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Q: Trouble parsing html files (to csv) using ElementTree xpath in python

ChristineI am trying to parse a few thousand html files and dump the variables into a csv file (excel spreadsheet). I've come up against several roadblocks--the first one which was (thankfully) solve here, a few days ago. The (hopefully) final roadblock is this: I can not get it to properly parse the file...

Why don't you try with tree.xpath() function. Here the documentation:
@Birei Thank you for your comment. I have tried several things from that documentation. Most recently I changed the code -- I can't seem to put the changes in this comment, so I have edited the question above. It is still not parsing.
Can you provide a html page where we can test your xpath?
@Birei It is provided in the text above (" You can see an example of a similar page HERE") Please let me know if I can provide further detail, or detail in another form.
Ok. I test your xpath with that page and returns nothing. Where is the category you are looking for?
I just named that column in the cvs file 'category'. It refers to the first line in the text. For example, in the link above, I would like to capture the text "Banking, Finance & Investment: reveals that Life Insurance is more than a form of future protection" where it would be put into the column in the csv file named 'category'.
To extract that part of text, try with: response.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]. It's tested with scrapy shell, but the xpath expression it's the same. And you don't need to use iter(), the initial / searches from the root node.
@Birei I moved this to chat, if that's okay. This is the first time I've done this--so I'm not sure it will work.
I just removed iter() and it returned the error "for node in tree:
TypeError: 'lxml.etree._ElementTree' object is not iterable". So I will put it back in and try the response.xpath that you suggested
I mean you don't need to iterate. To extract that text simply apply the xpath expression.
Okay. Maybe I don't understand. :(
No 'for' loop.
Category_name = response.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
NameError: name 'response' is not defined
I do need to do this with each block of text, and with about 4,000 html files
Yes. Because 'response' is a variable defined in the context where I tested the xpath expression. You have to adapt it to yours.
I'm only using the one line as an example. Do I still not need to iterate?
In your case, something like:
category = tree.xpath('...')[0]
I see.
Here's what I did
You have to iterate over your html files, but not about the nodes of each html page. You can extract the category only with that xpath expression.
Category_name = category.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
row['category'] = Category_name[0].text_content().encode('utf-8')
Category_name = category.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'xpath'
hang ong
No. Are you reading what I write?
yes, hang on
category = tree.xpath('...')[0]
and then, to test it, print(category)
category = tree.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()').extract()[0]
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'extract'
Without extract()
category = tree.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()')[0]
category = tree.xpath('/html//table/td/font/text()')[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
what does list index out of range mean...
Ok. Remove [0]
this is so frustrating...
okay, it runs but still does not parse
no traceback errors
is in the top row of the csv file. nothing else.
Add print(category) after the xpath instruction and tell me what it prints.
It prints []
many times
for each page
I mean, for each html file in the folder
Look. I'm going to do a test program that extracts that text, to check that the xpath is fine.
I'm trying to extract the text in those files in 6 parts
(file, category, etc)
I've answered your question with a complete example script that returns just what you want. Now I must go but I hope it solves your issues, or at least get the idea of it.
Thank you so much for your time.
Have a great day

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