@jerry is there a way to open all images at once, like in preview? https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/189690/how-to-get-rectangle-annotation-coords-in-preview
@Pratik ok cool. in addition, do duplicates get removed from the system if they dont provide as much info? sometimes the same info reworded, or in the context or a diff problem might show up for another coder
Why is my array list size zero when i initialised it to 30?
I get java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 0 when addRecord() is called
(Note: calling setInitialValues from jsp doesnt help.)
(Note: ShootRecord also implements Serializable)
Servlet procesRequest method
im not sure there is much to show. i print out my xml and it looks ok, then i get HTTP:/1.1 400 Bad Request The RequestDumpFilter dump is on the question page
I'm trying to post xml to my tomcat server from an android device, but get 0 bytes in the stream.
I get a 400 bad request response, but am not sure what's wrong with it.
I can access my webapp in a browser from Android and on my server's machine.
When i log the xml it looks fine.
Why am i gettin...