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Well, there's this.
public abstract class Vehicle
	public int Wheels {get;}

	public Vehicle(int wheels)
		Wheels = wheels;

public class Car : Vehicle
	public Car() : base(4)
I think that's the idea your professor might be going for.
Otherwise you need to have the other members in the constructor for the car.
Is there another class that inherits from Vehicle? Does Car have another constructor that does not require a Vehicle parameter?
Yes- Motor And Truck
and no
@TylerStahlhuth its not the same case
Can you send the full classes?
Right, I know
where can i post them ?
But that's how you initialize an abstract class that requires a default value.
Also, can you modify the classes?
is there a good place for uploading an entire solution?
GIT. lol
Public repo
I suppose
more browsable than zip-uploaded-to-mega
And I don't have to download if I don't want to. Ya know, random zip file with exe in it.
Don't mind the Engine \ Rims these are other classes
So, you can't change the constructors on these?
If all child classes of an abstract class require an instance that inherits from the parent class, can any object ever be instantiated? I think the answer is "no".
i can @TylerStahlhuth
oh. then get rid of the Vehicle parameter.
@TylerStahlhuth in Bike and Truck you can see constructors that take also Vehicle's variables but i think it's unfair
Okay, then move all the parameters from the vehicle constructor into the car and bike contructor
You may not need all of them. For example, when you make a bike, you know it only has two rims.
You can then accept the rim color as an argument, create the two rims in the base constructor, and set the rims there
@TylerStahlhuth i was asked actually to make the Vehicle contain ModelName,Registraion,PowerUsage
Can you show me code please ? I dont understand
@chadnt isnt it what i did with Bike And Truck ?
public abstract class Vehicle
    public List<Wheel> Wheels { get; }

    protected Vehicle(List<Wheel> wheels)
        Wheels = wheels;

public class Car : Vehicle
    public Car(int thick, string color) : base(
        new List<Wheel>(4)
            new Wheel(color, thick),
            new Wheel(color, thick),
            new Wheel(color, thick),
            new Wheel(color, thick)
    { }

public abstract class Rim
    public string Color { get; }

    protected Rim(string color)
Then just
new Car(1, "Blue");
thanks for your time
i think i misguided you with "Rim" i meant Wheel
I am using different names.
The class name doesn't matter
Just showing the process
Does anyone know a fast and simple way to put a delay on a function without blocking the threads? I would greatly appreciate if you could help me because it's driving me crazy.. :(
i was asked also to define how much air Pressure the wheel should have and stuff
Again, add it to the constructor
so creating wheels inside a car ctor is not the solution
Why? Pass in tire pressure to the car ctor
@Entity_101 Why?
You could spin it off onto another thread that waits I guess
@TylerStahlhuth I need my AI to wait a few seconds before respawning, that's why
but isnt it when you make a new Car(1,"Blue") it creates automatically the wheels ?
@Entity_101 Don't you have a number of frames passed or seconds passed that you could trigger on?
In it's action or whatever just put a counter that increments until it hits a value
Sleep is rarely a good idea.
Well, this is my current script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;

public class detectHit : MonoBehaviour {

public Slider healthbar;
//private UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent navComponent;
Animator anim;
Rigidbody rigidbody;
public CapsuleCollider capCol;
public int rtime = 5;
Vector3 spawnPoint;

//detect hit
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if(other.gameObject.tag == "Player") {
healthbar.value -= 20;

if (healthbar.value <= 0)
//navComponent.SetDestination (this.transform.position);
@ItayZaguri Yes, but you could pass in a tire pressure variable into the ctor
@TylerStahlhuth what ive done is fine also ?
*Depending on the assignment
thanks :)
If there are no constraints on the ctor do whatever makes sense
@Entity_101 Why is it called detect hit? Is this class for the AI or when things get shot?
Regardless, the answer is in the Update() method
@TylerStahlhuth Yes, that's correct. This is where my death animation also comes into play
Well, in your class put a respawn counter.
Then in Update, check to see if the counter equals the respawn time.
if it does, respawn
otherwise, add 1 to the counter.
Still, there is a bigger problem here. This class seems to be doing everything.
anyone on here learn aspnet mvc on pluralsight?
1 hour later…
@peterpep a long time ago, when it was first release, i watched all the videos and did a couple sights in MVC 2/3
@SimpsOff what ive noticed for a lot of the newer aspnet tutorials on pluralsight, they say "you should already be familiar with aspnet" LOL
there are some differences between vs2015 vs vs2013 so i get wary about trying to look at the older ones. should i still try to give the older ones a shot?
@peterpep I guess it depends on your comfort level. When I watched the videos originally, I had already had experience with asp.net 3.5 forms, and i think that knowledge helped pick up the differences. to be honest i haven't done asp.net MVC since vs2013, so i'm not sure what the differences may be. In general, the guidelines of "you should already be familiar with x" mean that, it is best if you already know X to get the most out of these videos etc...
My personal philosophy is to try something, and if i get caught/hung up on an area i don't know, to pause, and research that, and go back... If you are comfortable doing something like that, i'd just go for it.
One thing to be sure about is if you are learning ASP.NET MVC for the first time, to make sure you're not viewing a "refresher/update" course on pluralsight... in cases like this, it's better to use the "older" material to learn the basics and get a better understanding, and then "update" yourself with the latest new tools
IMO it's never a loss to learn about the old ways first, the "new" ways will always have some basis in the old ways.
@SimpsOff im watching this full stack developer course that uses aspnet mvc and is mainly centered around that. it does a good job i think demonstrating commonly used concepts, but doesnt maybe go into every concept
i will finish the course up and check in on the older tutorials to see if there are concepts i havent seen before and treat the older ones as a "refresher"
Would anyone know if tracing is a problem in mono?
2 hours later…
hi there
I want to run asp.net project
But When I run it , it shows the following error
ERROR: Application_Start: SSAPP_Initialize: 601 / You need to restart the application pool (or IIS) before retry.
How can I solve it ?
What's SSAPP? Is that your code?
m_InitError = "ERROR: Application_Start: SSAPP_Initialize: " + iError.ToString();
what is iError?
Wait, so it's an error message you write?
SSAPP is a function name
Why the hell would you think we could help you figure out an error message you yourself write?
I am trying to solve this error error last 2 days
A: Application_Start not firing?

DaoI have just the same problem. I have made a lot of renaming in my solution. After it I got two not working web-applications and several another web-applications were all right. I got error that I have wrong routes. When I have tried to setup break point in Application_Start method, and then resta...

have a look on this
@SagorAhmed Well, a good start would be focusing on the actual error itself - what's iError? What throws it? When? - rather than asking questions with a lot of irrelevant names and data.
This is the SSAPP function .
gist: 38f984c22dc409458505436602a54137, 2017-01-26 07:08:40Z
public static Int32 SSAPP_Initialize(String license_file, Int32 candidate_number, Int32 size_memory_pool)
            Int32 iError;
            SS_EngineParam pEngineParam;

            // Setup SecuSearch Engine Param.
            pEngineParam = new SS_EngineParam();
            pEngineParam.CandidateNumber = candidate_number;
            pEngineParam.MemPoolSizeMB = size_memory_pool;
            pEngineParam.szLicenseFile = license_file;
            // Initialize SecuSearch Engine.
            m_SecuSearch = new SecuSearch();
            iError = m_SecuSearch.InitializeEngine(pEngineParam);
            if (iError == (Int32)SS_Error.ERROR_NONE)
                    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection();
                    //conn.ConnectionString = SECUSEARCH_CONNECTION_STRING;
                    if (IsWow64())
                        conn.ConnectionString = SECUSEARCH_CONNECTION_STRING_x64;
                        conn.ConnectionString = SECUSEARCH_CONNECTION_STRING;


                    // Select from ForSecuBSPSample table.
                    String strCommmand = "SELECT user_id, template_bsp FROM ForSecuBSPSample";

                    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand cmd = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand(strCommmand, conn);
                    System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader objDataReader = null;

                    objDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
                    if (objDataReader.HasRows)
                        while (objDataReader.Read())
                            SS_IDInfo idInfo;
                            idInfo = new SS_IDInfo();
                            idInfo.ID = Convert.ToInt32(objDataReader[0]);
                            idInfo.FingerNumber = 0;
                            idInfo.SampleNumber = 0;
                            String template = objDataReader[1].ToString();
                            iError = m_SecuSearch.RegisterFPEx(template, idInfo, true);

                catch (System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException err)
                    m_InitError = err.Message;
                    iError = -1;

            return iError;
protected void Application_Start(Object sender, EventArgs e)
// Initialize SecuSearch Engine.
Int32 iError;
if (IsWow64()) {
else {
if (iError != 0)
if (iError != -1)
m_InitError = "ERROR: Application_Start: SSAPP_Initialize: " + iError.ToString();
Ok, so we've moved from "too little information" to "too much information".
And oh, Hungarian notation, it hurts my eyes.
So, it appears that your error stems from the SecuSearch component. We have no idea what it is.
Ok First tell me . Should I have to install anything to connect with this string ?
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data source=C:/Program Files/SecuGen/SecuSearch SDK Pro/DB/SSTest.mdb"
Is access installation enough ?
Yeah, installing Access should include the JET OleDb drivers.
I think the system couldn't connect with the database
But again, your error is thrown from m_SecuSearch.InitializeEngine. Trace that. Go into that method.
If you can't because it's a 3rd party component, go ask the vendor who provided it.
But your initial question was entirely unanswerable.
setup a breakpoint at the start of your function, go step by step through your program in debug mode.
It was from secugen company .
iwant help from them
@SagorAhmed Well, we're not Secugen.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan , you are right
This line returns the error
I have checked it by setting breakpoint
iError = m_SecuSearch.InitializeEngine(pEngineParam);
then search what it throwing 601 means.
Failed to load SecuSearch.DLL
I have no dll named SecuSearch.DLL
@SagorAhmed Well, you probably should.
I'm guessing your m_SecuSearch object is a wrapper around the unmanaged functionaltiy in SecuSearch.dll
you should have the dll somewhere in the same directory as your program, or in a shared path.
also if you plan on distributing the software, check if you have the rights to distribute the dll.
posted on January 26, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

On .NET is a weekly chat with team members from the .NET team at Microsoft. This week we put together something a little different, and honestly, I think it not only went really well, but I think it's an hour that provides a lot of value that goes well beyond .NET or any technology. We put together a panel of folks at different points in their technical careers. Some just starting to speak pub

@ntohl woosh
!!urban woosh
@ntohl [Woosh](http://woosh.urbanup.com/3174316) Used to denote when a comment has gone over someone's head. Onomatopoetic to the sound of an object moving past you at an accelerated pace.

Made even funnier when saying "woosh" also makes no sense to the person that earned the "woosh", thus making a combo that cannot be countered until combo-broken.

Sometimes typed as /woosh in an MMORPG setting, as if something making no sense to someone was an emote of some kind.
hmm. Feeds posted that. Not me
Morn all
@ntohl I meant tumbleweed.
Trivia fact: Australia has a sort of tumbleweed called "hairy panic" that, some years, can overwhelm houses and small villages.
I would like to see it set on fire
when I tried to light fire with fiddle, I would be grateful with this hairy panic...
I have tried indian violin with shoelace for half a day, but couldn't get it working
man he does like it's easy as hell
my user folder's short name is kfc0d~1
Morning o/
How do you get a gf?
My mum says I need one... lol
Hey @Kieran!
I got my new jerb c:
Jerb? Job?
That was a link to urbandictionary lmao
I should have known that... I am a south park watcher..
urbandictionary is <s>good</s> helpful
can confirm
what do you jerb now?
i jerb software
But its just software now thank god
How do you strikeout text?
Hey @Proxy!
@Kieran Keel.
i thought u were a waitress or something @Kieran
My First ever ever job was as waiting on
my second was software
@WATERYMEL0N #define gf
my third was it support and software
and now i am just software again \o/
you could be more specific "software"
accounting software
my bad
@Proxy wares that are not "hard"
I have a friend who likes to say that his first job in high-tech was doing security.
He was a night watchman at a high-tech office building.
@Proxy was this to me?
yes programming
technically full stack
night bye
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan He doesn't lie.
Hi.. I'm new to mvc. I have one question. I would like to show logged in user's data in a table.. for that, I'm using ApplicationUser user = db.users.FirstOrDefault(x =>x.id == currentuser); The error is db doesn't exist in the current context.. can anyone help me? I'm using mvc identity. The data is storing in AspNetUsers table
what it says, the db object (at db.users.[...]) doesn't exist in the current context
check if it's a local variable or global.
hi there, anyone familiar with asp.net, particularly preventing XSS attacks, I still have doubts about what it is exactly, specifically, if it only applies to requests made to a server or if there is such a thing as client-side XSS attack, so here goes: if I simply access a DOM element by id, and change its onclick attribute to, e.g., an alert function, am I doing an XSS attack?
fuck off-by-one errors!
@pemq if it's on the host site (that you don't control) from a webpage you control, and it can affect other users, yes it is.
@satibel ok, but still it would have to pass via server request, right?
@pemq basically if an user can affect any user other than himself, you have a failure somewhere (XSS or not).
Hmm. Let's say I have an IEnumerable<Tuple<int,int>>, and I want to get the averages of both items. Is there a way to do it in one pass, instead of two?
if you change to the onclick to an alert with the dev tools, and it only affects you, that's not a problem.
var item1Avarege = tuples.Average(tuple => tuple.Item1);
var item2Avarege = tuples.Average(tuple => tuple.Item2);
That would do two passes.
Bonus: It's not an IEnumerable, it's an IQueryable.
you can with a foreach
@JohanLarsson Yeah, I should have been more explicit. Without pulling everything to RAM.
@satibel ok, thanks
Maybe with Aggregate? Hmm. Let's see.
More clearly: I have a (large) table with three columns, OpenedTimestamp, AssignedTimestamp and ClosedTimestamp (simplified). I want to calculate the AverageTimeToAssign and AverageTimeToClose. Meaning I calculate the diff between Open->Assign and Assign->Close, and want an average of both in one pass.
does getting a value from tuples load everything into memory?
Doing any non-aggregate operation on a row brings that row into memory.
then use the row, and remove it from memory?
@satibel It's not the memory, it's the pullign 10 million rows from the DB just to calculate an average.
Even if I only pull the two timestamp diffs, it's still 20 million integers instead of two.
fetch row by row
@Proxy See above:
i'm a bit lost
@Proxy I made a bit of a mess. Let's try again:
Image an SQL query like this:
select avg(field1), avg(field2)
  from  really_big_table
That should make just one query, not two. Now, I want to replicate that in LINQ. And now I think that maybe it's easy to do with SQL-like syntax. Let's check.
(The complication is that it isn't really a table with two fields, it's two calculated fields, calculated from the difference between the Timestamp fields of three joined tables)
And my Join is currently timing out. :(
i understood you wrong the first time then :P
sorry can not help
stackoverflow.com/a/4590803 doesn't that work with 2 g.average? @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
@satibel Yeah, I found that as well. Creating a fake group and calculating from that. It might work, but I'm fixing my joins now. :)
            IEnumerable<Tuple<int, int>> items = new List<Tuple<int, int>>()
                new Tuple<int, int>(1, 5),
                new Tuple<int, int>(1, 5),
            var acc = new Result(items.First().Item1, items.First().Item2);
            Console.Write(items.Aggregate(acc, Accumulate).Avg1);
        private static Result Accumulate(Result acc, Tuple<int, int> actual)
            return new Result((acc.Avg1 + actual.Item1) / 2, (acc.Avg2 + actual.Item2) / 2);
    internal class Result
        public int Avg1 { get; }
        public int Avg2 { get; }

        public Result(int avg1, int avg2)
            Avg1 = avg1;
            Avg2 = avg2;
@ntohl I'm pretty sure this won't translate properly into SQL.
anyway the solution is off by the first row is taken twice into the avarage
but that was my first idea, when You mentioned Aggregate
Also, I'm pretty sure the logic is wrong. If you have "1,2,3", the average should be 2, but it would be 2.25.
(Even discounting the doubling of the first item)
(1+2)/2 = 1.5. Then (1.5 + 3) / 2 = 2.25.
You have to divide by the index+1, not by 2.
But regardless, the solution in the post @satibel linked to seems the best. Once my joins stop blowing up.
I hate joins.
gist: 4a26728b2017ea327866345cf8c31374, 2017-01-26 12:29:18Z
            IEnumerable<Tuple<double, int>> items = new List<Tuple<double, int>>()
                new Tuple<double, int>(1, 5),
                new Tuple<double, int>(2, 5),
                new Tuple<double, int>(3, 5),
            var acc = new Result(0d, 0);
            count = 0;
            Console.Write(items.Aggregate(acc, Accumulate).Sum1 / count);

        private static int count;

        private static Result Accumulate(Result acc, Tuple<double, int> actual)
            return new Result(acc.Sum1 + actual.Item1, acc.Sum2 + actual.Item2);

    internal class Result
        public double Sum1 { get; }
        public int Sum2 { get; }

        public Result(double sum1, int sum2)
            Sum1 = sum1;
            Sum2 = sum2;
it's disgusting
@ntohl works for me.
Opinion-based question coming up... What's the recommended approach for doing MVC validation? Using the built-in validation using data annotations and/or Fluent Validation?
There a way to keep the watch window open next to a variable in debug?
nm found the pins
@Alex i think you answered your own question there
What's the recommended approach for doing MVC validation?
Using the built-in validation using data annotations (Fluent Validation)
@ntohl wtf destroyed your code dude??? did you have a virus or something?
@War :) rest is omitted
posted on January 26, 2017 by ericlippert

So far we’ve gotten through the introduction, the grammar of the Exp language, the grammar of the type description language, and what it means to make substitutions in type schemes. For the next few episodes we’ll consider the semantics of … Continue reading →

@War I guess you can use both validation types together. A third option, though I don't know if anyone has used it: github.com/jwaliszko/ExpressiveAnnotations
^ Expressive Annotations
It lets you do stuff like this:
[RequiredIf(@"GoAbroad == true
              && (
                     (NextCountry != 'Other' && NextCountry == Country)
                     || (Age > 24 && Age <= 55)
public string ReasonForTravel { get; set; }
@Alex i'm confused ... data annotations are MVC's built in implementation for validation which I have seen referred to as fluent validation somewhere
I thought they were the same thing
@Alex I looked at expressive validation attributes ... that shit's scary ... putting code in an attrib like that feels a bit to open for abuse imo
o/ war
@SteveG pls
We have a coding standard that we would just create a custom validation attrib for it, that way the appropiate client side implementation can be provided too
you dont need no damned clientside validation, or server side, learn to love and trust brother
war, o war put my love for you in a jar
@SteveG no validation at all .. that's brave
@SteveG have you even heard of border-radius?
If I love my brother, I would like to point it out, that he wanted to type monster, not moster. The latter is not valid
@Proxy a glass jar, not a .jar/. .jar's are evil
@mikeTheLiar i hacked border-radius once
got me into some NSA data centers
@SteveG You too?
Hey all ! Please i need help I have an assignment to complete until the end of the day

I made a Garage system for 3 vehicle = Car\Motor\Truck. Now I'm trying to create a new Vehicle when the user asks for it and put it inside a List of vehicle-typed.
Vehicle is an abstract class, How can i make it so the creation would be depended on what the user wants? (Car\Motor\Truck)
r u leet hacker 4chan?
damn. I thought the only one was me
Well, thats another watchlist
@ItayZaguri we've been helping you for days
@SteveG I thought the nsa just claimed other peoples data centers as their own "for the purposes of national security" or whatever other bullshti they can come up with
at least the chat is not dead...
@ItayZaguri Add bike as an option, that'll keep you thinking for a while no doubt
@ItayZaguri You have any stuffed animals/a rubber duck in your house?
Go grab it
Explain what you are trying to do, to said item
@War Yeah. Once I got into some guys private private data center called Larry Page (using border-radius ofc). I could just query anything...
now You can do it Yourself: lmgtfy.com
@ItayZaguri if statement?
Yeah, the stuff in Expressive Validation scared me a bit too. Didn't look normal. However, one advantage, it covers client and server
@mikeTheLiar I know because sometimes i'm getting stuck and I must somehow continue
@ItayZaguri If its an assignment & your stuck on something
has it ever crossed your mind to ask your tutor for help/advice?
If your struggling to understand how to do something/how it works, thats normally the best person to go to
@Kieran colleagues are a good replacement for rubber d?cks
oh thank god
@juanvan That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Proxy Yeah but i want to make the it create a new Vehicle depends what type it is
@Kieran My lecturer is an asshole
@satibel I saw that notification come up and immediately couldn't fathom as to why you would want to do that
@ItayZaguri the factory that You pass in will make the right type of vehicle
@ItayZaguri then ask another lecturer
@Kieran rubber decks don't make much sense.
@satibel depends if you want to be non conductive i suppose
@ItayZaguri well you get the type from the user?
@ntohl I'll tell you what, he wants us somewhat to make the new Car\Motor\.. commands inside an isolated Class that its only purpose is to deal with creation of new objects. and this is the only code that can be written there.
Now i ask the user which kind of Vehicle he wants from the Interface Class, using a Switch for a stored int as an option, then i call the method AddANewVehicle inside the Class ive mentioned above (which only creates new's), but i dont know what to pass it
@ItayZaguri that is a good cause. Watch that> youtube.com/watch?v=TMuno5RZNeE&t=532s
the main class will not deal with the new keyword. You only pass Factories of Vehicle
So when You call IVehicle dunnoWhatItIs = vehicleFactory.Create(userInput), it will not depend on that low level detail
@Alex I like that ... but its not inline on the objects properties like data annotations, but that gives some interesting side effects like being able to write a validator that can choose from different sets of rules
Lately i've been driving all my metadata from a database sat on top of dat aannotations stuff
it lets me do dynamic stuff but also allows me to fallback to a customised version of the out of the box MVC stuff
@Kieran playing mtg with tasers?
@ntohl factories of Vehicle you mean..? pointers ?
@satibel wat
@Kieran a use for a non-conductive deck.
i saw lasers
not tasers
@ntohl How could they make new creators while Creator is an Abstract class ?
creator = God.Instance;
@ItayZaguri by defining new ConcreteCreators
Hello. Does anyone know how to sort a GridView after it's been databound if it's not using an Objectdatasource?
Don't ask why, you don't want to know.
: )
@SeventhSon why?
I too am curious
Some of the data is being populated during the onRowDatabound event, and I can't re-engineer it, and I need to sort it.
I didn't write the code!
The Sort command will fail if not bound to an ObjectDataSource
"The GridView 'xxx' fired event Sorting which wasn't handled."
I believe.
why can't you "simply" refactor that code?
Because it's hundreds of lines of shitty spaghetti code and the company I work for doesn't understand what "refactoring" is and measures my dev time in minutes rather than hours or days.
And they expect their clients to pay to fix every bug that's been introduced by the 5 inexperienced and underpaid coders who have, ahem, contributed to the project over the years.
You need a new job dude.
No shit.
: )
You are telling me.
They recently decided that they can't afford me anymore, and even though I'm the only dev here, cut my hours down to two days a week. On a bright note I still make more than many of my co-workers working full time.
But I don't feel good about that, I feel that they should invest in their employees.
are you the only 1 with knowledge of their systems
Yeah that's bullshit. Cut and run. Run far and run fast.
I'm working on it.
Sounds exactly like my last job
which was at a recruitment agency
I'm the only one with knowledge of their systems, sort of. I mean they might be able to outsource to another dev but... they're being optimistic.
It's a nightmare.
Alright, back to work, thanks anyway.
cept i was on the same hours (8am to 5:30pm) as the recruiting agents, lived the furthest away from the office (1hr), was basically one of the lowest salaries in the office and was the only person with indepth knowledge of the systems they used
@SeventhSon run while you still can!
@SeventhSon yeah find a new role ...and still consult to them
also find out how much they are charging clients for support...it will all make sense when you do this
Thanks for the moral support guys, ttyl.
good luck @SeventhSon
What synchronization construct do I want for a situation where a specific operation can access a resource only if no other operations are accessing it? operation != thread
Any operations other than the "specific" one are allowed access concurrently
are query strings generally protected in MVC? or do you still need to protect them?
I am creating a store. When someone logs in I give them a logNum based and also stamp it with their applicationUser Id salt, then I stick that number in the url so I can stamp their items with it and use it as an order number. Should I be checking to see if someone is messing around with the querystring? or is this done automatically within mvc?
maybe don't put userid's into a query string that someone can mess around with
@Skullomania nothing in a query string is automagically protected with MVC, you should always try and protect users from themselves (accidentally typing a character into the query string pointing the wrong thing) and the system from the users (don't let them do things they shouldn't be able to). passing these via query string doesn't sound very good for either case. to protect the users from themselves you could use the Session... but maybe i'm missing your use case
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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