i make a button to switch data when changing the local-storage value of key
but doesn`t an integer Though i test on console
<a id="arbutton" href="#ar">arabic</a>
<a id="enbutton" href="#en">english</a>
<a id="" href="localStorage1.html">page</a>
<!-- data here will change -->
i have created this code it`s work but event listener not work need to refresh the page to feel the event
here should change language when click anchor, but this case happend just when i click than refresh page
<h1 class="text-center" id="hi">hello i `m english </h1>
var navb...
i install firebase on angular 4 and i add it on app-module
and in enviroment get config script also i changed i changed the authentically from rull to true
and in component i was import the AngularFireDatabase
and write
this github link for test
i install firebase on angular 4 and i add it on app-module
and in enviroment get config script also i changed i changed the authentically from rull to true
and in component i was import the AngularFireDatabase
and write
constructor(db: AngularFireDatabase) {
i got this error
/Users/macmini/Desktop/newap/src/app/component/content/content.component.ts (18,5): Type 'AngularFireList<{}>' is not assignable to type 'FirebaseListObservable'.
Property '$ref' is missing in type 'AngularFireList<{}>'.
import { Component, OnInit } from '@ang...
i install firebase on angular 4 and i add it on app-module
and in enviroment get config script also i changed i changed the authentically from rull to true
and in component i was import the AngularFireDatabase
and write
constructor(db: AngularFireDatabase) {
you need to do valueChanges() or snapshotChanges() before subscribe.. I am not entirely sure that is the cause..unless you are using an old version of angularfire2 — Suraj Rao19 mins ago
The error message would imply that firebase has not been initialized with a config object (which contains the databaseUrl).
Are you sure that you are calling firebase.initializeApp as described in the web setup docs?