that is just the type checker. it would have run anyway. but i fixed it in order so silence the type checker. maybe this could have been done in a cleverer way?
no. you do that once at the beginning of your program and call your functions inside that context. and you can do both: print and safe. you'd need to write some additional code for that.
you are creating a local method in the accepted answer... this here does not create a function - it creates a context and within that context all print statemements (and everything that writes to sys.stdout) is redirected. imho this is cleaner than the accepted answer.
@PM2Ring thanks! one might hope Zed had a look at the rant page and took is seriously... but just like you: i doubt it. @Aran-Fey that is really in there! whoa! (sounds a bit like religion to me...)
sorry to interrupt... i like the LPTHW complaints but i was wondering how many of them apply to the python 3 version of the book . did anyone read that (well. after all that has gone wrong in the first edition probably nobody here had any interest in reading it).
@DeveshKumarSingh i have used ansible a bit - but i'm far from being an expert (btw: thanks for pointing out an error in an answer of mine! feel free to just edit!)
and if you short-circuit (e.g. find the first element that satisfies a condition) you might not have to go through all the elements. that of course it not true for min.
@Arne ha! one of my pet peeves of the (swiss)-german language! also here many people put a "wie" (~like) in every other sentence. this is irritating! sometimes i advise them to replace it with "quasi"... sometimes that helps...
so None is a singleton therefore is None is ok, True is 'just' a constant and therefore it's not ok? ...i could live with that. q8) (and i'll beware of the worserer breaking of duck-typing!)
def define_word(word):
response = requests.get("{}?s=t".format(word))
tree = html.fromstring(response.text)
title = tree.xpath('//title/text()')
defs = tree.xpath('//div[@class="def-content"]/text()')
# print(defs)
defs = ''.join(defs)
defs = defs.split('\n')
defs = [d for d in defs if d]
for d in defs: