I am creating groups depending on cores count and then running async parallel function to execute each group of specs in individual phantom spawned instance
I think you are correct. But any other way I can use cluster properly with PhantomJS. And I am using async parallel function. As of now it works fine for me.
I tried to execute your code as Grunt task and here is the code and it's output pastie.org/9900139#. But it seems that same task is being run multiple times? Is my observation correct?
@dystroy We took a decision to use your tool miaou for internal communication in my company and also I am going to suggest it to my friend's company (200+ employees will use it)
@Markberg Hit view-source:seo-masters.ir/demo/W3Metro2 in Chrome browser and scroll to end, you will find what plugins are being used. Btw next time, you can right click on page and select view source
Anyway to achieve this guys? I want to bubble img load and error events, but it is failed in Chrome as most of the browsers does not do it... Should I go writing inline JS event while embedding images?
Hi All, image load and error events are not bubbling to document, the below code is failing var doc = $(document); doc.on('error', 'img', function(){ alert('failed to load ' + this.getAttribute('src')); });
@SnakeEater I suggesting dojo because IBM is behind Dojo and IBM is using it in their apps. And DHTMLX has community and commercial versions which is developed for doing heavy lifting at client side