
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Jun 16, 2023 08:21
Which charting library can do automatic panning like finplot does? Similar to charts found in trading sites? Can't seem to do it in plotly and matplotlib easily
Jun 16, 2023 08:20
Will figure the details by looking at the sample codes by the author of the library instead. ChatGPT is failing to give something useful
Jun 16, 2023 08:14
It works when I do something like this
Jun 16, 2023 08:14
unix_timestamps = stock_data.index.view('int64') // 10**9
stock_data['unix'] = stock_data.index.view('int64') // 10**9
fplt.plot(stock_data['unix'], stock_data['EMA'], legend='EMA')
Jun 16, 2023 07:57
Not sure why it can't handle 'datetime64[ns]' do I have to manually convert to unix timestamps?
Jun 16, 2023 07:55
where stock_data.index returns:
DatetimeIndex(['2019-01-02', '2017-01-03', '2018-01-03', '2019-01-03',
'2017-01-04', '2018-01-04', '2019-01-04', '2017-01-05',
'2018-01-05', '2017-01-06'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', name='Date', length=1514, freq=None)

Error message: TypeError: '>' not supported between instances of 'Timestamp' and 'float'
Jun 16, 2023 07:55
from finplot import fplt
	fplt.plot(stock_data.index, stock_data['EMA'], legend='EMA')
Mar 24, 2023 14:50
Can't wait for the perfect waifu in the form of a robot
Mar 24, 2023 14:25
Even though it messes up quite a bit it just takes a bit of tweaking
Mar 24, 2023 14:23
Although really great stuff. Really that i'm actually able to get something that I can use without spending such a long time. Honestly i've never gotten a program working so well and quickly too
Mar 24, 2023 14:04
Pretty sure by this time a lot of freelancers will be abusing gpt-4s work and selling them to people in Fiverr/Upwork as we speak
Mar 24, 2023 14:03
But true copyright issues is a problem since everyone will be claiming it is their work
Mar 24, 2023 14:02
Took me days and had to hire a freelancer to help me write them now AIs can write em in seconds
Mar 24, 2023 14:02
I remember I was scriptwriting 2 years back and I had to spent days to come up with a catchy 150 word script for 7 of my products
Mar 24, 2023 13:40
Expecting fast improvement on the AIs in the coming years so hoping most of the syntax will be mostly done by the software soon so can focus efforts on the results more than the designing process
Mar 24, 2023 13:39
Normally it'd take a long time to learn the basics of a new library and don't really got the time to do it myself so my progress is really slow
Mar 24, 2023 13:39
It does tell me which libraries to use and makes them usable for me
Mar 24, 2023 13:39
I did especially when I ask it to make charts and make other useful things
Mar 24, 2023 13:35
It would normally talk me hours to days and it won't even work if I did it lol
Mar 24, 2023 13:33
Actually for my level it's much more beneficial since it does give useful things than doing a search in the forums or google
Mar 24, 2023 09:50
Okay apparently I had duplicated files on a different subdirectory containing the same data which I downloaded years before which was included in the merging due to using the wrong path. I was able to find after being able to visually inspect the full paths of the duplicated files. Took a while for gpt-4 to give me something that works but it did the job
Mar 24, 2023 09:29
Is github's copilot X worth it over getting the $20 gpt-4 via chatgpt? It does help me speed up development and learning in python even if it's not that perfect yet anyone tried using both?
Mar 24, 2023 09:00
Oh around 4,500 duplicates but still trying ways to make sure the data isn't going to cause problems
Mar 24, 2023 08:57
Enumerating each file and which files they duplicate with seems to be a little complicated to do not sure how it is done normally
Mar 24, 2023 08:54
Just want to know what is wrong with the data so I was hoping to see them visually
Mar 24, 2023 08:54
I did do drop duplicates but I had like 380,000 data points and there were 10,000 duplicates. Which shouldn't even have been there in the first place
Mar 24, 2023 08:52
I am trying to validate the integrity of my data so between and within each .csv files there shouldn't be any duplicates (completely the same rows or based on a subset of a couple columns). I noticed there is about a 1% duplicate rate and want to inspect further. What's the best way to approach this? Only thing I can think of if look at the data with duplicates and manually filter them.
Feb 15, 2023 08:32
Don't know how to retain the index of df_test
Feb 15, 2023 08:31
What is happening in my case is that df_test is matching it's index with a column named 'index' from my df_code dataframe, but replacing the output dataframe's index into df_code's index (not the column named index, but df_code.index). So all the other index values from the left dataframe appears as NaN except those that are matched from df_code.
Feb 15, 2023 08:31
For df_test = df_test.merge(df_code[['index', 'Money Flow Index (MFI)']], how='left', left_index=True, right_on='index'), df_test should have its index preserved right since I am merging to the left dataframe?
Jan 27, 2023 17:27
I did try to backread but didn't find anything but just curious anyway not like i've been around for while
Jan 27, 2023 17:19
I just realized haven't seen Andras around lately is he not coming in this room anymore?
Jan 26, 2023 16:09
@KarlKnechtel thanks a lot wasn't sure how I would approach it in that situation within the list comprehension
Jan 26, 2023 14:51
To something like that and just eyeballed it then there was one extra cell in row 224 of that .csv file
Jan 26, 2023 14:50
for f in quotes_list:
    quotes_csv = pd.read_csv(f, header=None)
Jan 26, 2023 14:50
I just did from df_merged_quotes = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(f, header=None) for f in quotes_list])
Jan 26, 2023 14:50
@JonClements Instead of using a list comprehension I just broke it down to the standard for-loop and just put a print statement to determine which .csv file failed to read into the dataframe.
Jan 26, 2023 09:16
Apparently the issue I was encountering was just one file having wrong data (thus the extra column) but it's resolved now
Jan 25, 2023 17:49
@JonClements nope doesn't seem to have any indicator of that package but it does look very useful will keep note thanks
Jan 25, 2023 17:41
@roganjosh Will consider this thanks
Jan 25, 2023 17:36
Jan 25, 2023 17:36
@PaulMcG thanks for the book reference though I do think it will help a lot
Jan 25, 2023 17:23
Thanks will take a look at that book I thought it was just easy as glob the csv's and then read to a dataframe hah
Jan 25, 2023 17:14
I would guess some guy didn't upload the file with the correct format
Jan 25, 2023 17:13
I see thanks i'll inspect how the data is structured and see how to work from there. Maybe there is an issue with the raw files since they are manually uploaded in a FB page by people
Jan 25, 2023 17:08
I did try adding the pd.read_csv(f, sep=",") and it didn't quite do it
Jan 25, 2023 17:07
But I do have an idea now thanks for the help will try troubleshooting this by trying a few things
Jan 25, 2023 17:06
I just thought it was the line of the package since it was also on 224 lol maybe a coincidence
Jan 25, 2023 17:05

 Python Ouroboros - The Rotating Knives

Messages from the Python room that didn't meet our standards o...
Mar 24, 2023 09:51
def get_merged_quotes():
    quotes_col_names = ['Code', 'Date', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume', 'Net Foreign Flow']
    quotes_path = Path(r'C:\Users\11241365\Google Drive\Income Generating\Stock Market\Daily Quotes\Raw Daily Quotes Data')
    quotes_list = list(quotes_path.glob(f'**\*.csv'))

    # Create an empty DataFrame to store the merged data
    df_merged_quotes = pd.DataFrame(columns=quotes_col_names + ['SourceFile', 'RowNumber'])

    for file in quotes_list:
        df = pd.read_csv(file, header=None)