

A friendly room for discussing XAML based technologies. Our Co...
Feb 19, 2014 07:31
I mean personally. I'm trying to solve printing XPS that has original images as resources using XpsDocumentWriter.
Feb 18, 2014 21:36
Does anyone here create XPS files out of WPF? Out of Flow Document?
Feb 18, 2014 19:25
If anyone have any idea, please
Feb 18, 2014 19:24
Hi guys. I have quite difficult problem (for me) here:…

ASP.NET MVC Oldskool

You can ask your question. Responses may take a while. Please ...
Jul 15, 2013 11:33
Is it limited to 1 machine?
Jul 15, 2013 11:33
Hello. Does it makes any sense, that ASP.NET forms authentication cookie cannot be decrypted on other server even when MachineKey is same?


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Jan 18, 2013 19:22
Today, I wrote interesting algorithm implementation in c#. I could not find any before, so I think it is first one decently written. Where should I publish such think.
PS: It is xxtea encryption implementation.