SO Close Vote Reviewers

This room is for support and discussion about reviewing and co...
Feb 17, 2019 11:38
@Makyen, Thanks for your helpful comments. I appreciate them. I had looked for guidance before but that was not helpful. Maybe your notes about "edit comment" and the domain knowlegde should end up in a FAQ or Wiki page. Now that I had to deal with Unison more, I figured that all answers were wrong in light of the question. So I provided my own answer .
Feb 16, 2019 20:13
I think there is something wrong with Stack Overflow's edit policy if minor mistakes in answers cannot be corrected.
Feb 16, 2019 20:11
However, I can not downvote it until the answer has been edited.
Feb 16, 2019 20:09
Okay, you are saying that instead of correcting a mistake, I should downvote the wrong answer (the one that doesn't work is this… ) and provide my own answer.
Feb 16, 2019 20:05
Ok, and I though adding substantial information or correcting mistakes is exactly what should go into an edit.
Feb 16, 2019 20:04
My question is what is a valid edit and what should go into comments. Obviously the reviewers differ with my decision to edit the answer. They wrote "This edit was intended to address the author of the post and MAKES NO SENSE as an edit. It should have been written as a comment or an answer."
Feb 16, 2019 20:01
Thanks, Stephen. I edited the two top answers here:…
Feb 16, 2019 19:59
Hi there. Is this chat room suited to discuss questions about reviewer comments?