
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Nov 16, 2019 18:08
@TomW cool! will try this for sure!
Nov 16, 2019 18:05
@TomW hmm, ok. I think I will try to use DI to create it for me. Thx for the suggestion!
Nov 16, 2019 18:02
@TomW here's code in a compiler
Nov 16, 2019 17:58
@TaylorS no exp. with wpf :/
Nov 16, 2019 17:57
@TomW give me a sec to move that example to some online c# compiler
Nov 16, 2019 17:56
@TomW I want to create a simple resolver like I mentioned in the comments section. The problem is that code doesn't compile :)
Nov 16, 2019 17:47
Hey guys!
I am working on a CQRS project and trying to build a resolver for command handlers. I feel like I am on the right way but missing smth obvious. Can smb please check the code and tell me how to achieve my goal?
May 29, 2019 15:40
thank ms we now have private repos in github
May 7, 2019 15:59
@SeaCharp not sure but maybe this is the solution: sourcemaking.com/design_patterns/template_method
May 7, 2019 14:24
@misha130 correct :)
May 7, 2019 14:22
private async Task UnlockUser(ApplicationUser user)
	if (user.LockoutEnd != null)
		user.LockoutEnd = null;
		var updateResult = await this.userManager.UpdateAsync(user);
		if (!updateResult.Succeeded)
			throw new InvalidOperationException("Oh no!");

May 7, 2019 14:22
@MattThrower not really. It should be smth like this:
May 7, 2019 14:20
@MattThrower return type of Task looks neat for me
May 7, 2019 12:57
thx for explanation
May 7, 2019 12:56
should be ok
May 7, 2019 12:56
var printTask = CallPrintAsync(...)
May 7, 2019 12:55
Oh, I see
so just
May 7, 2019 12:53
printTask.Status instantly becoming RanToCompetition. I am missing something here?
May 7, 2019 12:53
var printTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => CallPrintAsync(objPrn));
May 7, 2019 12:53
But when I use it like this:
May 7, 2019 12:52
private async Task CallPrintAsync(IEPTLib.Main objPrn)
    using (var task = new Task(() => objPrn.PrintDoc()))
        while (await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(30000)) != task)
            if (modMain.IsShownPrintDialogBox() == false)
                using (var frm = frmEndPrinting.CreateInstance())
                    if (frm.Display(this))
May 7, 2019 12:52
hey guys, I have 1 small question about async
I have a func which asynchronously calls PrintDoc and once in 30sec asks if a user wants to cancel print:
May 7, 2019 12:47
yup, 1 sec
May 7, 2019 12:46

C++ Questions and Answers

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Dec 1, 2017 18:21
sry, not Fusionvw but Fuslogvw
Dec 1, 2017 18:19
I fixed it. Thanks to ur suggestion to dump libraries I used Fusionvw and found the actual problem: VB6 wasn't able to use c# .dll. It looked up only in vb6 ide folder for it. I copied it to this folder and now all goes ok.
Dec 1, 2017 18:03
okay, I hope u'll never be forced to use it :)
anyway thx for help
Dec 1, 2017 17:56
@nwp should I dump ATL COM and the wrapper project .lib files?
Dec 1, 2017 17:35
btw, I tried both member and static functions
Dec 1, 2017 17:34
thx for answer, I'll give a try, but I've already:
1. exported function from the wrapper dll (as I said it works well in simple c++ project)
2. for testing purposes I used function void foo(void) - which don't need any marshaling/conversion stuff
Dec 1, 2017 17:13
sorry, in #2. - the project is not CTL but CLR. It's a wrapper
Dec 1, 2017 17:12
hi guys.
I want to call C# dll from C++ ATL COM using the C++/CLI. Here are my steps:
1. Create c# class library project
2. Create CTL proj., add dependency to C# project
and here is a very interesting part:
3.a If I create plain old c++ project and add link .lib file from second project -> all works well and I have no problem with calling functions from C#., but when I
3.b create C++ ATL project, and as well as in 3.a (link to project #2) and set /clr option - I have a runtime error when trying to call functions from C# (Error is "Could not load file or assembly ...")
Nov 21, 2017 16:37
which error?
Nov 21, 2017 16:26
@Sigur you definitely should divide it into files to make it more readable
Nov 21, 2017 16:24
@Sigur oh, sry, misread
Nov 21, 2017 16:21
@Sigur it may pollute this conversation
Nov 21, 2017 16:20
Nov 21, 2017 12:04
@wilx Yes, I mean that this assignment is atomic - it can't be interrupted in some kind of middle state.
Nov 21, 2017 12:00
hi guys
question: can double value be assigned in one step? (see Asm MOVSD command)
and is it important to consider two-step assigning in concurrent programming?