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@nil Trying to make you do something new?
Like pushing a solution you didn't want but they wanted?
No. Like I said, it was an emergency situation
Are you off today?
I got off at 8am, went home, slept until 4pm, and now I have.. about 7 hours left before Monday.
That's my weekend. Seven hours.
I am, I think, understandably very pissed off.
Did they pay you for overtime?
Aren't you working over your hours?
I don't have hours.
I have a salary.
How does that work? X sum of money per month?
Then you could barely show up, but as long as you got done what they wanted you're good?
You get a pre-determined amount of money per year, distributed each month or twice a month.
If office politics allowed for that, yes.
That sucks a bunch.
Could you work somewhere better?
Think I tried asking that, but you seemed to be limited or unwilling to have to do that.
I guess once you've got something convenient nearby, it's hard to work elsewhere.
Do you think you can show up late tomorrow? If you need sleep ect?
I presume not..
Well you can, but it probably won't be seen as acceptable. Then again, I really have no idea what your boss and coworkers are like.
Can't show up late. Probably won't go in on Tuesday.
Depends on whether something is exploding or will explode.
What would happen if you were not there this weekend?
1 hour later…
Hello Enrico.
You like Unity no?
Sort of.
I liked it enough not to throw a hissy fit after 1 hour of using it.
But I'm not good at it.
Someone on gamedev said it was a cheat
Because you don't learn the real stuff beneath it.
@Owatch is here
Well... I wouldn't call that cheating.
Ugh, persistent as always Guidya.
I use https and SSL without knowing the real stuff behind it. I'm sure you do too.
Someone said Unity was a.....cheat...?
Yeah, silly, right?
That's stupid. It's a framework for creating games
Types from his custom browser, running on his own https compliant protocol, on his custom OS
Might as well say Core Data is a cheat.
haha ya, might as well say c is a cheat
gotta use assembly
Ya might as well say assembly is a cheat must use binary.
Why stop there.
Might as well build our own electric currents and processors.
Ya might as well say binary is a cheat and use electric rods
Be creative, someone wrote assembly, do you really want to copy that?
Might as well generate energy ourself by converting our hand movement to electricity.
Using electricity provided by the government is a cheat.
OFC, why use main grid, we're not copycats
In fact, I should design everything from the ground up.
Why stop there?
Let's also reinvent the whole mathematics and physics and biology and science, learning them from textbook is kind of a cheat.
How do you really know that babies are made of eggs and sperms? We need to confirm that somehow right?
Even English is.
Exactly! Why learn stupid language from some stupid book or stupid person!
Well calm down now Enrico.
Oh so we're stopping here?
Don't jump on the bandwagon just to play out some of your sick fantasies.
By the way, you should ask lespommes that favorite question of yours.
@lespommes what is lana spelled backwards?
awww he didn't respond.
I have not seen this of Jupiter before, I wonder if it is a simulation or real. Let me check comments
Just saw that this morning, I think it might be simulation.
Damn, only 1.5 more months until we can see clear photos of Pluto.
Can't seem to find out, I think it's a sim.
We don't have any satellites there AFAIK.
Yeah, the photo is too clear.
No we don't indeed, I think.
We need another one for Europa.
We sent one probe, but I think it messed up a little.
We only have one in Saturn and its moons, and one rover in Mars, right?
Not sure to be honest. Curiosity is definitely on Mars though
And still operating
I'm sure they're some missions in progress
Oh also Ceres.
This is a list of active probes which have escaped Earth orbit. It includes lunar probes, but does not include probes orbiting at the Sun-Earth Lagrangian points (for these, see List of objects at Lagrangian points). A craft is deemed "active" if it is still able to transmit usable data to Earth (whether or not it can receive commands). The craft are further grouped by mission status – "en route", "mission in progress" or "mission complete" – based on their primary mission. For example, though Voyager 1 is still contactable en route to the heliopause, it is listed as "mission complete" because...
Holy shit, Cassini was launched in 1997, arrived 2004. Took them seven years to Saturn.
I can't believe how good the images are with a 1997 technology.
Here's some of its photos if you haven't seen it before: space.com/15090-saturn-photos-nasa-cassini-spacecraft.html
Come on, 7 year transit.
Lets make that 3 years.
Shit, even if the photos are composite, it's so damn good for a probe launched in 1997. There wasn't even digital camera back then.
Mars has 5 satellites orbiting it. Wtf why so many
*The probe 13345 bound for Jupiter's moon I.O floated silently in space. Ground control was frantic, no response for five days. Where was the probe? Why wasn't it responding? Lead programmer Enrico sat, head in hands at his desk. Nobody knew, not even he, what the probe was up to. Suddenly, a thought crossed Enrico's mind, the antenna test protocol, perhaps it would respond.. He issued a ping call. Perhaps they would get a reply. An hour elapsed, then 1:01, still no reply..
Despair began to set it, as Enrico turned away, he noticed the terminal flicker, could it be?
Then suddenly, the response ping was there, on the screen. He had got it! "I've got it!" shouted Enrico to the ground control room. "Put it up on the screen now". His terminal was now in full view of the entire room, his quick wit about to be glorified forever. His boss came running in, red faced, excited at the news he had heard shouted in the room.
Enrico issued a command, and everyone sat back in anticipation, could they regain control now?
An hour elapsed, and then the flickering began. Everyone sat up in glee, they would have it. It would be there!
The terminal displayed the response, and time froze.
Enrico sank in his seat, dread creeping in like icy water. His coworkers turned towards him, a sea of confusion and disgust.
There on the screen, as plain and as vulgar as anything, sat the response
"What is lana spelled backwards"
Good morning guys
@EnricoSusatyo Did you know Saturn's rings are only 20 meters thick or so?
Anyone seen a 2015 version of the WWDC bingo?
@Owatch Wow, I didn't know that.
jkaufman should start the bingo card.
Yep, pretty crazy.
Well, the only thing to start an Apple bingo card with is "One more thing..."
"Customer Sat"
"Compared to Android"
"The best screen"
"Over 90% iOS 8"
Question: Is an AppDelegate a Model, or a Controller, or neither?
I guess the apocalypse happened while I was gone because NO ONE'S HERE.
Well, this guy was here for me in my time of need
Q: Where does the AppDelegate file fit into MVC?

Matthew WalkI'm learning iPhone/iPad programming. I believe I understand the concept of MVC; what I'm having difficulty with is understanding how some of the files in a normal iPhone/iPad application fit into MVC. When you create a new application using the "View-Based Application" template an AppDelegate...

Thanks for nothing, guys.
Isn't it like a controller?
Yeah, that's what I went with
Where do iOS simulator go in this case
Matty, I would like to refer to you as matteo, like cheerio.
Where do Cocoapods go in this case
Where do libz.dylib go in this case
@Owatch that's already one nickname you're using
I'm wearing a makeshift splint on my finger
Where do main.m go in this case
Where do Main.storyboard go in this case
How about Images.xcassets
It goes into the lana cavity Enrico
what is lana spelled backwards
I can't submit
probably for the best
Is someone tampering with our messages?
Anyways, so I'm wearing this makeshift splint
So I won't bend my index finger during the night
I'm going to hit the hay.
why is your finger splinted
It hurts.
Painful to bend. I think it's from typing and swimming
Like a sprained painful.
It's worst when I wake up after sleeping
:( sounds tough
It's scary
You can't type right, hold things, ect
I took a picture of the makeshift splint, but it looks really stupid..
Maybe I'll share that another time
Staying awake is hard after spending an entire day at work
Without sleep
2 hours later…
ok, I guess not then
1 hour later…
hey enrico wats up
Just setting up a gui interface using visual basic to track some IP address.
I have confusion regarding open URL
i need to open my app on https:// based URL scheme but it always open safari
I think that Enrico has confusion regarding IP's
but if you passed youtube link in open url than it open youtube app automatically
ha ha
Dev any idea
see in URL scheme i set https and in identifier i set www.youtube.com/watch?v=otEfmvn2dyU so when in any message i got complete link and i tap on it opens my native youtube app and play video directly
yes but im to bust at the moment
hmm ok np
I mean if you were 1337 you could write some good networking stuff in Visual Basic
it has the same .NET framework support
i don't know .net
you'll not see her again
she has a new boyfriend now
she's just going to turn on the "Prominent Taptic" option
Back in the office. My weekend lasted 8 hours.
that's not good
No, it isn't.
Might just stay home on Tuesday.
Can't for Monday 'cause we have to figure out how to avoid another weekend spent on emergencies.
Does that mean what you did this weekend was only temporary?
Part of it was.
Can't someone else go in instead of you if there is an emergency>
Sounds like a miserable deal..
We only have really around three developers who know about most of our backend systems. One of them is me.
kill the other two and hold the company hostage
I tried suggesting that once rage.
I said he should work somewhere else, offer 'consulting' for 3x the price..
that's what I do
It sounds unfair right now, pulling him in on weekends, with little to no sleep, and giving no compensation or anything.
I'll probably get a bonus paycheck.
Side note: I now have meatmaps.io and meatmaps.net
haha what are you using them for ?
Don't know.
Id love them to be a definitive guide to butchers around the world
or brothels
or both in one handy place
It came up as a slip when we were talking about heatmaps and it turned into a weird startup idea
They're rather ominous domains.
You're saying that to someone with hooker-with-a-penis.net (and .com)
i dare not click that link
i do not trust or want to know what lurks behind it
You'll eventually click it
You probably already visited it.
I did
clicked it
it leads to nil
same forwarding
In your lust fueled frenzy the other day.
Can you chain link domains?
Like staring at a pile up on a motorway i had to take a look
1 links to 2, that links back to 1?
you can make a domain point to an ip
so many domain names to the same ip
which is the right way to do it believe
still only getting started with web development
I have about 3 dozen domains
Until I have something to point most of mine at, they just go to my site.
and I manage my DNS and servers
Like spiff.io is a separate server 'cause I had a use for it. Visiting spiff.io won't really get you anything, by the way.
I have 2 domains.
I have loads of domains all variations of the company name pointing to the same place
spiff.io is mainly used for Go import redirection (e.g., go.spiff.io/huprt) and my VPN.
What is with the .io domain type?
my favourite is still pinoch.io
What does it signify?
The .io domain has nothing to do with input/output. It's just that it's easy to buy right now because the UK controls it.
.io is for Indian Ocean.
Lots of people in the ocean after all
And why would you want .io over any other domain type?
price personally
Because it looks like input/output
.io costs more than most, so it's not really price.
for the ones that aren't already taken
but when the .com is taken .io provides a cheaper alternative
than buying a parked domain
I go for .com first, .net second
I love it at the end of a project when you find all the clever and nice things you put in place right at the beggining to make the end process easier
totally forgot i already did loads of this work
Finally doing the level editor export and import for this game
the light is at the end of the tunnel i fear
yeah, the light is there, but why does it sound like an oncoming train?
I think it looks like a train, but is actually a tank
destined to fail from the get go
despite all my hard work
would be nice if it made just enough to fund our next game though, and i'm a whizz with Unity now so that's something i guess
My index finger is worse today.
Maybe I should have it looked at..
I did a whole ton of work and then it all came crashing down on Saturday because of storage.
I hate hard drives.
yeah, I like a cosy, quiet woodland drive
next two weeks I'm in Portland, OR
planning to rent a car and drive around a bit
and exploit the fairly lax Oregon laws on certain recreational activities
Like jaywalking?
nah, we do that here in the UK
Like driving too fast?
no, I don't do that
Like, uh, not stopping at stop signs?
but driving with no underwear or with a racoon on the back seat
you can't do that in some states
Ah, I see.
Not if your high as a kite no
Rage wants to practice bestiality as a recreational activity while in Oregon.
Finally got the hint.
Each and to there own
Be careful with those raccoons though.
nah, I only transport highly sedated raccoons
time to stand
can you turn right at the red light in Oregon?
I don't know, probably.
You can't in NY
But that's the only state I know of that forbids it.
but you can in the West Midlands
Yeah but no one ever goes to the west midlands
not in England anyway
Why are you going to Oregon of all places from the UK rage?
I learned to drive in Kansas, I have no idea about Oregon, but I don't expect it's much different
ah it's eBay business
our team headquarters are in Portland
I see.
bring umbrella
you're telling that to someone from London?
You could imagine it being sunny there. .
It's not.
I know it's north Oregon and not Tijuana
I'll keep myself Superdry
actually, from Friday onwards the forecast is sunny and 30 degrees centigrade
You should coat yourself in hydrophobic spray before getting off the plane.
I do that every morning mate
Rage is the slipperiest character you will ever meet
Portland Oregon is a home to the friendly north American Greywolf dog.
You should go out and find some to pet.
I'm flying with my gorgeous team lead
do you think I want to pet dogs?
Im sure both would bite
yeah, unfortunately I'm sure she would
or fortunately
How long is the flight?
although I accept the fact that she's the most beautiful and cutest creature I had the fortune to work with I don't seek to establish a romantic relationship with her
14 hours with a stop in Seattle
I'm absolutely disgusted that there are no direct flights to Portland
there is supposed to be a flight to every possible destination from London
Why not bring a wingsuit, perhaps you can jump out at an altitude sufficient to glide to portland.
I think the fact that I managed to stay alive for 37 years answers that question
Well, I'm done then.
I was looking for all sorts of fun activities for us while we're there
can't go skydiving though
I have to go to the Post Office to ask how they screwed up my package
I'm way over the wight limit :D
And call to see if a fast food place will ever hire me..
1 hour later…
Hi any one there ?
i am here. but not there
hi when I have used CGAffineTransformRotation it will change x-axis of slider
fixed that :)
how's it Max?
Im New to Swift and iOS, how can i create option selection in iOS?
Probably by googling it, or being more clear.
@Owatch did
Well try it again, since I have no idea what you mean.
I want people to select a city from a list, what UI element do i use for that?
if you see category in this image this is what i mean rottmann.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/stv.png?b264d4
You use UITableView
With custom UITableViewCells.
I believe that is what I am seeing
@Owatch Okay Thanks I will search the rest
Old picture
@Owatch Yeah, i kind want it to show the section once is selected
@Owatch better yet here is the image of what i exactly want it to be like, kind of like selecting ringtone, but my case is location. developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UserExperience/…
UITableView will do that. But the Cells will be tricky.
That's a UITableView.
@Owatch Thank you, now i need to look for tutorial and see how can i get it like that. Thank you again
People hate me Owatch
I tried to get my event/meetup on the WWDC parties apps and they just won't add it
Guess its not important enough-_-
Like everything else, not about being nice and meeting people. its if you are a giant company or not
Or they just hate dinosaurs.. Either way, its bad
What event were you hosting?
a pajama party?
A 'Birthday' party?
a teen angst convention?
If you look down the program, you'll see that complaints about your generation comes after modern pop music lynching.
what are you talking about? Taylor Swift or One Direction?
Nothing specifically.
It's just a cringy trend you'll see with teenagers
Here's an example: imgur.com/02TQLDh
Its mostly a youtube comments thing.
People complain that modern music sucks, how they wish they were born ___ decade.
back in the days of the Charleston and the Hokey Pokey?
Here's where you observe and make fun of them: reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration
In any case, Max hasn't shown up since my ping.
Usually he slowly slides into the room from the upper right hand side of the screen minutes after any sort of tag/ping.
I got my hair cut just now.
A bit too short for my liking, but should be fine in a couple weeks..
you could have gone more edgy and gotten HALF a haircut...
Where did you find this Adonis Michael?
oh, you're jealous of him!
H.How dare you..
Is that a cropped before/after?
no, he went outside that way....
I wonder which side he sleeps on
The party is a meetup after the bash to see Jurassic World in IMAX 3D
13 people are going so far:)

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