MySQL and relational databases

Ask your question, and then hang around a while to see if an e...
Jun 26, 2011 07:08
So where is all the 'Geniues'?


Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, ...
Jun 26, 2011 07:07
You're right. It is complicated.
Jun 25, 2011 16:16
O damn, I thought I was in the php room. I guess I am in the tax planning room. Oops, sorry.
Jun 25, 2011 16:13
and the data does not even insert
Jun 25, 2011 16:12
Processes keep spawning and then the script cannot be executed
Jun 25, 2011 16:12
Jun 25, 2011 16:12
and in between I was using an insert statement inserting stream_get_contents($pipes[2])
Jun 25, 2011 16:11
then use while (true) {

$status = proc_get_status($process);
if (!$status['running']) break;
Jun 25, 2011 16:11
So I call the command using proc open
Jun 25, 2011 16:10
I was suggested proc_open but I am having some difficulty
Jun 25, 2011 16:10
Does anyone know how to captures output of an exec process in real time?