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still slow for what I need.
I was really hoping to come up with a log formula as you did.
still slow for what I need.
13 clock ticks? There's no way thats too slow
Slow for micro benchmarking, yes
got it down to 11 by eliminating the shortcut/branch godbolt.org/z/q6Mn957vK
now it's branchless, give that a shot
your version had a branch, which if it's a miss can be lots of ticks wasted
how are you profiling?
like, even reading a byte from RAM costs 13-17 ticks
You need the branch: godbolt.org/z/aa3j5nqxq
aha reading a byte from DDR can cost you 300 ticks
from L3 yes
im puzzled why the ceiling formula is not correct
floating point logarithms are heavily rounded
no, it is something else because the first values are jumping from 3 to 8
it is not rounding. it is incorrect still
Ah you're right. Branch is needed :(
this particular implementation is being used on a memory pool to define the bins. Each allocation is around 150 ticks.
malloc() itself is close to that. pretty impressive
But also note that accuracy aside, the floating point algo is already ~53 ASM ops, many of which are multi-tick, so this is WAAAY slower
It gets better with AVX512F godbolt.org/z/ajdh6K6zK
but there is still a call to a log2() function
14 hours later…
I think this means you need a different base algorithm, if you're trying to compete for performance
Note that the floating point mantissa size also limits the theoretical maximum memory you can handle, though that's probably a purely theoretical issue

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