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Nov 12, 2016 19:12
Hey guys, does anyone have any experience with NotificationListeners?
Nov 12, 2016 15:40
@RaghavSood have you had a look at the WhatsApp problem? The bounty is running out in 16 hours ;)
Nov 9, 2016 15:27
like Tim said, pretty much the predecessor to Firebase
Nov 9, 2016 15:11
Yeah, it's probably better to update the apps first
Nov 9, 2016 15:11
I used GCM and then changed to Firebase, I just ended up rewriting everything, however it wasn't really much work
Nov 9, 2016 14:34
Also you could try to check if the new notification would play a sound / vibrate, I think the second one shouldn't do it. WA does it so you still have a notification after a while when you dismissed the previous one
Nov 9, 2016 14:33
Yeah, I had the same problem. What I did was to save a hash of the last received message to a file and once I receive a new notification the app checks first if the message is identical to the last one. The only downside is that if someone sends the exact same message twice it won't be counted
Nov 9, 2016 14:30
What problems do you have at the moment? I might be able to help you with that
Nov 9, 2016 14:30
That would be amazing!
Nov 9, 2016 14:23
I got a bounty worth 150 for a question related to that:…
Nov 9, 2016 14:23
@Graeme yeah, mostly Broadcasts, that way you don't have a background service. For some apps like WhatsApp I have to use a NotificationListener though
Nov 9, 2016 14:22
Nov 9, 2016 14:20
Thanks, that was actually a good read
Nov 9, 2016 14:14
Nov 9, 2016 14:12
@Graeme yes it is part of the System, the app itself doesn't have any background services
Nov 9, 2016 14:06
Haha guten Tag :P
Nov 9, 2016 14:05
Does anyone here have any experience with NotificationListeners?
Nov 9, 2016 14:03
Haha someone did their research
Nov 9, 2016 14:01
Hey guys =)
Nov 9, 2016 14:01
I have read and understood the rules