb 16, 2023 23:52
Floating point logarithms are slow
Feb 16, 2023 23:50
oh hey yes, that's exactly the same algorithm
Feb 16, 2023 23:49
I wonder if you can use `__builtin_clz` to get the highest bit set index in 1 ASM (which is column 1 (We'll call this A).
Then for column X, you can simply read the next X-1 biggest bits as value B (a shift and a mask, so that's 1-2 ASM ops).
And then it should be something like A*2^X+B
Feb 16, 2023 23:44
Hmmmm.... I have a stupid idea that might work
Feb 16, 2023 23:41
I can't contact Henrique Bucher to tell him the answer to his question :(
Feb 16, 2023 23:40
The problem with logarithms though is I hit rounding errors real fast, and I cant think of a way to calculate it without floating-point
Feb 16, 2023 23:39
Column #1 is approx CEILING(log(x, 2^(1/1))
Column #2 is approx CEILING(log(x, 2^(1/2))
Column #3 is approx CEILING(log(x, 2^(1/4))
Column #4 is approx CEILING(log(x, 2^(1/8))
Oct 7, 2022 02:52
I've never understood why people keep doing this. Just make the members an array, and add named members for accessing the elements by name. 100% portable with no edge cases, and optimal performance at runtime.
Jul 6, 2021 11:15
@anastaciu: The resize is an O(1) operation, it just changes the internal size variable. The real tradeoff is in initializing the std::string to the right size, which sets the entire buffer to 0s, which the char buffer[MAX_LEN+1] doesn't do.
Jul 6, 2021 11:15
@jeffbRTC: Using a string as a buffer is tricky to get right, but it works fine if you're very careful
Jul 6, 2021 11:15 avoids the copy from the string buffer, and throws the system exception properly
Dec 15, 2020 14:37
When getChar reads in the character 3, do not mistake this for holding the value of 3. The usual value for the character 3 is the value 51.
Dec 11, 2020 00:41
"For my padding "fix", it doesn't matter if the spaces are at the beginning or end of the string". This also tells us that there's something stripping spaces from the string between the code that incorrectly calculates the length and the call to SetWindowText, which is also a bug. But as dxiv said, this is all theory until you produce a minimal reproducible example
Dec 11, 2020 00:41
The bug is not in the SetWindowText, the bug is somewhere in your code where you incorrectly calculate the length. It's also possible the other strings only use japanese characters that take 1 code unit each, and that this is the only string in your app with characters that take 2 code units.
Dec 11, 2020 00:41
LPCTSTR is a fancy name for const wchar_t*, unless you're compiling for Windows 95 or older.
Dec 11, 2020 00:41
Somewhere, something in your app is counting unicode characters in a string instead of code units. If you can find that code, it's probably the bug.
Dec 11, 2020 00:41
I would suspect that somewhere is a method that takes a const wchar_t* string, int length, and expects length is the number of code units, and you're passing it the number of characters instead, which is NOT the same.
Dec 11, 2020 00:41
"When the text is cutoff, it typically either displays a question mark box (like the first image) or a random character/letter" This almost invariably means the string itself has been corrupted via truncation. If adding spaces "fixes" it, then this tells me that something is counting how many "unicode characters" are in the string, and passing that to something else, which is truncating at that many bytes*2. A number of spaces equal to the number of characters that take more than two bytes would cause the truncation to accidentally include the longer characters, "fixing" the bug.