
General discussions about the c# language, Squirrels | gist.gi...
Jul 30, 2013 14:26
@JLott Off to a flying start then!
Jul 30, 2013 14:25
@JLott So was there a specific PowerShell question in there, or is it more just a "floundering in the dark" phase? :) Not that I can promise any answers.
Jul 15, 2013 16:37
Overall it smells like a compiler bug to me, but I could be misreading the spec.
Jul 15, 2013 16:36
@Greg Well, a more pressing problem is that it's syntactically impossible to use a loop to supply parameters to an attribute.
Jul 15, 2013 16:30
@Greg Yup.
Jul 15, 2013 16:28
@Greg Question contains more detail, but yeah, this is specifically in the context of using an array creation expression as an attribute argument; the compiler's perfectly happy with either expression in any other context.
Jul 15, 2013 16:26
Apologies, OP is using byte[], not int[], but otherwise identical.
Jul 15, 2013 16:25
Q: Compile error using implicit array initializer as C# attribute argument

Bang Jun-youngI've got a mysterious compile error with the following test case: [TestCase(new byte[259], new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 255 })] public void EncodeTest(byte[] source, byte[] expected) { ... } error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation e...

Jul 15, 2013 16:25
The question again for reference:
Jul 15, 2013 16:24
new int[259] { /* 259 zeroes */ } is accepted by the compiler, but new int[259] isn't, where the spec is pretty clear that the latter is a perfectly valid array creation expression containing 259 default-initialised elements.
Jul 15, 2013 16:23
@Greg The OP in the question is trying to pass an array containing all zeroes to the constructor of a custom attribute, and for perfectly understandable reasons would prefer not to have to write 0, 259 times :)
Jul 15, 2013 16:15
@NETscape It comes down to why new int[259] { /* 259 zeroes*/ } is not treated as an array creation expression exactly equivalent to new int[259] for use as an attribute argument. I can find no explanation in the C# spec for the difference in behaviour.
Jul 15, 2013 16:09
@NETscape Can you be more specific?
Jul 15, 2013 15:43
Any spec junkies want to have a crack at this? Don't know why the compiler would allow `new int[259] { 0, 0, 0, /* 256 more ... */ }` as an attribute argument, but not `new int[259]` (defaulting to zero-initialised).

Room for question http://stackoverflo

Clarifying solution requirements
May 14, 2013 14:02
'tis indeed. You only have to convince them to open a port to serve up some HTTP :)
May 14, 2013 14:01
@rambles :D no worries! Good luck with the persuasion :)
May 14, 2013 13:57
@rambles Not sure if it's necessary to summarise the chat; the link from my comment should stick around if people want to see what was said. I'd be interested to see if anyone who knows Git better than I do has any clever ideas.
May 14, 2013 13:56
Then for write access, and to ensure that Git is only ever run on the server, set up SSH access to the Linux machine if you don't already have it.
May 14, 2013 13:55
The best I can suggest off the top of my head is to use GitWeb or a similar web-based viewer running on the server, which clients can use to view the repository in a browser. I'm more familiar with Mercurial than with Git, but setting up a web server (whether standalone or the minimal one contained in Git/hg itself) seems to be the commonly accepted way to visualise remote repositories - the tools' commands usually only operate on local clones.
May 14, 2013 13:48
Not that that question is particularly relevant; I'm just curious how doing all edits/commits locally and then pushing to central when you're ready would be perceived as slower than transmitting file changes across the network every time a file is saved.
May 14, 2013 13:46
If the VPN is that painful, doesn't it affect development quite heavily, having to access files over the network all the time?
May 14, 2013 13:45
OK, fair enough - having the development over network drives confirmed clears it up a bit in my head. The scenario I had in mind before was editing/committing to a local clone, then pushing or pulling to the central repository. With a setup like this, you wouldn't be editing over the network and the only performance hit would be when changesets were transferred to or from the central server.
May 14, 2013 13:40
May 14, 2013 12:54
room topic changed to Room for question stackoverflow.com/q/16538520/351301: Clarifying solution requirements (no tags)
May 14, 2013 12:45
There are three things in your comment I'd like to find out more about:

1. You're already looking for a client to install on (every? nearly every?) Windows machine. What's different about installing Git?
2. *"not allowed to store project code on local PCs."* - So do the Windows machines have to access everything over network drives, including during development?
3. Performance - local clones and editing on the Windows machines will probably be *much* better for performance than having to do all development across the network. But I suspect there's more to your development practices that mi
May 14, 2013 12:42
Q: GIT GUI client on Windows for Unix GIT installation

ramblesOur company programs and runs data analysis on a Linux server. The programming is done in Windows clients (SAS, generally). Each project is only programmed by one person and is reviewed by another. We would like to put our projects under version control but leave the code on the server (ie no...

May 14, 2013 12:42
> We're trying to avoid installing GIT on each Windows PC. Also, we're not allowed to store project code on local PCs. As we are only working with a remote repository, it's quite slow over a VPN connection to transfer project files to local PC, process in GIT and copy them back to the server (slow in SmartGIT anyway). Intuitively, doing it all server-side would seem sensible
Mar 2, 2013 15:19
Mar 2, 2013 15:17
And will definitely be keeping an eye on those questions!
Mar 2, 2013 15:17
Great chatting to you, thanks :)
Mar 2, 2013 15:17
Mar 2, 2013 15:16
@RoyiNamir Just emphasising this point - _answer = 123; is only guaranteed to happen before _complete = true; if _complete is volatile. The instructions themselves can be reordered, because it would make no difference to a single-threaded program.
Mar 2, 2013 15:13
But just as importantly, it helps to document the places where you depend on this behaviour.
Mar 2, 2013 15:12
Yes, because writes don't have to be volatile by default. That's part of the memory model of certain architectures.
Mar 2, 2013 15:11
B either sees complete == false (and ignores answer) or complete == true (and is guaranteed that answer is initialised).
Mar 2, 2013 15:10
And that's where fences apply to this scenario.
Mar 2, 2013 15:10
So the point is that B never sees complete == true without answer also being set.
Mar 2, 2013 15:08
It doesn't matter why the writes are volatile though - if the write to complete is volatile (either because you used the keyword, or because the memory model says all writes are volatile), then you know that the write to answer (even if it isn't volatile) cannot move after the write to complete.
Mar 2, 2013 15:06
But the language can't assume any particular architecture; if you leave volatile out, it might work on x86 but fail on something else.
Mar 2, 2013 15:06
On certain architectures, yes.
Mar 2, 2013 15:05
If you assume that writes are always volatile, then this example isn't a problem and you have no need for the keyword.
Mar 2, 2013 15:04
No, making complete volatile does.
Mar 2, 2013 15:04
Mar 2, 2013 15:03
But no, I still don't see how fences apply to your example :)
Mar 2, 2013 15:02
That's why fences are important in this case, if A and B are run on separate threads (from the Albahari book):
class Foo
int _answer;
bool _complete;

void A()
_answer = 123;
_complete = true;

void B()
if (_complete) Console.WriteLine (_answer);
Mar 2, 2013 15:02
So the compiler couldn't reorder these two instructions:

x = 1;
y = x;

Because then the result *as seen by a single thread* would be different, because the read *depends* on the write.
Mar 2, 2013 15:01
Yes - this is where the compiler/JIT optimisations happen, e.g. the compiler might decide to group reads together. As long as the single-threaded result is the same, then this is legal
Mar 2, 2013 14:57
If it's run by only a single thread, there's no difference.
Mar 2, 2013 14:57
If you write:

x = 3;
y = 7;

then nothing prevents the compiler from rewriting it (for whatever reason) to this:

y = 7;
x = 3;
Mar 2, 2013 14:56
OK, so he said the same thread will always perceive reads/writes in the order they were entered; that doesn't mean they can't happen in a different order, only that the result as seen by the same thread must be the same.