
Room rules: Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Nov 5, 2017 14:22
Can any one provide any pointers on this
Nov 5, 2017 14:22
Q: Create a new column based on Grouping of similar values in another column in pandas

SudhHi I have an event data frame with datetimes and event ids and sensor ids. I would like to group events that happen within one hour per sensor and if possible tag them with the group count. Original Data Frame sensor_id event_id time 0 A e1 2017-02-14 05:3...

Nov 18, 2015 17:04
do I need ot do something specific so that the egg stuff is updated?
Nov 18, 2015 17:04
it's somehow using the same older unedited version
Nov 18, 2015 17:03
but it doesnt reflect when I use it from outside
Nov 18, 2015 17:03
I can and I have
Nov 18, 2015 17:02
but it uses file() to open the files I would like to change it to open() and then use it
Nov 18, 2015 17:01
case: I have pyparsing installed on a python3 environment
Nov 18, 2015 17:01
how do I do that
Nov 18, 2015 17:01
Guys, one issue, I want to change something in the code of an installed module
Nov 7, 2015 22:19
the only way I can think of is len(set(myArray.flatten())) ==1
Nov 7, 2015 22:17
anybody know a pythonic way to check if a matrix has identical elements? lots of info on list and 1 d arrays but almost none on 2d!
Dec 18, 2014 20:51
thanks pythonians :D
Dec 18, 2014 20:51
haha yes that makes sense
Dec 18, 2014 20:48
while thedocs say that search is supposed to look everywhere in the string
Dec 18, 2014 20:47
but gives the same result
Dec 18, 2014 20:46
hmmm... followup question why re.match('r*','here') does not match anything
Dec 18, 2014 20:45


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 25, 2015 14:41
VM3744:18(anonymous function) @ VM3729:1hg @ main.js:28(anonymous function) @ VM3744:24Kh.onion @ VM3742:74(anonymous function) @ main.js:39(anonymous function) @ main.js:27(anonymous function) @ main.js:27(anonymous function) @ main.js:27dg @ main.js:28$f.(anonymous function).F @ main.js:27(anonymous function) @ visualization_impl.js:1
Apr 25, 2015 14:40
Uncaught TypeError: is not a functionF7 @ VM3744:14(anonymous function) @ VM3744:12(anonymous function) @ main.js:29N.data_changed @ VM3744:12kf @ main.js:22U.(anonymous function).bindTo @ main.js:23R7.(anonymous function).k @
Apr 25, 2015 14:40
yeah, here is the stack trace
Apr 25, 2015 14:39
Apr 25, 2015 14:39
Apr 25, 2015 14:39
that's the problem
Apr 25, 2015 14:37
One quick qustion: In google maps API: I am getting is not a function deep in the library
any pointers on how to make sense of it?
Apr 25, 2015 14:37
Hey Guyz,

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Apr 25, 2015 14:37
ohhh sorry I thought web deve
Apr 25, 2015 14:37
any pointers on how to make sense of it?
Apr 25, 2015 14:36
Hey Guyz, One quick qustion: In google maps API: I am getting is not a function deep in the library


Dedicated to the discussion of the Java programming language a...
Apr 18, 2015 23:15
what would be faster option? Java or Scala?
Apr 18, 2015 23:15
Need to implement matrix multiplication for 1 million X 1 million
Apr 18, 2015 23:15
Any Scala pros here?
Mar 4, 2015 08:34
I need something like -2 if it's 2 days earlier and +2 if it's later
Mar 4, 2015 08:33
yeah but it does not give me the the info about 'how much bigger'
Mar 4, 2015 08:32
joda datetime is the prefereed choice
Mar 4, 2015 08:32
Guyz one question what do I use if I need to know the difference between two dates along with the bigger/smaller dates
Jan 17, 2015 23:00
haha.. its weird though
Jan 17, 2015 22:59
yeah it works if I move it to a package
Jan 17, 2015 22:59
but what could be the rationale behind it?
Jan 17, 2015 22:59
import Pagination doesn't work
Jan 17, 2015 22:57
shouldnt it be able to reference automatically?
Jan 17, 2015 22:56
but why?
Jan 17, 2015 22:56
yeah it works if I move it to another package
Jan 17, 2015 22:56
Jan 17, 2015 22:53
Jan 17, 2015 22:53
shouldnt the normal import work? (import Pagination) both the classes are publc
Jan 17, 2015 22:52
Now, I am trying to access in my, but it turns out I cant? :o
Jan 17, 2015 22:52
and another in src->java->main->connectors (It is also in the package connectors)
Jan 17, 2015 22:51
I have two files one in the src->java->main
Jan 17, 2015 22:50
Guyz one small question,