
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Apr 11, 2016 17:51
anyone using google big query here.
Aug 12, 2015 22:11
@MikeAsdf they also help prevent massive incidents like these
Aug 12, 2015 22:06
"in america we have to many regulation that is why every business wants to go to china"
Aug 12, 2015 22:06
hmm I was told by some people "regulations hurt business"
Aug 12, 2015 22:05
Aug 12, 2015 22:05
that is bitg
Aug 12, 2015 22:05
oh wow
Aug 12, 2015 22:02
whts tianjin... to google
Aug 12, 2015 18:31
from background thread
Aug 12, 2015 18:31
any ideas on above, I am unable to catch this exception
Aug 12, 2015 18:30
Q: Application crashes & exists debugger while consumer is running & rabbit mq service restarts

jaminatorI have a c# application in which I am trying to test the resiliency of my rabbit mq client. While the consumer is running I stop the rabbit mq service to see how my consumer will handle this. I have try catch on almost all of my consumer yet because of a possible exception in background thread ...

Jun 29, 2015 21:58
Q: Convert BsonString To BsonArray

jaminatorI am trying to convert a BsonString to BsonArray as follows: BsonString str = "[{ \"_id\" : \"domain\", \"nm\" : \"Domain\", \"value\" : [\"test.com\"], \"dt\" : ISODate(\"2014-08-04T04:00:00Z\") }]\""; BsonArray array = str.AsBsonArray; And I get exception: Unable to cast object of type ...

May 6, 2015 18:09
Q: Visual studio crashes during test debugging with VSTTExecution cannot be found error

Rahul LodhaVisual studio crashes during test execution with VSTTExecution cannot be found error I am running/debugging unit tests using visual studio 2013 but test crashes during debugging with following error on event viewer The description for Event ID 0 from source VSTTExecution cannot be found. Eithe...

Mar 23, 2015 20:56
Q: Upload failing to SFTP server using Tamir.SharpSSH, getting non-descriptive error

jaminatorI was trying to upload a file using c# to an SFTP server. Pretty sure I have the right credentials as using FileZilla file gets uploaded. But using my code I get below non-descriptive error. Unable to upload file C:\20150322\00007.csv.gz System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not s...

Mar 23, 2015 20:56
Anyone worked with Tamir SSh using c#
Feb 20, 2015 18:56
only restriction is the person should be in nort america
Feb 20, 2015 18:56
if you guys know anyone who might be interested please forward
Feb 20, 2015 18:55
Hey guys, if i am looking for candidates for a job opening can i post here. In case anyone is looking
Dec 10, 2014 16:33
Q: Nlog giving error Possible explanation is lack of zero arg and single arg Common.Logging.Configuration.NameValueCollection constructors

jaminatorI added nlog to my application and the test project for it. Both of them part of the same solution. From inside application nlog works. But from test project get below exception: Unable to create instance of type Common.Logging.NLog.NLogLoggerFactoryAdapter. Possible explanation is lack of zero ...

Nov 11, 2014 00:18
Q: log4net different messages for different appenders, creating duplicate log entries in file

jaminatorI have implemented a custom appender in which i am doing logging to a file and mail. I want to log different message strings for each. Below code creates two log entries in the file one with appended string one without appended string and also sends out the email without the appended string. pu...

Nov 10, 2014 23:39
but doing a log.Info writes to both
Nov 10, 2014 23:39
i have 2 appenders i want the log message to have a count on file logger while mail logger shoul not have it.
Nov 10, 2014 23:38
any work with log4net
Nov 7, 2014 16:04
the custom wrapper around it i wrote is not working
Nov 7, 2014 16:03
Q: nlog's custom target not working, want to display logs as output on console window and write on file

jaminatorIn a c# class library project MLDFileLogger I have following custom target Class: [Target("Foo")] public class FooTarget : TargetWithLayout { protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(logEvent.Message); } } In my project w...

Nov 7, 2014 16:03
Hey guys, Anyone worked with nlog here. Facing an annoying problem
Nov 7, 2014 01:00
@Guerrilla if controller is getting large that means you are doing alot of models work in controller
Nov 7, 2014 01:00
Q: nlog's custom target not working, want to display logs as output on console window and write on file

jaminatorIn a c# class library project MLDFileLogger I have following custom target Class: [Target("Foo")] public class FooTarget : TargetWithLayout { protected override void Write(LogEventInfo logEvent) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(logEvent.Message); } } In my project w...

Nov 7, 2014 01:00
any clues here please?
Nov 6, 2014 19:59
anecdotes not good in resume, only achievements. you can tell anecdotes while interviewing
Nov 6, 2014 19:17
Appreciate any help here from people who have worked with nlog


Room rules: sopython.com/chatroom Code formatting guide: tinyu...
Apr 11, 2016 17:50
anyone using google big query here. seems like a bug was introduced on group by

HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Aug 16, 2015 09:26
plug ins
Aug 16, 2015 09:24
jquery or box-maker?
Aug 16, 2015 09:24
which js files are you referring to here?
Aug 16, 2015 09:07
its pointing to doctype statement
Aug 16, 2015 09:07
here is url where I am building this
Aug 16, 2015 09:07
Aug 16, 2015 09:06
@ArupRakshit did you mean I should post of jquery.min.js here?
Aug 16, 2015 09:02
Aug 16, 2015 09:01
any ideas why would I get this
Aug 16, 2015 09:01
on <!DOCTYPE html>
Aug 16, 2015 09:00
jquery-1.7.1.min.js:1 Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <
Aug 16, 2015 09:00
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token <


Don't say hi. Don't ask questions. Don't have fun. Don't do an...
Apr 20, 2015 01:09
discontinuing automation sounds like a bad idea on their part.
Apr 20, 2015 01:08
I was not aware of this.
Apr 20, 2015 00:59
I wanted to make an android app to automate buying a set of products every month from Amazon.com. Any ideas on which api would be free and easy to use, I started looking in Zinc.IO but looks like thats a paid service and involved making a curl call which I was having trouble setting up in android. Any ideas?
Apr 19, 2015 10:35
Any ideas guys?
Apr 19, 2015 10:35
Q: Automate monthly buying from Amazon.com using my android app

jaminatorI wanted to make an android app to automate buying a set of products every month from Amazon.com. Any ideas on which api would be free and easy to use, I started looking in Zinc.IO but looks like thats a paid service and involved making a curl call which I was having trouble setting up in android.