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@SterlingArcher the average of a set of numbers is the sum of numbers divided by the count of numbers. The sum of numbers is the total amount of events and the count of numbers is the amount of days during which the events were being observed.
@erikroyall Ah, so you are using it, OK. Thanks for the info.
I wish I had started learning programming 6 years before.
I started programming at 23
Me at 8.
I started 3-4 months ago, I am 17.
@JanDvorak it worked :) thanks!
I started programming around... 20?
I'm 23 now. I only have a years experience outside of college
@JanDvorak lolz
I bet @Zirak started atleast 600 years ago.
I'm 26 :(
Old people! Come back here!
posted on October 17, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} KAPOW!

@JanDvorak 27
@FlorianMargaine I'm only 27 but I do feel older than that
@JanDvorak are you married?
@erikroyall "@erikroyall"
To me, 27 doesn't look like "only", and then there are people who say, "Oh I am just 35, I am so damn young!"
not sure how I will feel when I reach that age
I already feel pretty old and bored right now
said every 17yo without a girlfriend
@JanDvorak tell me about yourself. I don't know much about you :(
neither do I, but he has helped me a lot
@erikroyall haha true dat!
Why was that starred? It wasn't a joke D:
> MFW I'm Australian driving to work in the U.S
yesterday, by Kendall Frey
@MostOfTheRegulars: I love you guys
@SterlingArcher is that a joke ^?
Hey guys what is the best way to go about setting the height property for a css class using javascript?
Just tried.

    var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
    for (i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) {
        if (divs[i].className === "Control") {
            height: ( ( ( max - min ) / 3) + min ) + "px";
its not checking class name correctly :/
why not get divs with class "control" instead of getting all divs and then checking for class?
> height: ( ( ( max - min ) / 3) + min ) + "px";
Because i read that getElementsByClassName was not ie supported :/
what does that even do?
it is a calculation i made with other defined variables
@HatterisMad document.querySelectorAll(".Control");
Thank you kindly.
divs[i].style.height = ...
Also. am i able to access and set the height property in this manner?
@HatterisMad no NO
lol sorry i have been working in c# a lot lately :P i am all JS screwed up
(I can't say this because I am myself pretty lazy)
heeey if i remembered every language i work in i would probably forget my name :/
man gulp-changed is a fantastic plugin
if you're using gulp, you should definitely check it out
This is 2014, @HatterisMad. We now have qs, getElementsByClassName.
just use QSA, and shorten that code to one line
@SterlingArcher lol
[].forEach.call(document.getElementsByClassName("Control"), function(el){el.style.height = 'yada yada dumb calculation'});
This might be the best story I've ever read on imgur imgur.com/gallery/rRSLtBE
Use getElementsByClass if its a class, don't use qsa
qsa is a fuckton slower.
but he wants divs only
just got divinity: original sin
it's being compared to baldur's gate 2
excited :>
what if some other element has the same class?
i dont care if it is divs only lol just classname
What if there's no .forEach, .querySelector(All), .getElementsByClassName, getElementById, or getElementsByTagName?
Yeah i will use classname then
reason I mentioned it
I mean QSA is crazy useful
@erikroyall I would just detect that and display this if not found, <h1>DON'T BE A DUMBASS AND UPGRADE YOUR BROWSER<h1>
son of a bitch...
@erikroyall something like this, gist.github.com/loktar00/1211640
"4chan man"
@AwalGarg You're so mean. You could do with document.all
works in IE6 even @erikroyall
does the costume come with a bunch of gore porn, pictures of goatse, and fgsfds and cockmonglers?
Doesn't work in my browser.
Uncaught type error: undefined is not a function (at line 3: inline.js)
@nderscore lololololol
Has anyone been getting constantly disconnected from stack overflow chat or is it just me?
@erikroyall works fine for me
do you even js?!
@HatterisMad I'm fine
@SterlingArcher Poor Guy Fawkes
@Loktar he said even getElementsByClassName is not available.
Will forever be remembered as "that hacker mask" and "anon"
yeah thats a shim
@HatterisMad you can use array filter
It checks it getElementsByClass is available and uses that
if its not it doesn't
@Loktar I do, but document.getElementsByTagName is undefined. That gist uses it. :/
@Neil Do you mean 4chan man?
Fucking hell lol you guys
if (!document.getElementsByClassName){
        var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
            nodeList = [],
            reg = new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + matchClass + '(\\s|$)')

        for (i=0; i < elements.length;i++)
            if(elements[i].className.match(reg) !== null){
        return nodeList;
It only uses it if its there.
@Shmiddty I'm referring to the picture above, or was that a joke? :P
by tagname
> var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('*'),
I was reading it wrong thinking you were saying class name
@Loktar u using this and this not allowed
wtf what browser is this?
Use document.all instead.
!!wiki Mosaic browser
NCSA Mosaic, or simply Mosaic, is the web browser credited with popularizing the World Wide Web. It was also a client for earlier protocols such as FTP, NNTP, and gopher. The browser was named for its support of multiple internet protocols. Its intuitive interface, reliability, Windows port and simple installation all contributed to its popularity within the web, as well as on Microsoft operating systems. Mosaic was also the first browser to display images inline with text instead of displaying images in a separate window. While often described as the first graphical web browser, Mosaic was preceded...
yeah document.all will work fine
IE8 supports querySelectorAll.
I don't understand why qsa is so slow
for trivial cases
can't they optimize some of that shit
> Discontinued 3.0 / 1997; 17 years ago
@Mosho you'd think
@erikroyall why are you even using that?
@Loktar Whoever said I was using that..
I remember that Mosaic had a "high priority" button for loading high priority? pages
I asked wtf browser is this
awal said Mosaic
> What if there's no .forEach, .querySelector(All), .getElementsByClassName, getElementById, or getElementsByTagName?
What if XKCD??????
What if the internet didn't exist?
@erikroyall polyfill
what if they have JS disabled?
<noscript>GO TO HELL</noscript>
getElementsByTagName is in ie 5.5
Redirect to goatse
or just use less abstraction, which is all those functions give you
user image
dat last frame doe xD
let's see whether this game will run on the awesome power of an intel HD 4000
look what I just found in our code
fucking hell
//Prototype function for removing an array item by index
Array.prototype.removeAt = function (index) {
    this.splice(parseInt(index), 1);
Anytime i see anything that claims it is intel graphics... i just assume it should be put on minimum lod settings
are you fucking kidding me haha
@Loktar bc you altered the prototype?
no I didn't do that
dude.. all they did was alias splice
and altered the prototype to do it wth
Sounds useful, make code more readable
\!!>"splice".length < "removeAt".length
@copy :(
Only the parseInt is a bit weird
jQuery, sounds useful makes code more readable
@copy ain't it already readable enough for the programmers?
@AwalGarg yes.
not sure if @copy is serious or trolling
Not trolling
extending the array prototype like that is dumb in its own right
If I have to make my code readable for sales people, I would rather not code in anything other than html...
I mean, putting it on the prototype is a bit misguided
But otherwise, nothing speaks against defining short functions
@copy sure, however that code is 3 lines, and 2 of them are bad.
parseInt for no reason, and extending the prototype
@Loktar how many times is that function actually used across the code?
parseInt also missing the radix.
@AwalGarg no idea I accidently found it in one of our 40 js files :?
in a file named tagutils.js
Im trying to min/concat most things since there was none of that to begin with
I sometimes find it annoying I can't use bind without setting a new context
Matching lines: 451 Matching files: 77 Total files searched: 382
oh wait nm I'm dumb it included removeAttr
@Loktar webstorm takes care of that
heh was going to say wtf.
> Matching lines: 1 Matching files: 1 Total files searched: 382
there we go, so its never even used.
wait nm it is used once
> $.TagUtils.AllTags.removeAt(i);
I didn't search the definition just uses
ah used in another function called DeleteTag :/
@AwalGarg yeah I agree, Ill update that to .splice
splice returns an array, right?
!!mdn splice
another issue with that IMO is being a JS dev why would you go looking for an aliased function like that.
@SterlingArcher an array of the removed element(s), nab
or added*
Unless you have good documentation laying out how you've extended prototypes and showing utility functions it just muddies up the code imo.
I seek library recommendations for handling state machine / workflow. Anyone have one they like?
Persistable (i can persist myself, but they must support initializing in any state)
@Luggage as in, var state = "start"; while (state !== "end") switch (state) { ...?
!!> [1,2,3].splice(2)
@Mosho [3]
var x = [].splice.call(document.querySelectorAll("div")) why does that convert a NodeList to an array, then?
!!> [1,2,3].splice(2,undefined)
@Mosho []
isn't this odd?
@SterlingArcher it doesn't
@JanDvorak um.. hopefully a little more comprehensive. Yes, i know i can write my own and always have in the past.
It does though
Q: Fastest way to convert JavaScript NodeList to Array?

jairajs89Previously answered questions here said that this was the fastest way: //nl is a NodeList var arr = Array.prototype.slice.call(nl); In benchmarking on my browser I have found that it is more than 3 times slower than this: var arr = []; for(var i = 0, n; n = nl[i]; ++i) arr.push(n); They bot...

@Mosho but it does
fml slice not splice
@Luggage namely?
kimbo slice
ignore me
@SterlingArcher you confused me damnit
I win!
I didn't play
oh hey everyone you see all the free games on steam this weekend?
10 of them
Ill unpin on Sunday, unless anyone objects to that being pinned
Namely what? Like what features I want? I hope this doesn't come out rude.. but.. if you don't see the value in a state machine then you aren't the one to answer the question.. I mean... In the past I've always just managed statuses,e etc manually. I see value in a library that does that. I see some nice ones in C# and Ruby, but I haven't found one in JS that I really like, yet.
this Steam thing is some platform to play games, right?
@AwalGarg yeah
biggest digital distributor of PC games
@Luggage I mean, what's wrong with just a switch loop?
Nothing, until things grow enough. State machines are overkill until you have enough code that it's too late.
I didn't expect people would argue against a useful micro-library and advocate doing everything from scratch
Here's the result of my dicking around today, based on one of my favourite images ever: jsfiddle.net/kendfrey/rrxg7eks/embedded/result
Same reason I don't write my own routing library even though all my routes are quite simple and I COULD.
ohh, you said "loop". All my transitions will be triggers my humans.. well, some automatic based on dates lapsing, maybe.
Not a workflow library that jsut pumps date through a workflow unattended.
Ever use Jira?
That uses OSWorkflow, A java library that is the exact type of thing I want.
now that sounds useful, but how does it work?
@Loktar why do they always do that for games I own
it's like they know
also, 69% battery
not bad, I'm at 93%
You define a finite state machine (this status can go to this status), conditions that determine when that can happen (based on other data, e.g. a date being past 30 days), Other actions to take during a specific transition, some transitions or all transitions (like tracking histroy)
69% is better than the past though right @rlemon
@KendallFrey nice
69 is always better
@Loktar put the screen to not always on
Unless your partner is named Unhealthy Helga, or Bob.
lets see how much that saves me
@rlemon yeah thats what I run now
kind of sucks having to do that though
just swipe up for the time
not too bad
Then.. somewhere else in your code you can ask your state machine "can I transition to 'Paid' now?" or "What actions are valid for this object at this time?
Im hoping the update Nov 2nd improves battery life even more
I want a task monitor
I bet you there is a buttload running
@Loktar I <3 that I can dl the music from Google Music
offline listening
yeah man
its pretty awesome
glad @SomeGuy remembered that
it's nice, I dl when I'm on wifi and I playback from my local library at the gym
almost use no data
@JanDvorak This is one that I am considering: github.com/fschaefer/Stately.js
@KendallFrey you're a scumbag. I lost the game.
it worked
how does that make one lose the game
i was using jade with express and used if(req.isAuthenticated()) to check is a user was logged in. anyone know how to do this in hogan by chance?
@Mosho :)
or req.brother()
@TylerW you smash it to bits
@Mosho Input not matching /http:\/\/static.sportskeeda.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2014\/04\/hulk_hogan_rip‌​ping_shirt-2152200.jpg'/. Help: User-taught command: '<>
slut ruined it
oh no you didn't
@TylerW It looks like conditional blocks look like {{#condition}} <stuff> {{/condition}}
Hi how to change the background size w and h values from javascript/jquery?
var w = $(".win-animation").width()/3500*100;
var h = $(".win-animation").height()/1429*100;
I get error at the last line -_-
yeah... w,h doesn't work. w + "," + h?
nice, XCOM: enemy unknown free on steam
wanted to try that one
been missing (the real) fallout since forever
Is there someone that is able to help me find a solution for my question I have posted just a bit ago. People like to give you downvotes, but no feedback, it's not helpful stackoverflow.com/q/26430628/3929673
@JanDvorak I tried and I dont get error but the background size isn't changing eather..
I also like to give out downvotes
@MarkHill you've provided no markup
@canon i'll edit it quickly and add the html one moment please
do you have any other ideas? :)

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