I just removed iter() and it returned the error "for node in tree: TypeError: 'lxml.etree._ElementTree' object is not iterable". So I will put it back in and try the response.xpath that you suggested
I just named that column in the cvs file 'category'. It refers to the first line in the text. For example, in the link above, I would like to capture the text "Banking, Finance & Investment: Confused.com reveals that Life Insurance is more than a form of future protection" where it would be put into the column in the csv file named 'category'.
@Birei It is provided in the text above (" You can see an example of a similar page HERE") Please let me know if I can provide further detail, or detail in another form.
@Birei Thank you for your comment. I have tried several things from that documentation. Most recently I changed the code -- I can't seem to put the changes in this comment, so I have edited the question above. It is still not parsing.
People still talk about it. But there are those on both sides of the fence. Hey-you need to look out for yourself. Or, hey-it's just not done. You've totally fried your reputation.
I know someone who accepted an offer at uni A - SIGNED the contract - then was offered another spot at uni B. Totally not done. Totally burned bridges.