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Q: ÅÄÖ in php and mysql

9focuspointsThis may seem like a dumb question, I've tried many different solutions with setting the charset but nothing helps. I've got a database with different texts for each day, some of them has got the letters åäö and when loading the page, åäö is just visible as question marks in a black rhombus. It...

check you headers header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
Also adding to Alex data type must be utf-8-bin for your column.
Changed the row in the db to utf8-bin and added the header, still without success. Thanks for the suggestion anyway!
do you have your page live to test?
Of course, the upper text is made with ckeditor and that's using html for letters such as åäö. The lower text, or symbols is where åäö is taken straight as letters from the db.…
so it is not updated with my suggestion - there is no header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
Yes, it is. I've added it to the php.
no it is not. show your php page full code
Ok, I updated the post.
You are really don't want to get help??? the php page you posted and the link you porvided are not the same, because in your php code you havent that <strong>... output that I see when visit the link.
OP has said nothing about utf8. Why was this marked as a duplicate?
It's the same. That's received from the db too, it's the stackinfo row. But that row are inserted via the ckeditor, which automatically changes letters like å,ä and ö into html and adds html tags as strong before it's added to the db.
the full php but without the table name it is not full. the full one must start with <?php I don't see that.
Cant write an answer because the question has been incorrectly marked as a duplicate. Since you are working in latin1, you need to change your 1st php line to header('content-type text/html charset=iso-8859-1');
@Alex, It's at the top left.
@Phil_1984_ did you vist the link…? there isn't utf-8 yet. so I don't think that the problem is 8859 vs UTF - the problem that header is not set up so far
@Phil_1984_ I tried it but I got an internal server error message from my host so I changed it back.
@Alex I'm not very familiar with headers, I just added the header code to the absolute top in the php document after <?php
Changing the html meta tag and header to use utf8 is not going to work if the underlying data is still in latin1. Browser will expect utf8, but get latin1. Those black diamonds are invalid utf8 characters. OP could put the data through the utf8_encode function to encode the database data properly for the browser.
@Phil_1984_ I changed just the row monday to utf-8 for test purposes, the other rows are still in latin. Can that be the problem?
I dont know what you mean. How did you change just the row?
could you create another page and try to send just the header?
What I mean was try doing '.utf8_encode($row["monday"]).'<br>
Alex, I can see the utf8 header and meta tag
I see meta, but I can't see eader
it is just Content-Type:text/html
Maybe I've gotten this wrong, but can you see the live php?
but it must be Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8
Nope. We only see the output from the server.
Alex, what are you using to see the headers
Chrome browser
Yeah, you're not looking at the right url. It's in an iframe
What I think is most strange is that I can see the letters perfectly here: try with the username: letterhelp and the password: 9253f9
I wanted to make it easy for another person who's going to embed this as a widget. Therefore I used an iframe from a usual html page.
Because that data is being encoded as utf8 properly. Is it using the same data source as your other page?
The same database.
Then it is probably to do with the connection between php and mysql. Tell me, do you use mysqli_set_charset anywhere?
mysql_query("SET NAMES UTF8");
Not for the moment, but I tried it before and it didn't work. I think I got some kind of server error.
I'm using
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'") or die(mysql_error());
mysql_query("SET CHARACTER SET 'utf8'") or die(mysql_error());
When updating the db.
try $result = mysqli_query($conn, "SET NAMES UTF8");

$sql = "SELECT * FROM xxx WHERE ClassID = 'xxx'";

$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
you certainly shouldn't have quotes around the utf8
You can't guess how glad I am that it finally works, and thank you very much for taking this time to help me.
no problem man. Good luck.
Oh, and one more question. Should I leave all the table rows on uff-8 or latin swedish in the db? It seems like both of them works.
but for the future - when community says it is Duplicate it is 99% duplicate!!! read the link people marked as duplicate - that is good practice :-)
Ok, I promise. :)
You can leave it as is
Ok, once again. Thanks.
Since you are telling mysql that you are expecting a utf8 response, it will encode latin1 data for you and leave utf8 data alone. If you intend on using utf8 characters outside of latin1 in the future, you should change to utf8.
@Alex Although we have ended up talking about UTF8, the original question was not anything to do with UTF8. Sometimes even experienced SO admins can be too quick to jump on the utf8 band wagon. Especially if they are promoting a blog post they have written about the subject. There is nothing wrong with doing everything in latin1.

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