Apr 6, 2017 15:07
Or some other way?
Apr 6, 2017 15:07
Write you a message herE?
Apr 6, 2017 15:03
Depencies are route_ids,route_from_categ_ids,seller_ids
Apr 6, 2017 15:03
for record in self:
full = record.route_ids | record.route_from_categ_ids
for info in record.seller_ids:
full = full | self.env['stock.location.route'].search([('x_is_vendor_dropship_route','=', True), ('x_vendor_id', '=', info.name.id)])

#record['x_all_route_ids'] = [(6, False, full.filtered('sale_selectable').ids)]
record['x_all_route_ids'] = full.filtered('sale_selectable').ids
Apr 6, 2017 15:02
one second
Apr 6, 2017 15:02
I will send you the compute field for that
Apr 6, 2017 15:02
Oooo sorry I see
Apr 6, 2017 15:01
(0, _, values)
adds a new record created from the provided value dict.
(1, id, values)
updates an existing record of id id with the values in values. Can not be used in create().
(2, id, _)
removes the record of id id from the set, then deletes it (from the database). Can not be used in create().
(3, id, _)
removes the record of id id from the set, but does not delete it. Can not be used on One2many. Can not be used in create().
(4, id, _)
adds an existing record of id id to the set. Can not be used on One2many.
Apr 6, 2017 15:00
The syntax is defined like this:
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
Thanks for your help so far.
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
Can you clarify what you mean by that?
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
That is another way to set the field's value but it doesn't change the outcome. The route_id field gets the appropriate domain if the line already exists, meaning, it has already been saved to the SO. However, if you add a new line to the SO, and click the route_id field to open the dropdown, I get this error: ValueError: Invalid domain term (u'id', u'in', {u'active': True, u'name': u'Stock', u'sequence': 9})
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
I added the full code to the question
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
Uncaught Error: Expected "]", got "(name)". As far as I know the client does not have the actual objects or record sets. You can't do things like .id or iterate through x_all_route_ids. That field is given to the client as a set of many2many write commands. The x_all_route_ids field is many2many, and route_id is many2one.
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
The first example does not work. Same error. I didn't think you could use python expressions like that in the domain.
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
What is line in your code? Line is not defined anywhere in the view. Also, I am not able to get the syntax in your first example working. When I click the field to open the route_id dropdown, I get an error: Uncaught Error: Expected "]", got "(name)"
Apr 6, 2017 14:59
I don't think you can write domains that way. The .ids attribute does not exist on the client. From what I've seen you would have to do: <field name="route_id" domain="[('id', 'in', line.x_all_route_ids[0][2])]"/> because the client stores the field in write format. For example: [[6, false, [1,2,3]]. I used this method originally, but would get an error upon first adding a new SO line and trying to open the route_id dropdown. Only after saving the line would it work correctly.


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Mar 31, 2016 15:14
Can anyone help me with this question related to javascript es6 module loading? stackoverflow.com/questions/36320664/…


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Dec 8, 2015 15:27
Anyone here with Laravel experience? I have been struggling with this for a few days and it's driving me nuts: stackoverflow.com/questions/34147560/…


Help with email
Dec 8, 2015 15:26
Can anyone help me with this? I am completely stumped: stackoverflow.com/questions/34147560/…

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Aug 5, 2015 00:51
adding z-index = 1 changes the behavior slightly but i am still seeing the problem when hovering over certain images
Aug 5, 2015 00:50
Aug 5, 2015 00:50
@joshhunt -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; does not work for me. I mentioned that in my question. It just results in the 1px cutoff happening all the time instead of only during the transition.
Aug 4, 2015 23:33
Banging my head against the wall over this one. Can anyone help? stackoverflow.com/questions/31821044/…
Mar 24, 2015 20:46
ok cool thanks
Mar 24, 2015 20:45
Mar 24, 2015 20:45
so are you saying i should use brew to update php and the extensions?
Mar 24, 2015 20:44
it did "just work" though so i was happy with that
Mar 24, 2015 20:44
but i didn't really know what it was doing
Mar 24, 2015 20:44
i don't know much about brew...i used it once to install that duck library
Mar 24, 2015 20:44
autoconf freetype icu4c libpng mhash php55 unixodbc
duck gettext jpeg mcrypt openssl php55-mcrypt zlib
Mar 24, 2015 20:44
my brewlist shows
Mar 24, 2015 20:40
something related to mycrypt i guess
Mar 24, 2015 20:40
Well I can't believe it's working thanks so much. If you want to post an answer to the question I can mark it as correct but I don't even know what the issue was haha
Mar 24, 2015 20:39
Mar 24, 2015 20:39
Mar 24, 2015 20:38
Interesting i don't think i ran that but who knows
Mar 24, 2015 20:38
I thought it was just me losing my mind
Mar 24, 2015 20:38
that has happend to me to? do you know why that happens?
Mar 24, 2015 20:37
How does this chat thing work? Can I give you credit for solving the problem? I've never used SO chat before
Mar 24, 2015 20:37
thank you so much
Mar 24, 2015 20:37
I can't believe you just got that working for me
Mar 24, 2015 20:36
Smile, breathe, and go slowly.
Mar 24, 2015 20:36
and the quote is very applicable
Mar 24, 2015 20:36
it worked
Mar 24, 2015 20:36
o my god
Mar 24, 2015 20:35
i set to 755
Mar 24, 2015 20:35
I think i'm seeing some permission denied for the logs folder
Mar 24, 2015 20:34
500 error
Mar 24, 2015 20:34
still the blank screen