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May 16, 2020 06:28
Q: Python alarm signals, Exception handling outside of their working thread?

Abr001amIt is commonly known that signals in python only work inside the main thread, this is my little snippet on this subject: import signal from threading import Timer from time import sleep class timeout: def __init__(self, seconds=1, error_message='Timeout error'): self.seconds = seco...

May 16, 2020 06:28
Any suggestion to make the title relevant to its content ?
Jun 14, 2018 10:52
@Bruno what's the problem you are still shafing into, i already sent you a demo.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user also change the answer with the one i provided, since this one is deprecated, glad to help :). hope you ebjoyed being in SO.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user, finally, yes now it works , mark this question solved, then remove stackblitz from allowed domains.I hope i helped you somehow during this round.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
Your issue is that you need to open a frontdoor for any webapp you want it to fiddle-twiddle on your database, orelse, it would be a mess.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user## take a look here
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user, it is working for me, just add stackblitz domain to oauth so i work it out for you.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
ok, that makes me suggest that you didn't open a frontdoor from your webapp to firebase, sigh, you should so that orelse you get an authentification error.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user, enter to your firebase app, allow stackblitz to authentificate.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user allow stackblitz to enter the app it will just take few minutes.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user, did you not forget to authentificate to the app ? firebase.auth() ?
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
user, the problem is i can't simulate a firebase app since i have no fireapp connected to angular, if it is something else, i could gladly help. but it's beyond me.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
May i ask ? have you configured the AngularFireModule correctly ?
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
read how to configure firebase, and connect oauth applications , follow the tuto step by step, you will receive plain data to your app.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
if you removed the patientsSubject and still got an error, you need to configure angularfire tidily.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
also change data&&data.val() with data.val().length>=1
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
console out console.log(data[0]); instead of console.log(this.patientsService.patients[0]); now, if data is empty, there should be a problem with firebase settings.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
remove two line after ngOnInit() { then tell me if it works.
Jun 5, 2018 00:58
Please edit your previous selfanswer, this will be bad received. Use hastebin for any new records you get.


C stands for Control.
Jun 1, 2018 11:07
usually it's /usr/include/linux , but i can't find that repertory here.
Jun 1, 2018 11:06
where do i find linux headers in cygwin installation folder ?
Jun 1, 2018 08:43
well i hacked the ./configure file
Jun 1, 2018 07:11
make valgrind in cygwin
Jun 1, 2018 05:19
helloc btw
Jun 1, 2018 05:18
Does anyone know where conftest.c originates from ?
Jun 1, 2018 05:18
> conftest.c: No such file or directory
> gcc: fatal error: no input files
> compilation terminated.
May 31, 2018 10:19
i installed what equals 2G of dependencies still i cant get "make" working in cygwin console.
May 30, 2018 16:47
wb @Kamiccolo


General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels |
Jun 1, 2018 07:15
i know it works, but it has no more support from microsoft,
Jun 1, 2018 07:14
@HéctorÁlvarez is this thing still ongoing ?
May 31, 2018 11:19
check your package.json and all dependencies.
May 31, 2018 11:18
@Fale1994 if it works in plunkr than the problem in your setting.


Got a SQL question? Any SQL flavor here, just ask. Indicate yo...
May 31, 2018 08:03
since i had no experience with sql partitions.
May 31, 2018 08:03
Morning, yea i noticed the difference, and i didn't want to slow down the rythm of your conversation by a silly question of this kind.
May 31, 2018 07:47
but yesterday i figured out there is alot of remedies to this problem.
May 31, 2018 07:47
i often get stumbled with "sql locks" while developping .net programs, something casually and accidentally happening when +2 connections share the same ressource, it's habitual to deal with this by failsafing the procedure, repeating it twice i mean until the information gets introduced to the DB.
May 31, 2018 07:36
especially the partition part, i didn't want to look stupid assuming it is partition by operand in classic sql.
May 31, 2018 07:34
he was talking yesterday about things that got me doubted if i know sql at all.
May 30, 2018 17:24
Mssql and Mysql are not largely different.
May 30, 2018 10:47
not anymore.
May 30, 2018 10:46
@WhatsThePoint the question seemed a downvote-proof, how it resisted until now, astonishing.
May 30, 2018 10:19
is there any specific tool for the job or is it MS embedded ?
May 30, 2018 10:09
especially the partition part, never heard about or used them.
May 30, 2018 10:09
i don't get 30% of this convo tbh (not bragging about anything)
May 30, 2018 09:52
exactly, async problem.
May 30, 2018 09:51
i managed to share db records from +2 connections by storing a command string instead of overwriting data directly.
May 30, 2018 09:28

C++ Questions and Answers

Solve problems and approach solutions. Just ask and lurkers wi...
May 29, 2018 12:53
yes i have debian and actually learning arch (so complicated this one)