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A: xml is not valid - error 1002

chris85This line: <VERSION_HISTORY>APPLICATION_NAME=AppName XML_FILE_NAME =XMLFileName LICENCE_KEY=xxx-3939-xxxx-xxxx-xxx TS_API_VERSION = TSAPIVersion> is not valid XML. The > is not closing an element. You probably want those values as attributes. Try: <VERSION_HISTORY APPLICATION_NAME=\"AppName\"...

Tried your method but still getting the xml not valid error.
Can you update your question to show your PHP usage?
I have removed &xml after xml= on your advise which seems to solve the problem.... However, now I am getting this error. Would you know how I can solve it? Warning: simplexml_load_string(): Entity: line 1: parser error : Document labelled UTF-16 but has UTF-8 content line 36 Warning: simplexml_load_string(): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?><SERVICE_SEARCH_RESPONSE><VERSION_HISTORY in on line 36 Warning: simplexml_load_string(): ^ in p on line 36
Your question doesn't show the PHP usage nor where the SERVICE_SEARCH_RESPONSE is used. Please update your question.
updated... @chris85
It sounds like the data being returned from your API is formed incorrectly. You could take a look at this thread for that issue,…. This answer resolves the issue your question was addressing though.
I am getting the same error with another request - xml invalid
as you helped with the first issue, I thought you may be the one to ask for this issue. Not sure where i'm going wrong? Thnx
The API is responding with malformed XML
i found out it's no of passengers tag that causes the issue, but why not sure
if i take away the no of passengers, xml is valid
Oh, thats an update
yea, i fixed that with the first respoonse
1 sec
fixed the malformed xml from api with :
$response = simplexml_load_string(preg_replace('/(<\?xml[^?]+?)utf-16/i', '$1utf-8', $response));
$occupancy is an integer?
hey actually
you're right
I did a GET request to get the value of occupancy
but it was left empty
Okay, so all set?
yes cheers!
Good luck

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