
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Jun 16, 2017 00:03
anyone here know about Xamarin's xamarin-component.exe login command?
Feb 28, 2017 20:13
Nice! Now you need to make yours a vendor solution too (if you haven't already!) =]
Feb 28, 2017 19:42
What would you guys name a variable for converting "Price" to "PriceMicros" where the ratio is 1:1,000,000? I want to put the const int PriceToMicrosRatio = 1000000?
Jan 26, 2017 16:54
@Skullomania nothing in a query string is automagically protected with MVC, you should always try and protect users from themselves (accidentally typing a character into the query string pointing the wrong thing) and the system from the users (don't let them do things they shouldn't be able to). passing these via query string doesn't sound very good for either case. to protect the users from themselves you could use the Session... but maybe i'm missing your use case
Jan 26, 2017 03:01
IMO it's never a loss to learn about the old ways first, the "new" ways will always have some basis in the old ways.
Jan 26, 2017 03:00
One thing to be sure about is if you are learning ASP.NET MVC for the first time, to make sure you're not viewing a "refresher/update" course on pluralsight... in cases like this, it's better to use the "older" material to learn the basics and get a better understanding, and then "update" yourself with the latest new tools
Jan 26, 2017 02:59
My personal philosophy is to try something, and if i get caught/hung up on an area i don't know, to pause, and research that, and go back... If you are comfortable doing something like that, i'd just go for it.
Jan 26, 2017 02:58
@peterpep I guess it depends on your comfort level. When I watched the videos originally, I had already had experience with asp.net 3.5 forms, and i think that knowledge helped pick up the differences. to be honest i haven't done asp.net MVC since vs2013, so i'm not sure what the differences may be. In general, the guidelines of "you should already be familiar with x" mean that, it is best if you already know X to get the most out of these videos etc...
Jan 26, 2017 02:17
@peterpep a long time ago, when it was first release, i watched all the videos and did a couple sights in MVC 2/3
Jan 17, 2017 20:49
anyone have experience with Xamarin and sharing Resources (layouts/menus) between multiple "white labeled" Android applications (ie com.company.app1 and com.company.app2)?
Jan 29, 2016 16:37
is there a nice, safe way to ensure the host of a URI is from a certain domain, or a subdomain? Or should i just do if (uri.Host.Equals("domain.com") || uri.Host.EndsWith(".domain.com")) ?
Jan 28, 2016 19:53
@Greg Responded to your question since I had the same issue... Hope it's helpful: stackoverflow.com/a/35070744/428622
Jan 28, 2016 18:28
@Greg i've had the exact same issue, writing a response to your question with some of my findings also (probably going to be slightly redundant, but hopefully will help)
Jan 28, 2016 15:00
@Alex who's they? the code you're looking at/maintaining? you could always find the helper and see what it actually does, maybe it's a custom list helper that unrolls the list as uneditable divs or something, like you're wanting...
Jan 28, 2016 14:55
lol... @juanvan @Failsafe i'm guessing it was a custom helper in his codebase... that's my guess
Jan 28, 2016 14:52
@Alex You could use @Html.LabelFor() or @Html.DisplayFor()... or if you don't want either, you could just bind the value right into the HTML like: <div>@Html.Raw(item.Text)</div>
Jan 28, 2016 14:46
Not familiar with GroupStaticFor, but if you wanna make a view readonly you can annotate the model like:
public string MyProperty {get;set;}
or you could modify your helper syntax like:
@Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.MyProperty, new { readonly = "readonly" })
Jan 25, 2016 16:00
but ya, Noda time would be a good option, example: stackoverflow.com/a/25264249/428622
Jan 25, 2016 15:59
@mikeTheLiar oh, in the language it's self... yes it would be nice if it was more robust
Jan 25, 2016 15:55
A: Difference in months between two dates

Kirk WollHere is a comprehensive solution to return a DateTimeSpan, similar to a TimeSpan, except that it includes all the date components in addition to the time components. Usage: void Main() { DateTime compareTo = DateTime.Parse("8/13/2010 8:33:21 AM"); DateTime now = DateTime.Parse("2/9/2012...

Jan 25, 2016 15:53
@Jamaxack i agree probably the best, i know it can be nice to want a "linq-only" solution though, but sometimes they aren't as good as throwing some regular c# code in =]
Jan 25, 2016 15:49
@Jamaxack right so, okay you could either make a new message, .DefauntIfEmpty(new Message("EmptyMessage")) or something... but that's kinda gross i guess, but otherwise you're gonna have to check if the collection is empty first like you said
Jan 25, 2016 15:44
@Jamaxack what do you mean message you don't have?
Jan 25, 2016 15:43
int maxNumber = dbContext
.Where(a => a.Id == 9)
.Select(a => a.Sample_Num)
Jan 23, 2016 02:59
now that i have it working in a crappy way i gotta figure out how to get it working the nice way =x
Jan 23, 2016 02:57
sadly, it works... and it makes me very frustrated, lol
Jan 23, 2016 02:57
right now, i took out the code you suggested and manually threw in this in my web.config:
<!--Enable CORS for all requests (TODO fix this)-->
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Origin, Content-Type, Authorization" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE" />
Jan 23, 2016 02:57
@Amy for whatever reason, my version of web API/owin and the MS "cors" support lib were having a meltdown together, it wouldn't include CORS for the origin for my /token call, then when i added it in manually and finally got logged in and hit my data endpoint, it didn't include "Authorization" as an allowed header....
Jan 22, 2016 21:48
s/mobile safari/safari
Jan 22, 2016 21:13
i'm already living a life of regret over the reponses FROM THIS WEB API SERVICE
Jan 22, 2016 21:10
@mikeTheLiar i just realized i missed a great opportunity to respond with "That is true" to your compliment! AHHH the remorse!!!!
Jan 22, 2016 21:03
@mikeTheLiar thanks =]
Jan 22, 2016 21:03
Jan 22, 2016 21:01
@Amy question for you.... now my /token request is hitting CORS errors since i've added this:
// enable CORS (see http://www.asp.net/web-api/overview/security/enabling-cross-origin-requests-in-web-api)
config.EnableCors(new EnableCorsAttribute("*", "*", "*"){
SupportsCredentials = true
but the /token request was actually working before, any ideas? haha
Jan 22, 2016 20:16
@Failsafe it does
Jan 22, 2016 20:07
Jan 22, 2016 20:07
<remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
<remove name="OPTIONSVerbHandler" />
Jan 22, 2016 20:07
i'm guessing it's
Jan 22, 2016 20:06
Jan 22, 2016 20:06
maybe that cors module with the support credentials will do it though, i'll give it a shot, thanks!


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 26, 2016 18:44
angularjs: for style do you guys put ng-* directives at the end, or start of your HTML elements? is there a "style guide" for that?
Feb 4, 2016 15:17
stupid angularjs question: if i declare a service via app.factory() will it create a new object for each controller or use the same one? eg: can i access data assigned to the service in one controller from another controller and have the same data?
Feb 1, 2016 15:45
@rlemon was just playing ;)
Feb 1, 2016 15:45
@rlemon "scrape efforts"
Feb 1, 2016 15:41
Feb 1, 2016 15:40
@SterlingArcher lol, explain
Jan 28, 2016 17:02
@KendallFrey so many broken bones... sooooooooo many....
Jan 28, 2016 16:59
@KevinB Thanks for the confirmation on having the angular binding right, just noticed i wasn't loading my data on my controller init! doh!
Jan 28, 2016 16:55
@KevinB Yes i tried it but my list isn't loading (typo is because i changed variables for my example, thanks for pointing it out though!). I must not be loading my data properly in the controller then, i'll look there...
Jan 28, 2016 16:51
noob question: with AngularJS can you define a <button> with ng-repeat and have it bind the item on other properties of the button it's self? like:
<button type="button" data-ng-repeat="item in list" data-ng-click="clickedItem(iteml)">item.Name</button>... or do you have to have an ng-repeat div or something, with the button inside that?