HTML / CSS / WebDesign

This room is now defunct. RIP.
Apr 13, 2016 22:43
Could anyone help me to fix mobile menu on my wordpress theme:… ?
Apr 13, 2016 11:24
Hi Could anyone help me to fix about mobile menu for my wordpress theme -->… ?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Apr 8, 2016 13:50
Hi, Could anyone give me a guide about to make auto ID from this API: on IONIC/Angularjs?


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Apr 1, 2016 09:52
@peeHaa Sorry and more than one week still not luck to fix it
Apr 1, 2016 09:52
@Peeha But Already retyped for result.php script
Apr 1, 2016 09:50
@saitama @PeeHaa For further detail please check out this link:
Apr 1, 2016 09:43
@Saitama @PeeHaa Because I modified it to get same result for temporary and just focus about to fix to get different Flag Status when generating output but I already retyped again for result.php script
Apr 1, 2016 09:25
Apr 1, 2016 09:24
@PeeHaa yeah It must be have 4 cases to get expected response so we can continue for next page
Apr 1, 2016 09:15
Q: PHP Logic - Always Fails When Generate Different Output For Same Flag Status

user3077416I am making a custom payment wordpress plugin for my local bank (BCA Sakuku) and have problem when generate different output for same flag status always got "00" just for success case but got failed for other three cases such as "Invalid TransactionID" case, "Invalid Signature" case, & "Double Pa...

Apr 1, 2016 09:14
if( $_POST['Signature'] == $_POST['Signature']){? — Hobo yesterday
Apr 1, 2016 09:13
Could anyone help me about PHP logic?
Apr 1, 2016 09:13
Jan 27, 2016 04:21
hello could anyone help me to make a custom payment gateway plugin for wordpress?


angular.module("ng-chat", ['stackoverflow'])
Jun 10, 2015 04:32
could anyone help me about ionic app project?
Jun 10, 2015 04:32