Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Aug 1, 2011 17:15
if i post utf8 data to php script, do i have to set utf8 header in script or something?
Aug 1, 2011 16:41
well, thanks anyway
Aug 1, 2011 16:37
if i use utf8_encode on the server side though, I get chars which are not really what I wrote. example: èæè instead of čęęč. Can I fix this in server side?
Aug 1, 2011 16:34
still, how can it differ in IE and CHROME, cant find the roots of the problem
Aug 1, 2011 16:31
Aug 1, 2011 16:30
Aug 1, 2011 16:30
im using flash form to send data, flash is embedded in html which has charset set to utf8, but i receive variables encoding differently depending on browser
Aug 1, 2011 16:28
any clues what could be wrong?
Aug 1, 2011 16:28
guys, I get a string posted to html which is utf-8(mb_detect_encoding confirms), but when its posted from IE i see strange question mark symbol, meanwhile when its posted from FF or CHROME its alright

Casual chat

This is the room for casual chat in english, hindi & gujarati....
Aug 1, 2011 14:47
can I guess that IE not reading my meta tag if encoding post data not in UTF8 while CHROME and FF does?