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timer still running?
no, I forgot why it was running to started seeing how quick my reaction time is. so far 0.004 seconds.
i was trying to exhale and never breathe to revert the damage
@SomeKittensUx2666 Day made.
It just keeps getting better
rlemon and I are on TS
@SomeKittensUx2666 do these comments need to be approved, or and I doin it wrong?
I wanna play but you guys broke the comments :/
They don't need to be approved, you may need a captcha
are you logged into blogspot?
It's my blog
if it's captcha related, I don't see one
probably need to login to blogspot
Heck, you can even post anonymously.
He's certainly doing it.
nothings working, the comment box blinks as if it loading something, and then my poster name and comment gets cleared, even when I try preview
@SomeKittensUx2666 Hi there. It seems you're sad. I can't tell if you're messing around or you're serious, but if you need someone to talk to, my master is always available for a chat. Either way, I hope you feel better soon! Have a hug! (っ'з')っ
oh well, that kid's just a troll anyways
> I'm way double the age you posted
way double
!!learn troll "<>I'm way double the age you posted! I have it to death with you!"
@SomeKittensUx2666 Could not process input. Error: Unexpected end of input: Expected ' on line 41 on column 73
@SomeKittensUx2666 Command troll learned
When I first started learning JavaScript, I would have honestly been baffled by your "natural language code". Some people just don't get it at first and need things explained wherever possible. In my opinion there's no good reason not to include an explanation of the code. It really can make that difference in answer quality. — RUJordan 23 secs ago
@RUJordan join us!
Say what now?
read the whole thing, laugh a lot, then add comments
Jesus. Wow!
What?!?! hahah that's so weird
He got so angry he reverted languages mid sentence
That's intense
get on TS
we're having fun
wth did I miss?
@BenjaminGruenbaum so much.
Sum it in like 3 lines.
4chan-level discussions in @SomeKittensUx2666's blog
Also, more traffic than ever before
> sounds like the language of a stoned, pissed off teenager. but okay.
Also known as Dutch
Who's myth?
i also can't comment on your blog :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum He went around and commented on a lot of my SO stuff
You know him for real?
Got banned, ThiefMaster said he was most likely a sockpuppet
No idea who he is
Illaya got the mutehammer
Who was that Inek guy?
I drank so much beer :D
you want easy motorolaaaaa ?
I'm way double the age you posted! I have it to death with you!
Now he's lost me
> Wait, you can't crack md5? No wonder you only have 1 rep on SO.
@rlemon I think he really wants to fuck you.
Who, me?
unf unf unf
Lol, I'm watching Archer now for the first time, I'm done with the first two seasons
goes downhill from there imo
but still good
fuck that
Boop boop
i'm done season 4, and have been told season 5 is danger zone
@rlemon you get a screen grab of the comment chain?
@rlemon I disabled anon posting
it is too large an image for imgur
one sec

i am disappoint
That should be the end of him.
..... or is it!?!
oh wait, it isn't
@rlemon Where the fuck do you find these people?
Poor little bobby can't decipher md5s…
Comment is gone now - three guesses who it was
@phenomnomnominal Myth?
!!nudge 15h google UAC and fuck you kendall. ps. 2.9
@rlemon Nudge #2 registered.
select stackoverflow_url, if(GHblog like '%plus.google.com/%',
TRIM(TRAILING '/' FROM REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Replace(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(LOWER(GHblog),'http://',''),'https://',''),'www.',''),'/posts',''),'?hl=en',''),'/about',''),"@",''),'u/0/',''),'plus.google.com/','https://plus.google.com/'),'#',''),'?rel=author',''),'/p/pub',''),'b/',''),'u/1/','')), NULL)  as url from combinedprofiles where GHblog like '%plus.g%';
I'm going to cry.
I'm going to make you stop crying.
how? I'm interesting? an egg? ;-)
what does $ do in JS ? Is it something ajax specifiq ? Why do I see ajax used nearly everywhere. What power does it give you ?
@WalleCyril Generally, that's jQuery
can you anwer my other questions too ?
<-- Hired.
@m59 o/
Oh, did I say that? It wasn't totally official at the time heh.
@WalleCyril $ gives you secret financial powers that only the members of this room are adequately equipped to utilise.
Ajax make simple thing simple, make complex thing possible. I think, is that right? I'm newbie
Same time, then!
Time to blow all of the money I'm about to make on technology.
@rlemon @SomeKittensUx2666 Damnit! I can't stop reading that hilarious dual-troll!
@KaiWen It makes simple things complex, and slow things faster (but only when used correctly, so not usually) and it often breaks your browsers behaviour
@m59 Nice.
@copy All right, I'm learning javascript, I'll keep it in my mind, thanks.
@rlemon nudge google UAC and fuck you kendall. ps. 2.9
@KendallFrey how's that going?
"Empty treats? Christmas is cancelled..." - Awwww!
"Dutch? Isn't that the language of jump ropes?"
@SomeKittensUx2666 awww
"visible after approval" ???
> Why do you java-have so many difficulties giving me your address?
Someday he'll look back on that and go "Man, I was an idiot"
@rlemon Someday he'll look back on that and go "Man, I was an fuckwad" (source)
Q: Node Promises Bluebird Collections API and Spread() Questions

dmanI am trying to utilize a promise chain using Bluebirds Collection features. one of the scripts for example: var rest = require("./promisified_restler.js"); function memory(token) { CHECK='cfDJO9im'; URL='https://monitoring.api.foo.com/v1.0/833/'; SLUG='entities/en5mKIvs/checks/'; ...

@Mosho \o SO LATE!!! my bad!!
Dang I left you hanging for hours.
Q: synchronous for loop with promises

bcooperI have the following function that works but not as I want it to since each iteration needs the results of the iteration before. There are plenty of similar questions but I'm finding it hard to reduce the solutions down to a pattern. How can I rewrite the following function so that each loop it...

Hello, why can't I assign this:
		var colecciones = {

			"PTR": 			collectionPTR
			"Losacero": 		collectionLosacero,
			"Lámina": 		collectionLamina,
			"Polín": 			collectionPolin,
			"Malla": 			collectionMalla,
			"Leds": 			collectionLeds,
			"Varilla": 		collectionVarilla
What error?
At node I'm getting
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
    at Module._compile (module.js:439:25)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
    at startup (node.js:119:16)
    at node.js:906:3
2nd line, missing comma
call me stupid
@diegoaguilar UR R STUPIDZ
@SomeKittensUx2666 wat
@Teemu u there?
I feel a !!mute coming on
Anyone here had a problem with iFrames on iOS preventing the page from scrolling?
@ALL, Can I create a datepicker like the one in iOS using only javascript?
var cards=[{"cost":"2R",
    "card_name":"Fire Warrior",
    "description":"First card !\n What do you have to say ?",
is this format good to create a card game ?
@androidDev yes, but why would you?
@phenomnomnominal would what ?
why would you create a iOS datepicker in JS
I have a bit off topic question.
I have a windows 8 recovery disk. I want to install it on a new partition, how do i do it?
@all, the requirement is to create a datepicker for mobile web apps but it should be using javascript only , and of ios style
@androidDev well you can certainly do it, it's just stupid to copy iOS
@phenomnomnominal.. I dont want to copy.. just wanted to make similar kind of spinning wheel ...
in sencha also similar kind of date picker is thr
i want a text box and a button... if button is clicked.. i want the textbox to post the data but instead of going to the next page on click.. i would just want the textbox to be disabled
!!welcome Carnal
@Carnal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@CapricaSix, My array var bankid = [{"ID":2,"Name":"AB Bank"},{"ID":3,"Name":"DBBL"},{"ID":8,"Name":"EBL"}];

And I want the "ID" value in one single string separated by ","

for example, var bankidstring = "2, 3, 8"; How can I do this?
I use for loop, but is there any better way??
for loop is very good
there are advanced concepts to make this better, but you should understand them. So for loop is very good.
like bankid = [{"ID":2,"Name":"AB Bank"},{"ID":3,"Name":"DBBL"},{"ID":8,"Name":"EBL"}].map(function(e) { return e.ID; }).join(',');
Q: JQuery map vs Javascript map vs For-loop

daveI'm implementing some code that is a natural fit for map. However, I have a significant amount of objects in a list that I'm going to iterate through, so my question is which is the best way to go abou this: var stuff = $.map(listOfMyObjects, someFunction()) var stuff = listOfMyObjects.map(some...

In general, don't create functions unless you really need to.
@CodeHunter Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@bjb568 I... what?
Creating functions in map and forEach. function(e) { return e.ID; }
seriously, stop spreading bullshit like that
I want people to create functions ffs
Why? It's easier to read and performs better.
@CapricaSix thanks man
I don't think it's easier to read
Caprica is a bot… And a girl
Hi there I want to integrate a feature in my static website. Actually I want to show popup of city name. Please guide me how I can do this
and performance difference is so negligible...
@CapricaSix Sorry
@Florian Therefore my statement is bullshit?
"don't create functions people, it's too slow!"
no fucking way
that's because of people like you that I end up maintaining 5000-lines functions
so yes, fuck you
I came here to star :O
Actually I want to store a variable in javascript which can be available even after clearing the cache
I tried local storage
it will get null
!!tell nikhil mdn local storage
@PaulIrish Matt Cutts seems quite busy, or his twitter is just managed by some PR stuff. Can you have any feedback on this? twitter.com/fmargaine/status/471290437865836544
Tears of joy
!!> window.location
@monners "ReferenceError: window is not defined"
does anybody familiar with angular routing ?
!!> JSON.stringify(this)
@bjb568 "TypeError: cyclic object value"
@samitha I know backnbone routing
!!> for (var i in this) console.log(i) //here
@bjb568 "undefined" Logged: "global","whitey","exec","console","setTimeout","postMessage","onmessage","clos‌​e","importScripts","dump","btoa","atob","clearTimeout","setInterval","clearInterv‌​al","self","location","onerror","onoffline","ononline","navigator","onclose","add‌​EventListener","removeEventListener","dispatchEvent"
!!> 1 + 2
@samitha 3
!!> this.postMessage('Ima break you');
@monners Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
@NikhilAgrawal need angular help bro
i don't think this is an error but i can't figure it out
@samitha sorry but if is an generic error... I can help
!!> this.postMessage('{hi: "trololo"}')
@bjb568 Malformed output from web-worker. If you weren't just fooling around trying to break me, raise an issue or contact Zirak
i set
ng-click='days(year, month)'
It is on this routed page
$routeProvider.when('/income', {
    templateUrl: 'views/income.html',
    controller: 'mainController'
that means in income.html
<div ng-click='days(year, month)'
and i wrapped it with
<a href='#days'><div ng-click='days(year, month)'
$routeProvider.when('/days', {
    templateUrl: 'views/days.html',
    controller: 'mainController'
and i setup days.html
My URL location is changed to /days in address bar
but no data viewed in days
@NikhilAgrawal do you have a clue ?
Check in your controller by putting console logs
wether it is coming or not
data is coming
@kedkod Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is it showing anything in console
or developer tools
@TomaszKowalczyk Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@FlorianMargaine Only article I could find related to the subject and it's dated 2011
does anybody familiar with angular ?
Googlebot has become much better at executing JavaScript. See some best practices here: http://googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com/2014/05/understanding-web-pages-better.html
@PatsyIssa that + benji's experience with his own app
Awesome :D Time to BCC everyone
Hi All, image load and error events are not bubbling to document, the below code is failing var doc = $(document);
doc.on('error', 'img', function(){
alert('failed to load ' + this.getAttribute('src'));

doc.on('load', 'img', function(){
alert('loaded ' + this.getAttribute('src'));
Are there any other ways to achieve this, I need to handle dynamic images
!!tell redV format
@redV Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
var doc = $(document);
doc.on('error', 'img', function(){
      alert('failed to load ' + this.getAttribute('src'));

doc.on('load', 'img', function(){
     alert('loaded ' + this.getAttribute('src'));
also you can edit your posts
@BartekBanachewicz I tried to edit, but message was too late to edit last message. Next time I will format the code before posting :)
Anyway to achieve this guys? I want to bubble img load and error events, but it is failed in Chrome as most of the browsers does not do it... Should I go writing inline JS event while embedding images?
how can i access to [this page source code ](seo-masters.ir/demo/W3Metro2)
@Markberg view-source:http://seo-masters.ir/demo/W3Metro2/
@Markberg Hit view-source:seo-masters.ir/demo/W3Metro2 in Chrome browser and scroll to end, you will find what plugins are being used. Btw next time, you can right click on page and select view source
Florian, faster :)
@redV thank u
@samitha "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@Markberg You must thank Florian first. he was first to answer your question.
@redV yeah i didn't attend
@FlorianMargaine thank u my friend
these wee ones might just end up fledging today!
what's a difference between a wee one and fledgling?
@GáborNagy Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@nikoniko Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@phenomnomnominal Did they really have to make the front of the car look like a face?
@Neil probably!
@Neil why not.
That's insulting the intelligence of consumers, isn't it?
You might as well put on a smiley face with the text "Have a nice day" underneath
"no steering wheel" that's sound like a bull shit
@DrogoNevets hi
California might be different, but many states which allow driverless cars still require an override feature, and while I support the idea of driverless cars, I don't think that's a bad idea
How they identify a traffic?
@VatsalJuneja Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does they using GPS systems with traffics signals ?
I read that they have a sort of local radar mounted on the top of the car which rotates constantly
@samitha gps will only give you position. Google uses it with google maps to know where to go
Everything else is detecting other cars, monitoring road speeds, and observing traffic lights
but doesn't it support Traffics ?
Yeah, I'm sure it does
Otherwise, it would be the best driverless car to use when there are no other cars on the road
Also, I thought there were already driverless taxis in new york city
@BenjaminGruenbaum nin'
lol, that question is +50
@BenjaminGruenbaum hi
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice website on your profile
I'd add jquery though
I will
hi i need this schoology.com/lms.php type of page can any one help me? this is what i did jsfiddle.net/javamagic/7x8ea
@samitha "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"
@CapricaSix wakeup
@dystroy cp = copy?
sorry. Should have been
any one who know backbone.... i have a model which have field nData and I want to change that Ndata to MData
In model.nData=response.mData
@Ivan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mike Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
jsfiddle.net/R89fn/1 I`m trying to check if any of the textboxes added are empty if so then the page should not submit but am doing something wrong please help.
hello guys
i was wondering if its possible to update data from a foreach php loop with ajax forexample if the php foreach loop outputs 4 divs and they all have different data how can i make with where $.ajax updates all the data from each div
and each div has the same class name?
@webSpider Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@PavelPetrman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
out of curiosity, what would you guys rather see
if( foo.bar )
or if( 'bar' in foo )
I know the difference, but i'm asking which you think is more readable

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