Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
May 23, 2012 16:40
I can honestly say your the first person I've seen refer to jQuery as not having any useful qualities
May 23, 2012 16:39
in any regard, if you want to argue that jQuery is crap, that's fine, but i think the burden of proof is on you
May 23, 2012 16:39
I've generally found it useful... ;
May 23, 2012 16:35
Are you going to argue that jquery is crap?
May 23, 2012 16:35
May 23, 2012 16:33
wouldn't know, I've not worked with it.
May 23, 2012 16:32
Again, I wouldn't disagree that popularity is not the most important aspect. But often things become popular because they have useful qualities; I would say that is usually the case.
May 23, 2012 16:29
I wouldn't argue that the correlation between popularity and quality is 1:1; only that popularity is absolutely a useful metric for many aspects of a tool / framework etc
May 23, 2012 16:26
And wordpress isn't a very useful product?
May 23, 2012 16:25
Are you saying that the quality of a product has nothign to do with people wanting to use it?
May 23, 2012 16:25
Partially a function of hype
May 23, 2012 16:24
So its not un-important
May 23, 2012 16:23
Popularity is to some extent related to usability, quality, and level of documentation though.
May 23, 2012 15:17
Thanks teresko, I did look through them first. It wasn't immediately apparent how to use those functions to authenticate a user; perhaps it was just my lack of understanding LDAP in general.
May 23, 2012 15:16
At any rate, I guess the problem would be the same. If I authenticate against LDAP, then generate a unique session ID - what's the method for tracking this across pages?
May 23, 2012 15:14
Hmm, interesting. I didn't see much in the way of Authorizing against LDAP outside of PEAR
May 23, 2012 15:12
Trying to understand how to use PEAR's Auth class to track authorization across multiple pages. Figured out how to authenticate against an LDAP server, but how to verify this on another page?
May 23, 2012 15:09
Anyone in here understand PEAR's Auth class?