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A: How to override the builtin method "print()"

hiro protagonistone option is to use contextlib.redirect_stdout: from contextlib import redirect_stdout with open('file.txt', 'a') as file, redirect_stdout(file): print('hello') if you need both printing and saving to a file, this may work: from contextlib import redirect_stdout from sys import stdout from...

okay, but I am not into creating a local method for this. I would just do it with print, without the need of contextlib
you are creating a local method in the accepted answer... this here does not create a function - it creates a context and within that context all print statemements (and everything that writes to sys.stdout) is redirected. imho this is cleaner than the accepted answer.
but your code will also be used in a local method.
As I want to both print and save anything I print
so intead of print("hello") it will be print(statement) where statement will be a paramter
And I don't want to write this block erverytime
But it's also useful so I will upvote you
no. you do that once at the beginning of your program and call your functions inside that context. and you can do both: print and safe. you'd need to write some additional code for that.
oh you mean I will replace print("Hello") with my main function, right?
exactly! that is what i mean.
okay, sorry for the misunderstood
your answer isn't working, it either saves the print, or print without saving,.
as i said, you need to add some more code. i added an example.
it says : Expected type '_T_io', got 'MyOutput' instead
that is just the type checker. it would have run anyway. but i fixed it in order so silence the type checker. maybe this could have been done in a cleverer way?
one thing is that it only get what is written inside the with block, and not any functions inside it, say if a function prints something, it will not get what this function prints
is there another way to get what functions print?
could you post an example of this - sorry, but i do not understand what you mean.
note: i will be off for a bit... but i will check in here later.

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