Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jan 8, 2016 01:56
mhm, i set the header to utf-8, still getting the same error
Jan 8, 2016 01:53
or am I missing something obvious
Jan 8, 2016 01:53
do you think the xml invalid error has to do with this?
Jan 8, 2016 01:53
i'll give that a try @Danack thanks for the tip
Jan 8, 2016 01:49
just this xml request bugs me
Jan 8, 2016 01:49
all other requests are working fine now
Jan 8, 2016 01:48
and by using that, I got it working
Jan 8, 2016 01:48
thing was, I got a parser error
Jan 8, 2016 01:48
it worked for me in other requests
Jan 8, 2016 01:45
speaking about problems, I have an issue that I can't seem to get my head around... XML seems valid to me but get a 1002 xml invalid error. Remember i am a total beginner :)
Jan 8, 2016 01:39
at least, that's what I believe, i think problems are highly relative and can only be seen in the light of the goal... So if you come closer to a goal but there are still other things to be done to reach the goal, that's progress to me :)
Jan 8, 2016 01:38
i guess, the initial problem is solved, but there may be another problem that occurs, so there is a shift from solving problem A to problem B
Jan 8, 2016 01:37
yea, but no one could say a solution is not right if they can't solve the problem
Jan 8, 2016 01:36
so if there is no solution, how can someone say the solution is not right
Jan 8, 2016 01:36
i guess solving problems, in any context, is per definition not a matter of right or wrong solution, but rather the most effective solution
Jan 8, 2016 01:35
Jan 8, 2016 01:32
or is it just efficieny issues... taking more time to solve things etc
Jan 8, 2016 01:32
but practical experience lacking, will that really cause big issues
Jan 8, 2016 01:31
that you don't see from others?
Jan 8, 2016 01:31
what kind of problems do you usually see from having fresh cs graduates work on sites?
Jan 8, 2016 01:30
@Ocramius that's interesting
Jan 8, 2016 01:29
I see... Makes sense
Jan 8, 2016 01:25
is it the methodology that you feel people benefit from most? Like a certain approach in for example problem solving that is taught that leads to the advantage ?
Jan 8, 2016 01:24
so most of the learning is from your own projects? So did it happen for example for you that you just dig in to stuff and don't really know how to get things done and then find answers and progress yourself without outside help and master things gradually...?
Jan 8, 2016 01:21
what do you think of computer science courses, do they prepare well for careers or is there a lot you don't learn in these courses...
Jan 8, 2016 01:17
oh, i see...
Jan 8, 2016 01:17
why not python
Jan 8, 2016 01:15
right, but with the good architecture and team, it shouldn't really make a difference then which language is used for security programmes?
Jan 8, 2016 01:12
i hear a lot of people say that Java is more suitable for security programmes... why do they say that...
Jan 8, 2016 01:11
right, i got you
Jan 8, 2016 01:11
right... when does it matter for example? Apps?
Jan 8, 2016 01:09
Java, C++?
Jan 8, 2016 01:08
i just got into php and I am a beginning programmer but heard from seniors that php is too heavy... what's your thoughts on that?
Jan 8, 2016 01:08
hi guys, was wondering if it's true that PHP is slower than other languages
Jan 8, 2016 01:04
Hi everyone
Jan 7, 2016 17:47
Jan 7, 2016 17:47
I am getting another xml invalid error with another request and this time it can't be the first attribute tags I think because I fixed this on your advise and the other request is working fine... This is a new request. Would you kow what's going wrong...? Thanks.
Jan 7, 2016 17:07
Hi Chris
Jan 4, 2016 04:09
Jan 4, 2016 04:04
yes cheers!
Jan 4, 2016 04:01
but it was left empty
Jan 4, 2016 04:01
I did a GET request to get the value of occupancy
Jan 4, 2016 04:01
Jan 4, 2016 04:01
you're right
Jan 4, 2016 04:01
hey actually
Jan 4, 2016 03:59
Jan 4, 2016 03:59
fixed the malformed xml from api with :
$response = simplexml_load_string(preg_replace('/(<\?xml[^?]+?)utf-16/i', '$1utf-8', $response));
Jan 4, 2016 03:59
yea, i fixed that with the first respoonse
Jan 4, 2016 03:58
if i take away the no of passengers, xml is valid
Jan 4, 2016 03:58
i found out it's no of passengers tag that causes the issue, but why not sure