
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Jan 22, 2017 14:18
only thing different is visual studio - it's not working on 2015
Jan 22, 2017 14:18
I don't get it, the same project runs fine on another computer
Jan 22, 2017 14:17
it's winforms project:P
Jan 22, 2017 14:15
no idea what those files are yet
Jan 22, 2017 14:15
I used DependencyWalker and it says I have missing files like API-MS-WIN-CORE-APIQUERY-L1-1-0.DLL
Jan 22, 2017 14:15
yes, but I have it all
Jan 22, 2017 14:10
what is the cause of this?
Jan 22, 2017 14:10
guys, I have a problem - I have a c# project which works fine on my working notebook, but I copied it to my home computer and now I have "Could not load file or assembly" errors
Sep 28, 2016 19:37
and it's not like the procedure has 10-20 lines of code, it has more than 500
Sep 28, 2016 19:36
someone left a clr procedure without source code, I had only 2 options - create entire procedure from start or somehow get the source code
Sep 28, 2016 19:23
Sep 28, 2016 19:16
and after putting created dll file into Telerik JustDecompile I got the source code!
Sep 28, 2016 19:16
DECLARE @ObjectToken INT

SELECT @binary = content FROM sys.assembly_files WHERE assembly_id = 1

EXEC sp_OACreate 'ADODB.Stream', @ObjectToken OUTPUT
EXEC sp_OASetProperty @ObjectToken, 'Type', 1
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'Open'
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'Write', NULL, @binary
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'SaveToFile', NULL, 'D:\CLRProcedure.dll', 2
EXEC sp_OAMethod @ObjectToken, 'Close'
EXEC sp_OADestroy @ObjectToken
Sep 28, 2016 19:12
hah I found a way to do it:D
Sep 28, 2016 18:59
ok thanks
Sep 28, 2016 18:52
yea, thanks for those replies, very helpful;p
Sep 28, 2016 18:51
is it not possible this way?
Sep 28, 2016 18:50
yea, I thought that if I could get the dll file, I can decompile it with Telerik JustDecompile and get the code?
Sep 28, 2016 18:49
why? :/
Sep 28, 2016 18:48
is it more understandable now?
Sep 28, 2016 18:45
so I'm looking for a way to export this assembly and get it's code
Sep 28, 2016 18:45
someone created clr procedure and put it in database, now I need to edit it, but I don't have it's code
Sep 28, 2016 18:44
yy I don't undestand
Sep 28, 2016 18:43
I have CLR assembly in sql database, but I need to get it's code - so I use query (SELECT content FROM sys.assembly_files WHERE assembly_id = 65536) to get binary code
Sep 28, 2016 18:41
okay, so I have a binary string, I save it to dll file and that's it?
Sep 28, 2016 18:37
anyone knows if I can recreate dll file from binary (sql assembly)?
Sep 9, 2016 08:51
it is compiling:P
Sep 9, 2016 08:49
I tried adding it as service reference and as a web reference - same error in both cases
Sep 9, 2016 08:49
no idea, is there a way for me to check?
Sep 9, 2016 08:48
any ideas for my issue?
Sep 9, 2016 08:37
KEXService.GService service = new KEXService.GService();
            KEXService.HealhtyResponse response = service.IsHealthy();
Sep 9, 2016 08:35
is this question for me? I have a simple wpf window with one button, which calls the webservice, I guess it can be called a client?
Sep 9, 2016 08:33
and how can I do that?
Sep 9, 2016 08:31
do you maybe know what can I do to solve this?
Sep 9, 2016 08:31
hello guys, I have a problem with connection to webservice - I get the error: (497) HTTP to HTTPS communication - Please reconfigure Your client to use HTTPS secured communication on port 443.
Aug 23, 2016 08:43
guys, what font are you using in visual studio? standard consolas?
Aug 22, 2016 19:29
ok, I'll loot into it, thanks
Aug 22, 2016 19:27
and it's not that it's slow, when it works longer than ~10 seconds, it never finishes, I tried waiting for few minutes
Aug 22, 2016 19:26
@TomW I have a fixed address
Aug 22, 2016 19:25
but I always do this to the same address and it mosly work fine, once in ~5 times in hangs
Aug 22, 2016 19:24
that's reallu hard to tell, everytime I debug it, it goes fine, but I'm not able to check the foreach loop since it loops 17k times
Aug 22, 2016 19:23
                Dictionary<string, string> list = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
                HtmlDocument document = web.Load(Site);

                HtmlNodeCollection nodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[starts-with(@class,'series_preview')]");

                foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
                    list.Add(node.Attributes[0].Value.ToString(), node.InnerHtml.Replace("&quot;", "\""));
Aug 22, 2016 19:20
Aug 22, 2016 19:20
Aug 22, 2016 19:18
@JABFreeware yea, I tried that, but it's using 3rd party library, so I have no way of checking that
Aug 22, 2016 19:17
I saw this solution, but I thought join would block my main thread
Aug 22, 2016 19:15
yea :P
Aug 22, 2016 19:14
I tried to set a new thread inside my thread just to let stopwatch work without hanging my UI, but it was a disaster :D
Aug 22, 2016 19:13
I tried to set a Stopwatch, but checking it's time makes my UI unresponsive
Aug 22, 2016 19:12
guys, I have a question - In my WPF app I have a method which calls a new Thread to download a lot of data, which takes a lot of time. It's in new thread, because I still want to have responsive UI. Is there a way to set a timout for this thread? Sometimes it hangs infinitivly