
iOS Dev

Here you can discuss problems and share new hacks about code
Mar 16, 2021 22:14
Hi everyone, I'm looking at the question:…. Particularly, the logs in the question. How does one obtain logs such as those mentioned in the question? Is it through connecting with Xcode?


Where you can play with regular chat features (except flagging...
Jan 25, 2015 07:07
function() {
return 0;
Jan 25, 2015 07:06
Jan 25, 2015 07:06


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Jan 25, 2015 06:14
Wouldn't f float to the global scope when it is first encountered inside the if condition?
Jan 25, 2015 06:10
Need some help understanding why f is undefined in this case:

if (function f() {}) {
  console.log("just a random sentence");

f; // undefined