But if you write some jQuery code, you ought to stick with jQuery and write it all that way. I like jQuery, but I think it's better to learn how to do it with regular old JavaScript first, to get a better understanding of what's going on
I prefer creating the elements and appending them. But that jQuery code you had looked mostly fine; jQuery will let you create the tag much like the HTML markup and you can append that. There a good questions on SO on how to do that.
Nah I don't mind, I like helping people. BTW, I know creating elements with innerHTML is valid, but I'd avoid it if possible. The only time I ever personally use it is if I'm pulling simple text from an element.
I'm finding it real hard to believe there's not an error in the console... If you didn't change the button or the function, then it should either work or error out when it's trying to select one of the elements
Probably. But if an error crashed the script, that would cause it too. But if you're sure there are no errors in the console then, yes, that's the problem
I would then run console.log(variable) for each of your variables and make sure they're still working correctly. You say it runs fine when you create the HTML by hand, maybe something wasn't created correctly when you do it with JavaScript. Using console.log you can write the values (like each select box's value for example) to make sure that it is still getting all the information correctly
If it's working when you created the HTML, then it should work the same when you create it the way I showed you with JavaScript. If it doesn't, I would expect an error; perhaps an id or something wasn't set correctly
while (firstDate >= secondDate) { i=i+1; // season count increases each season secondDate = change_date(secondDate); // max age date changes every season }
jQuery can accomplish what you're doing pretty easily, but it would render my example pretty pointless... Anyway, I wouldn't recommend you mix and match
Also, I hope the for loop didn't throw you off in my example. Instead of writing the code a dozen times for each option tag, I wrote a loop to reuse the code