@Puppy why not? That is sad, also I figured out my error, it wasn't even PHP related. Like a noob I forgot that my return type on my Ajax call was JSON, so when I echoed it back the success function would catch it and redirect to the undefined page that I hadn't set up yet.
@Puppy Hello I am a PR rep for Mark he has released the following statement "Puppy is warm and friendly, I was completely intoxicated the night of the event in which I made said comments about his warm and friendliness. He is indeed warm and friendly and all should bow before him and worship his greatness" Our firm hopes this retraction statement is statisfactory
@Puppy It's an interesting problem IMO. Seriously though, answer me this, what causes a page to 404 when you try and print the value returned by a function
@RonniSkansing I've done just about every bit of debugging I can think of. This literally occurs only if I try to print something after I run my insertData method, or try to print the insert data method
so I have this function below. At the very bottom I am returning $this->conn->lastInsertId(). If i'm not mistaken this should be correct.
public function insertData($table, $qty, $data){
$errors = ""; ...
Is there someone that is able to help me find a solution for my question I have posted just a bit ago. People like to give you downvotes, but no feedback, it's not helpful stackoverflow.com/q/26430628/3929673
ah! found it! After the var dump occured it showed three in the array of session instead of two, I have two session set which is correct but the connection to the database is failing
there was an error with the path to the require_once('file.php'); but that wasn't the issue at hand. Even if I send a path ?id=4 through manually, for example, it just hits the redirect at the bottom regardless.
oh and if you're still there, maybe you can help me bust this other one fast. If you look at fields = [3] => selector : $('.number-noreq'), validations: [isNumber]
how would you set that so it only checks for the number and doesn't work about the whitespace, or if it is empty