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It's an answer, now we just need to figure out the question.
@JABFreeware Once hit with the friendship-cannon, the former-enemies become friends
New relationships can be forged where none previously existed.
@RoelvanUden beam me up
"Friendship cannon" sounds like something out of a NSFW fanfic.
@Amy so you're saying you want to marry me?
Not at all.
1 min ago, by Amy
New relationships can be forged where none previously existed.
Jun 30 at 20:16, by MoonOwl22
Amy, my point is relationships between types can be forged even though they previously did not exist
@JABFreeware sounds like you need to brush up on your type development
you're saying this doesnt work?

Fucks sake dude I get a ping every time you edit that message
I'm really fucking sorry dude
Apology accepted. Friendship initiated.
I'm not gay
Neither am I.
You're perfect for each other.
so lets just stay in my friendship loop until you reach your breaking point.
something something bro-job
Throw IncompatibleGenitaliaDetected();
guess thats a poorly described name
I really need to work on my naming of things. I've always sucked at it
That's not all you've sucked at
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I've sucked at other things too
the blood of my enemies for example
did you know there is over a gallon of blood in just one enemy? Talk about ROI
friends have a little more
@JABFreeware throw new IncompatibleGenitalsException("Was expecting an iny, found an outy");
how much is that in real measurement units?
@StevenLiekens freedom units are all thats real
@Squiggle thanks, remind me to always come to you for naming advice
@Squiggle within this context I think throw/catch are very different idioms than what you might be thinking
context doesn't mater.... in the news
@mikeTheLiar catch (VDException) { goto clinic; } ?
@JABFreeware There are solutions for that.
@RoelvanUden noooooooo
Just go around the back door.
@RoelvanUden HDMI doesn't go in my audio ports
don't put it in the wrong hole.
@JABFreeware everything can be forced he first time
open your mind.
maybe I don't want some things opened
if someone else does thats cool
(input) output doesn't work for me
9 days of vacation, and now back to work. I need a vacation after a vacation to get back into work mode.
@RyanTernier I understand
The best thing that happened so far today was the snooze button.
The snooze button understands me
it's always there for me
@RyanTernier you like touching it do you?
innuendo intensifies
The snooze button likes getting touched. It calls out for me early on in the morning, Press me, right here. Firmly or softly, it doesn't matter.
I feel there's some sort of anime already written for this sort of thing... now back to coffee and coding.
that is hot.
I know its a rather odd question but, I am currently having a linq query, and my hope was that I could have made a for loop with that (so for (int i = 0; i < query.Length(); i++) but that isn't working), any ideas on what I could do?
i have no idea what you're asking.
You're going to need to elaborate
@RyanTernier sexy
I wish i was having a linq query. I'm having the shakes from too much coffee on a monday morning :(
I just got some progress on it so I might retract that question
@Xariez Can you give us your linq query?
I'll give you a dollar on Tuesday for a linq query today.
give to me da codez!
Right, I'll say this and keep on trying. Say my query returns "Pizza", I somehow need to get the length of that string, so in this case, 5.
The codez work!
do you turn the query into something concrete?
HAI 1.2
@Xariez query.ToArray().Length
Well I throw it into a .FirstOrDefault(); , so kind of?
Ah, got it!
Thats one way of doing it as well I guess @War
you probably want to only to ToArray() once
otherwise you will be executing that query multiple times.
@Xariez If your query returns a single value (Pizza) then it's straight forward. Pizza is a string type, thus you just do variable.Length
pizza is a Food type
pizza is a lifestyle
it's a type of food as we say
pizza is compressible to piza
I thought so too @RyanTernier, but had to throw it to a string first.
class Food {}
class Pizza : Food {}
If you're not casting it from the linq query, you'll have to cast it first.
casting? what is this, fishing?
next you're going to tell him to reel it in
use a net.
Class Pizza : IEatable, IFood, IDigestable
lmao .... fish as Pizza;
Thats, what I did. And it works. So I'm happy for now atleast
YAY! Fishing for pizza!
What I did not do and made me ask the question as that I didn't have the ".Name" part in the for-loop
and it produced repeatable results. Case closed for science.
@Xariez Is _Context.Gueses an array / list?
_Context is the Database context (so Namespace.DatabaseEntities()) , and Guesses is the Db table.
hey anyone around?
@eg_dac you ask because you had a question so instead of asking if someone is around how about asking the actual question?
how about i will ask when someone replies to being around hahaha
@eg_dac That's silly, and is a good way to not get your question answered
well it's been an hour, so i figured i would see if anyone was around first
I just said it's silly
maybe that was my question?
j/k anyway
does anyone know how to link an aspx element with AddComponentProperty(name, componentid)
it seems i have done the right steps, but when the $create is made it's returning errors with teh component.
so I have a page where you can enter your username and password and I check against ldap to see if I can authenticate you. It works well but I am worried that it might work too well. Should I have some kind of rate limiting so nobody can just spam some poor soul's username and brute force to learn their password? Is this premature optimization?
@kush typically you just lock the account after X incorrect attempts
You could also build in some rate limiting but I think you're supposed to extend the wait time after every attempt with some sort of cooldown period but that sounds like a ton of work and very complicated and it'd be a lot simpler to just lock the account after however many failed attempts
@mikeTheLiar should I just let the people managing the active directory handle locking?
Yeah probably
@kush ldap doesn't use slow password hashing? ditch it
I don't actually store passwords. I just check if I can do a ldap bind
@KendallFrey I can't make people create yet another account just to reserve a room :S
You could simulate a slow password hash by waiting briefly before testing the password
@KendallFrey I think it does... it just accesses Active Directory I think.
@KendallFrey that's true like a one second wait
but that's pretty pointless since networking is slow enough
The main security in a slow hash is securing the password itself
not just the login
how to handle like about 10 bool variables :D
its a question though
@ARr0w 10 bool variables
@KendallFrey well unless someone breaks into my server and changes my code and yada yada I don't store passwords (:
@KendallFrey or maybe a new class?
validation increased the quantity of bool variables.
not without more detail
Questions with insufficient detail yield insufficient answers.
@ARr0w no offense but your design smells
i am validating 10 textboxes, which required me to create 10 different bool variables
now i want to handle these bool variables on button_click event.
it does, kush, thanks for making me realizing it for the 100th time <3
I don't see the connection between textboxes and booleans
I'm assuming he means something like isText1..10Valid
new bool[10]
    private void textBox_AddCustomer_FullName_Validating(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
        if (textBox_AddCustomer_FullName.Text != string.Empty)
            errorProvider_AddCustomer.SetError(textBox_AddCustomer_FullName, "");
            bValidation_FullName = true;
            errorProvider_AddCustomer.SetError(textBox_AddCustomer_FullName, "Fill this field");
            bValidation_FullName = false;
    private void button_AddCustomer_Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //if (ALL bValidationok)
        //    MessageBox.Show("bool is true, condition to add user");
hungarian notation, oh god
Are....are you using errors to transmit data in the case of success?
robots don't get cancer.
so does ponies.
that's the joke
You, you're a shark. Sharks don't get cancer. Cancer is for sheep.
> Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request. That’s all we know.

Thank you, Google.
Call the cyber police.
@ARr0w sorry. *hugs
@mikeTheLiar consequences will never be the same
no, i am transmitting the message to the end user, if he enters the wrong values in method Validate_fullName() or leaves the textbox empty in this method.
i posted an IIS question earlier today that hasn't had a response so i thought i'd bring it to this chat since people like amy, etal have been so helpful/responsive in the past. stackoverflow.com/questions/39081217/…
@kush Maybe Google is having trouble backtracing your request.
ahahahahahahahahahaha. @im1dermike
ha what's so funny?
nothing :P
Strange issue @im1dermike.
Ignore @ARr0w, I think he's amused that you think I'm helpful.
i cannot explain why i lauged, Sorry buddy.
i like amy, by the way.
I've never had to do anything in particular to get gzip compression working. It's always been enabled by default.
thanks, @kush
that was brotherly warm.
it would have nothing to do with how my app's web.config is set up, right?
IIS configurations are hierarchical, so it could.
i'll be honest, amy, the day you banned/kicked me for several hours/days/minutes whatsoever i don't remember.
I called you things in SQL channel :D
I know you did.
I don't really care.
i hate you that you already know that -_-
@ARr0w what things?
i know, same here that's why i did say
hey, JABfreeware!
not falling for that, JABfreeware. :P
spare her leg. Its a girlish leg.
may break or something.
eats some popcorn
its pretty much impossible to offend Amy
just saying
shes not your average female
then again thats obvious given shes a programmer
She's a average. But, i have no intentions to offend her.
shes above average
your flirt will pay off someday, bro :D lol
its not flirting and I doubt it if it was
JABfreeware, where have you been dude? you're like disappeared ? :/
shes made it clear she doesnt like me
@ARr0w I had to go to mars for some work
im back now though
i'd love to see you promote to visit the Sun some dy
Woho, DHL just delivered my signed copy of Smart & gets things done.
yay for you, @scheien
@ARr0w Nah man thast lame. I was testing my warp drive.
i thought DHL only did pallet-sized freight shipping?
needs a few bug fixes
but it will be working soon
i'm thinking i may need to restart the machine to get that site to have the httpCompression node...
cool, hope it does. Good luck with your work Bro!
@Amy international they do smaller ones. I've ordered stuff from china that got shipped that way
Who has experience deploying .NET web apps to AWS Elastic Beanstalk? If you've done Umbraco too, even better
I'm wondering if it's a good hosting solution for our website. My experience with Elastic Beanstalk so far has been marred by inexplicable errors
the only beanstalk i'm familiar with is the magic kind
Beanstalk required ahead
Beanstalk just spins up a load balancer and some EC2 instances and auto-scale for you
Does azure have an equivalent?
Anyone here who knows about ZeroMQ?
I have created a socket connection that transfers my data from C# to Python, but currently it's too slow.
Any help is highly appreciated!
@tourist too slow for what? Reading the blurb it seems extremely unlikely that your requirements are really too much for it to handle
256 digit numbers
how many, how often?
how fast?
how to?
in zeromq, i added a sleep of 400ms in while loop, otherwise there was no data on receiver side
sample rate: 400
yes, sleeping will tend to delay processing.
is there a way, i can optimize it?
i have created the socket using NetMQ
I'm not familiar with the library, but you aren't answering the question
too slow for what?
data transfer between c# and python is slow
Forget it
the data generated by c# is pretty fast, also saving it in csv is also faster than this socket
or is there any other faster way to transmit data from c# to python?
STDIN/STDOUT, Sockets, Named Pipes, Shared Memory, etc, etc
You know, we've been over this before.
Hey Roel, I couldn't figure out how to start with STDIN/STDOUT
i am very sorry for bringing this issue up again
You spawn the python process. You open it's stdin. You write to it.
The python side reads the stdin and processes it. Then writes the result to its stdout.
The c# side reads the stdout, and does its final step.
data is generated by c# and needs to be transferred to python, is it the other way around?
guys, I have a question - In my WPF app I have a method which calls a new Thread to download a lot of data, which takes a lot of time. It's in new thread, because I still want to have responsive UI. Is there a way to set a timout for this thread? Sometimes it hangs infinitivly
I tried to set a Stopwatch, but checking it's time makes my UI unresponsive
I tried to set a new thread inside my thread just to let stopwatch work without hanging my UI, but it was a disaster :D
yea :P
@user3662546 you should have googled, my friend
Q: Set timeout to an operation

Anwar ChandraI have object obj which is 3rd party component, // this could take more than 30 seconds int result = obj.PerformInitTransaction(); I don't know what is happening inside. What I know is if it take longer time, it is failed. how to setup a timeout mechanism to this operation, so that if it t...

that said though its probably not the solution just the band-aide
if "Sometimes it hangs infinitivly" is happening you need to figure out why and prevent it
because for one, the user could have slow internet
you will kill it before its done when it wasn't hanging
I saw this solution, but I thought join would block my main thread
find out why it hangs and fix or at the least detect and respond when it hangs
@user3662546 check the other answers not just the main one
@JABFreeware yea, I tried that, but it's using 3rd party library, so I have no way of checking that
@user3662546 what library?
@user3662546 so you're writing a web crawler?
@user3662546 can you show us the code that hangs sometimes?
                Dictionary<string, string> list = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
                HtmlDocument document = web.Load(Site);

                HtmlNodeCollection nodes = document.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//*[starts-with(@class,'series_preview')]");

                foreach (HtmlNode node in nodes)
                    list.Add(node.Attributes[0].Value.ToString(), node.InnerHtml.Replace("&quot;", "\""));
what part hangs?
that's reallu hard to tell, everytime I debug it, it goes fine, but I'm not able to check the foreach loop since it loops 17k times
I assume web.Load(Site) is the problem. If you have a large enough number of random sites to visit, some of them will be offline or slow
but I always do this to the same address and it mosly work fine, once in ~5 times in hangs
@TomW I have a fixed address
@user3662546 Tow is probably right because the rest of the code looks very straightforward and bug free at least in terms of your issue. And failing once in 5 times can happen if you keep hitting the same site
and it's not that it's slow, when it works longer than ~10 seconds, it never finishes, I tried waiting for few minutes
@user3662546 idk a lot about the agility pack but I bet it has some events you can watch
ok, I'll loot into it, thanks
I have an ".ai" vector image that i've been requested to put on a page. the IIS mime type for this is "application/postscript" and when i stick it as the src, the image is busted.
@user3662546 its also open source
is there a mime type i can serve the file as so that it will render correctly?
so if you can't find answers add it as a project and then you can dig into the internals and figure out the issue
@Bardicer hello there. Still suffering with images I see :(
yeah but not the same issue @JABFreeware
just an adobe illustrator file not working with the <img> tag
@Bardicer what happens?
@user3662546 Yeah.. you probably are selecting a wrong attribute somewhere.
Thus null reference thus kaboom.
Also, &quot; is not the only html entity you have to fix up -- use the built-in tools of HAP
Just enable code contracts or resharper nullability analysis and it'll tell you every place it can explode. WHich is quite a bit.
I'm so proud of me. I created a method on my own :D
which i will used 10 times :D
now i only have to pass values in it :D YAY
I'm Learningggggggggggggg :D
public bool Validate(string regex, string value, ErrorProvider Er, Control vcontrol, string seterror)
Regex oRegex = new Regex(regex, RegexOptions.Compiled);

if (!oRegex.IsMatch(value))
Er.SetError(vcontrol, seterror);
return false;

Er.SetError(vcontrol, string.Empty);
return true;
thanks to roel for nothing!
Oh, okay. :-(
So I kind of got the wiki back up. It is hosted by webarchive now which I 302'd from csharpchat.com :P
csharpchat.com you did not renew?
The domain is active until like 2018 or 2019, but the hosting which I was doing annually lapsed. godaddy is a huge pain. Since my card expiration date changed they silently failed to renew the payment (it was on auto pay) and then erased the entire content there.
@JABFreeware it's just a busted image. Talked to my boss, he said we can convert it into a SVG file
I need to set up a new host, probably from somewhere else, switch the dns settings, and then get an actual site up. I just haven't had the time to dev all of that aside from work and other stuff.
hey travis, long time no see
Howz u?
@TravisJ someone was saying that you were the owner of csharpchat.com, is that true?
allergies threaten to exceed my sinuses.
Cause it's dead now, Jim
@mikeTheLiar - Yeah, I paid for it and for the hosting too.
@mikeTheLiar - Its "back"
lol well that's one way to do it I guess
For a while it had logins, a shared editing tool, a unique IP counter, etc. But when the db got wiped out all that kind of went away.
Its waaayback :P
It is just temporary
@TravisJ you want a site so you don't have to pay?
I am thinking of making a slightly new face for it, and bringing back the logins and stuff
i had briefly considered setting up a github.io site for this room
@juanvan - It isn't the paying, it is the time.
@Amy - I remember when you did that. I was going to upload the entire project there, but it is at home and every time I get home I have issues making time for personal projects.
time is money, so try throwing a fistful of pennies at the problem
don't think time comes in pennies
Anyway, it is currently
@juanvan money doesn't even come in pennies anymore
Time : Money
it does in 'murica
murican money sucks
Too bad we can't print time.
@KendallFrey - Stronger than that stuff they make in the north :P
Is thyme money?
Canadians trade exclusively in maple syrup, beaver pelts, and Timmies
@KendallFrey - In several ways really. But 4 main ones: being backed by a strong central bank that is reliable at monitoring the money supply; being used in a majority of international business transactions; primary source of currency by the top economy in the world; a long term viability with regards to issuance and purchasing power.
oh, that kind of stronger
thanks wikipedia
Technically all wiki says about currency strength is that is measured by how it compares to the USD "Currency strength is calculated from the U.S. Dollar Index, which is used as a reference for other currency indexes"
What is a "Timmies"?
are you serious
South Park reference?
because if you're serious I'm sad
...I'm sad
Your Tims Meal has 0 Items
What, you don't have Starbucks? :P
Yeah, but only in a niche
Is Timmies one of those things that Canadians are like "eh, it's ok I guess, if you just want to grab something and go" until someone non-Canadian remarks on it in any way
@TomW That is exactly right
People are here feel oddly strongly about Dunkin Donuts. It's really strange to me because their coffee is disgusting.
We don't celebrate Timmies because it's delicious. We celebrate Timmies because it's ubiquitous.
What a sad existence that must be.
@mikeTheLiar - Yeah, not even really a fan of their donuts.
I like the hole in wall "mom n pop" kind of donuts that almost every US city seems to have.
Yeah they're really underwhelming. I don't know if I'd go so far as to call them disgusting but they're at best okay.
In terms of donuts, Tims is pretty subpar
plain homemade donuts are better than most of Tims
I can cook "real food" pretty well, but dessert type of stuff I can't really do.
Certainly haven't ever made donuts at home, sounds good though
"Suspicious quotations"
mashed potato donuts
sounds freakish and disgusting, but so goddamn delicious
Are they sweet or savory?
same concept as sour cream donuts
which you can get at Tims
I wish savory donuts were a thing. There's a fancy donut shop here that does maple bacon but that's really it and it's not even really savory
Sweet and salty.
I'm pretty sure savoury donuts are a thing
But something like a spinach/feta donut
the fuck man
Something like a spinach/feta donut
Work the spinach into the dough. Top with feta bechamel.
Jalapeno pineapple feta bacon donut
That sounds amazing.
Now I want one :(
That looks suspiciously like a bagel
> Cheddar jalapeno green onion
> Donut Monte Cristo Sliders
Those monte cristo donuts look amazing
omg! who is making these?!
Me, as soon as possible
Glazed over thinking about donuts...

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