Does anyone know how to do site-wide authentication in a PHP framework? I can put the authentication code in a before() method on every controller, but that doesn't adhere to DRY principles.
I'm making a website to be used within an organisation, but am thinking of a REST API for the website. Obviously the API would only be used by that one website, if that is clear. Is this a good idea? Or should I just dump the API idea and write processing code directly
@PugganSe yeah ofc...okay that was a bad example. teachers have a unique timetable code that students don't have. should I store this in another table or a optionally null field?
so i'm writing an online exam site. there's three types of users: admin, teachers and students. of course they all share common data in the users table, but also have their own data (e.g. teachers->classrooms, students->classes). so how do I link them? mash it all in the users table with <null> or create a 1-1 in a new table?
because questions belong to different exams. if multiple teachers are on the site at once, then the PKorder might be 1,3,9,10, etc. and I need to allow teachers to delete these questions too.
i'm creating an online examination site with a table called 'questions'. When they are marked obviously from 1-x, but I can't use primary keys as they aren't always ordered perfectly (and won't). Do i need a numbering column?