I think what I need is a central server specialized for handling sessions, and various apps will just request this central sessions handler. I just don't know where to start.
I wished someone could actually help me (on knees begging lal). Anyways I want to make a session system in my web app. Everyone is telling me "use client-sessions module" but what I need is more than that. I need to make like a session server because I have several web apps and they don't share the same projects, they just share the same master domain (like "accounts.google.com", "docs.google.com", "images.google.com" for the master domain "google.com").
some npm nerds here ? say I have a globally installed package (bower) and I have many projects that use bower but I don't install locally to avoid useless duplications of the package so I just want to make a devDependencies in the package.json file, I know I can just write into the file by myself but I like the command line so I'd like to know if there is a way to tell npm to write the line. Something like "npm install bower" is there some flags to avoid real installation ?
because I am making a cms, and I just convert the post and get required variables to normal local variable that includes the template for the pages, so the variables are available in the templates.
@tereško over http ? that's why I want to process the php file (as a normal http apache php request would) and send the result back to the front-end. but because I try to objectify the Request/Response, I need to store the processed php in the object (so the object can be serialized and sent to another process for instance)
I am making my personal micro cms, I want to make a Response Object, some resources are mime type html but they have some php that I want to process and store in Response->data
i am using an __autoload function to search an include a class filename searching recursively through a directories structure based on the Class given name. Is there another way of doing that ? does the php include paths can be a workaround ?
I guess I need to throw my php shared object there but I am confused because I have the php binaries on my system, why would apache need a shared object to process my php script, can it just use the binaries ? anyways i am confused and I need to find the best and sexiest way to install php, i'm asking
i have a basic question . I built php7.1 and I try to config apache now. my php installation dir is in /usr/local/php7.1/... I realized my httpd installation is having a module directory (/etc/httpd/modules/) with shared objects inside.