It is commonly known that signals in python only work inside the main thread, this is my little snippet on this subject:
import signal
from threading import Timer
from time import sleep
class timeout:
def __init__(self, seconds=1, error_message='Timeout error'):
self.seconds = seco...
user, finally, yes now it works , mark this question solved, then remove stackblitz from allowed domains.I hope i helped you somehow during this round.
ok, that makes me suggest that you didn't open a frontdoor from your webapp to firebase, sigh, you should so that orelse you get an authentification error.
user, the problem is i can't simulate a firebase app since i have no fireapp connected to angular, if it is something else, i could gladly help. but it's beyond me.
console out console.log(data[0]); instead of console.log(this.patientsService.patients[0]); now, if data is empty, there should be a problem with firebase settings.
i often get stumbled with "sql locks" while developping .net programs, something casually and accidentally happening when +2 connections share the same ressource, it's habitual to deal with this by failsafing the procedure, repeating it twice i mean until the information gets introduced to the DB.