@Alex Although we have ended up talking about UTF8, the original question was not anything to do with UTF8. Sometimes even experienced SO admins can be too quick to jump on the utf8 band wagon. Especially if they are promoting a blog post they have written about the subject. There is nothing wrong with doing everything in latin1.
Since you are telling mysql that you are expecting a utf8 response, it will encode latin1 data for you and leave utf8 data alone. If you intend on using utf8 characters outside of latin1 in the future, you should change to utf8.
Changing the html meta tag and header to use utf8 is not going to work if the underlying data is still in latin1. Browser will expect utf8, but get latin1. Those black diamonds are invalid utf8 characters. OP could put the data through the utf8_encode function to encode the database data properly for the browser.
Cant write an answer because the question has been incorrectly marked as a duplicate. Since you are working in latin1, you need to change your 1st php line to header('content-type text/html charset=iso-8859-1');