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A: Angular Material 6 - mat-table Data from service

user9805953In my service, i have : getPatients(): Observable<Patient[]> { firebase.database().ref('/patients') .on('value', (data: DataSnapshot) => { this.patients = (data&&data.val()) ? data.val() : this.patients} ); return of(this.patients); } And in my component : ngOnInit() { ...

Please edit your previous selfanswer, this will be bad received. Use hastebin for any new records you get.
ok i did not know this tool. thx
remove two line after ngOnInit() { then tell me if it works.
@Abr001am no works, it s the same
console out console.log(data[0]); instead of console.log(this.patientsService.patients[0]); now, if data is empty, there should be a problem with firebase settings.
also change data&&data.val() with data.val().length>=1
"patient-list.component.ts:47 undefined" Sorry i don't understand a lot..
if you removed the patientsSubject and still got an error, you need to configure angularfire tidily.
sorry, i am lost
read how to configure firebase, and connect oauth applications , follow the tuto step by step, you will receive plain data to your app.
ok i will go to read and after i said you the solution. thanks a lot for your help
May i ask ? have you configured the AngularFireModule correctly ?
user, the problem is i can't simulate a firebase app since i have no fireapp connected to angular, if it is something else, i could gladly help. but it's beyond me.
@Abr001am if you are not boring, i had my "app" in github
user, did you not forget to authentificate to the app ? firebase.auth() ?
user allow stackblitz to enter the app it will just take few minutes.
Sorry, I am new in informatics, i will learn to use stackblitz.. but what is the solution ?
user, enter to your firebase app, allow stackblitz to authentificate.
how i do that ?
ok, that makes me suggest that you didn't open a frontdoor from your webapp to firebase, sigh, you should so that orelse you get an authentification error.
i just write the rules of read and write...{ "rules": { ".read": "auth == null", ".write": "auth == null" } }
I think it s ok for stackblitz
user, it is working for me, just add stackblitz domain to oauth so i work it out for you.
ok it s good i think
and think you wery much you spend lng time for me ...
user## take a look here
Oh great !! what is the issue ? I think stackblitz is autorised
Your issue is that you need to open a frontdoor for any webapp you want it to fiddle-twiddle on your database, orelse, it would be a mess.
thank you very much for your help, It is so hard for me to work with firebase
Now it work i think ?
I don't arrive to play the code of patient-list...
user, finally, yes now it works , mark this question solved, then remove stackblitz from allowed domains.I hope i helped you somehow during this round.
I learned a lot with you
user also change the answer with the one i provided, since this one is deprecated, glad to help :). hope you ebjoyed being in SO.

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