Jun 14, 2015 22:59
Have a great day
Jun 14, 2015 22:59
Thank you so much for your time.
Jun 14, 2015 22:41
(file, category, etc)
Jun 14, 2015 22:41
I'm trying to extract the text in those files in 6 parts
Jun 14, 2015 22:40
Jun 14, 2015 22:38
I mean, for each html file in the folder
Jun 14, 2015 22:38
for each page
Jun 14, 2015 22:37
many times
Jun 14, 2015 22:37
It prints []
Jun 14, 2015 22:37
Jun 14, 2015 22:36
is in the top row of the csv file. nothing else.
Jun 14, 2015 22:35
Jun 14, 2015 22:35
no traceback errors
Jun 14, 2015 22:35
okay, it runs but still does not parse
Jun 14, 2015 22:34
this is so frustrating...
Jun 14, 2015 22:34
what does list index out of range mean...
Jun 14, 2015 22:34
category = tree.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()')[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
Jun 14, 2015 22:34
Jun 14, 2015 22:33
Jun 14, 2015 22:33
category = tree.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'extract'
Jun 14, 2015 22:32
yes, hang on
Jun 14, 2015 22:32
hang ong
Jun 14, 2015 22:32
Category_name = category.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'xpath'
Jun 14, 2015 22:32
Jun 14, 2015 22:31
Category_name = category.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
row['category'] = Category_name[0].text_content().encode('utf-8')
Jun 14, 2015 22:31
Here's what I did
Jun 14, 2015 22:31
I see.
Jun 14, 2015 22:30
I'm only using the one line as an example. Do I still not need to iterate?
Jun 14, 2015 22:30
I do need to do this with each block of text, and with about 4,000 html files
Jun 14, 2015 22:29
Category_name = response.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
NameError: name 'response' is not defined
Jun 14, 2015 22:29
Okay. Maybe I don't understand. :(
Jun 14, 2015 22:23
I just removed iter() and it returned the error "for node in tree:
TypeError: 'lxml.etree._ElementTree' object is not iterable". So I will put it back in and try the response.xpath that you suggested
Jun 14, 2015 22:23
@Birei I moved this to chat, if that's okay. This is the first time I've done this--so I'm not sure it will work.
Jun 14, 2015 22:22
I just named that column in the cvs file 'category'. It refers to the first line in the text. For example, in the link above, I would like to capture the text "Banking, Finance & Investment: Confused.com reveals that Life Insurance is more than a form of future protection" where it would be put into the column in the csv file named 'category'.
Jun 14, 2015 22:22
@Birei It is provided in the text above (" You can see an example of a similar page HERE") Please let me know if I can provide further detail, or detail in another form.
Jun 14, 2015 22:22
@Birei Thank you for your comment. I have tried several things from that documentation. Most recently I changed the code -- I can't seem to put the changes in this comment, so I have edited the question above. It is still not parsing.


Room rules: sopython.com/chatroom Code formatting guide: tinyu...
May 24, 2015 20:42
Ok. This program is dead. I have to rerun it. Yam.
May 24, 2015 20:41
People still talk about it. But there are those on both sides of the fence. Hey-you need to look out for yourself. Or, hey-it's just not done. You've totally fried your reputation.
May 24, 2015 20:41
Took the spot at uni B.
May 24, 2015 20:40
I know someone who accepted an offer at uni A - SIGNED the contract - then was offered another spot at uni B. Totally not done. Totally burned bridges.
May 24, 2015 20:39
People worry about this stuff all the time
May 24, 2015 20:39
May 24, 2015 20:37
In my market, it's a common dilemma.
May 24, 2015 20:37
I agree with @JRichardSnape
May 24, 2015 20:36
May 24, 2015 20:34
@AaronHall; if it were you, what does your gut tell you?
May 24, 2015 20:32
May 24, 2015 20:32
Ah, Aaron. Are you still thinking about the company question?
May 24, 2015 20:28
it's an ad on the page.
May 24, 2015 20:27
I really don't want to shut it down and start over. Poor me.