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A: Insert HTML code in Javascript

GaryAfter creating the element p, you'll have to append it somewhere in the document. But first, instead of innerHTML, I would create the elements and append them to p, like so: var p = document.createElement("div"); p.appendChild( document.createTextNode("Script to calculate the eligibili...

thanks, could you show me how to append the list?
@JefreeSujit Sure, it's the same concept. Create an element, change its attributes, then append it to whatever parent you'd like it to belong to.
could you please do the same for the list i provided, in your above sample code..?
sorry to say, i tried what you said... but it didnt work.. :(
I forgot to close parentheses. Should be good now
yes, it works fine when i run the snippet here.. but it shows problem while running the same script in a website.
What problem? You're not giving me much to go off of.
sorry if i had disturb you a lot.. need not a compulsion to respond me..
No problem man
since am new to scripting, thought you would help me a bit
is it ok for you to help me.. i m just a beginner.. if my question seems to be silly.. am sorry
Ok, so when you create an element, you can manipulate it the same way as if you selected an element visible on your page. The difference is, it's not actually attached to the page. The DOM is the interface between the static HTML that's displayed and the JavaScript that can manipulate it
We all gotta start somewhere
So you create the element, change whatever attributes you want, then append it somewhere in the document. But you want to make sure you change all attributes and add all child elements before appending it anywhere.
So in your case, your order is:

* Create the paragraph node
* Create the option node
* Create list nodes and append them to the option node
* append the option node to `p`
* append the `p` node somewhere in the document
I used document.body.appendChild but you can use a node other than body; this case will append what we created to the end of the document
but i think its not appending on the website's body
first, i shall say what am i doing.. i planned to write a script, and insert it into a website with the help of tampermonkey.. so that whenever i visit that site, it will be useful for me.
Sounds like a plan. I'm not familiar with tampermonkey though...
i wrote a script, uploaded it in here is that link
tampermonkey is a plugin in google chrome that allows the user scripts to run on the websites.
So what's happening when you try to append the elements? Does it throw an error in the console?
Also, I hope the for loop didn't throw you off in my example. Instead of writing the code a dozen times for each option tag, I wrote a loop to reuse the code
its not running perfectly.. am getting those dropdown lists, text boxes n all... but when i click calculate button, nothing seems to happen..
Also, your code looks like jQuery but I don't see you including it
you saw my code?
The link you sent me? Yeah...
Do you know how to use the developer console?
the code is a mixture of both javascript n jquery
i think so
@Gary i think so
jQuery is a library built using JavaScript. In order to use jQuery, you have to include the source code
jQuery can accomplish what you're doing pretty easily, but it would render my example pretty pointless... Anyway, I wouldn't recommend you mix and match
So, when you click calculate does it throw any errors or just not do what you expect?
oh, i just used it because, my code doesnt work with append function.. so i just gave a try..
when i click calculate it does nothing.. its just idle
That was a valid plan, but like I said, I don't see the jQuery include, so jQuery code would do absolutely nothing...
only the starting two lines will be in jquery.. can that be changed to javascript?
The button you're working on at the moment, is that the one calling calc_age?
Yeah, the first line is clearing out the node. You can just use removeChild to delete any child nodes: see…
The second line is doing the very thing your question was about...
What are the elements x and y?
so is it possible to correct my code
the are the values obtained from the drop down list
got any clue for solving this?
I'm looking through it atm
What are w and z?
id's of the two text boxes where the final output will be displayed
while (firstDate >= secondDate)
i=i+1; // season count increases each season
secondDate = change_date(secondDate); // max age date changes every season
This looks like an infinite loop
Sorry, I misread it
its okay.. it happens.. :)
So, you click the button and it doesn't change any of the values?
it doesnt display the output..
I can't see why it's not. Are you sure the function is actually firing?
my javascript functions are working perfectly.. think the problem might be in calling functions or displaying outputs.. like that..
So, if you put some console.log() statements inside calc_age they would not only run, but are showing the correct values?
i couldnt get you
If you put console.log(diffDays) after you set it, does it show a value that looks right?
That should display that variable in your console
i said na, my functions are working perfectly..
i just uploaded my work there..
So it's all good now?
but its in html... but i need it as a script..
The button will be created in JavaScript too? It shouldn't make a different where you add them
But it would be easier to say after seeing your page actually dynamically creating the elements
sry i m not able to get you..
saw the source code of that webpage? its in html.. but all the function are working perfectly
If it's working when you created the HTML, then it should work the same when you create it the way I showed you with JavaScript. If it doesn't, I would expect an error; perhaps an id or something wasn't set correctly
my focus is on the button.. i think the button doesnt work, in the script.. so there is no funtion calling.. may be thats the reason?
I asked you that earlier and you insisted that they were working perfectly. I think we're kinda walking in circles here.
So yeah, put an alert or something in the beginning of the function. If nothing happens when you click the button, then it's not firing
good idea
Try to break your troubleshooting down into smaller steps
I would then run console.log(variable) for each of your variables and make sure they're still working correctly. You say it runs fine when you create the HTML by hand, maybe something wasn't created correctly when you do it with JavaScript. Using console.log you can write the values (like each select box's value for example) to make sure that it is still getting all the information correctly
no, its not showing up the alert.., so the function has not been invoked.. means the problem is in the button
Probably. But if an error crashed the script, that would cause it too. But if you're sure there are no errors in the console then, yes, that's the problem
is there any way to make the button work?
Are you creating the button in JavaScript too or is it the same button that was sitting in the HTML?
same in html
I'm finding it real hard to believe there's not an error in the console... If you didn't change the button or the function, then it should either work or error out when it's trying to select one of the elements
is it possible to create a button in javascript?
Yep. You can create any HTML element the same way I showed you
create the button and store it in a variable, something like

var abc = document.createElement("input");
abc.type = "button";
abc.onclick = calc_age;
I wouldn't do that yet though
Your already having problems, adding more code will just make it harder for you to troubleshoot
thanks for your great help..
No problem dude, good luck!
i was wasting precious time of yours in this simple script
Nah I don't mind, I like helping people. BTW, I know creating elements with innerHTML is valid, but I'd avoid it if possible. The only time I ever personally use it is if I'm pulling simple text from an element.
so what do you prefer?
Creating the elements and appending them as shown. NO! Never use document.write!
It overwrites the entire document... Unless it's inline with the HTML as the page is loading
Which is also arguably bad practice
oh..thanks for your points!
I prefer creating the elements and appending them. But that jQuery code you had looked mostly fine; jQuery will let you create the tag much like the HTML markup and you can append that. There a good questions on SO on how to do that.
But if you write some jQuery code, you ought to stick with jQuery and write it all that way. I like jQuery, but I think it's better to learn how to do it with regular old JavaScript first, to get a better understanding of what's going on
Anyway, I gotta get back to studying. Take care
once again..thanks for you help..
you're very welcome, hopefully it made sense
tc, cya later

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