
Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
Oct 17, 2016 15:24
@BenFortune right
Oct 17, 2016 15:22
But actually, I got an better idea. Return a promise from save(), so I can do
`this.lock = () =>$rootScope.currentEvent++);`
Oct 17, 2016 15:21
Yes, atleast when working with angularjs, when using lambdas is super, no need to mess with this.
Oct 17, 2016 15:18
this.lock = () => {; $rootScope.currentEvent++;} it is then. :o
Oct 17, 2016 15:18
thats an interesting idea @rlemon :P
Oct 17, 2016 15:16
Well in this case, I don't do anything with the return values. So it would work.
Oct 17, 2016 15:16
So basically this.lock = () => & $rootScope.currentEvent++; vs ` this.lock = () => {; $rootScope.currentEvent++;}`
Oct 17, 2016 15:15
Oct 17, 2016 15:15
with ; needs the { and } 's :P
Oct 17, 2016 15:14
I was thinking to do something like this.lock = () => & $rootScope.currentEvent++;
Oct 17, 2016 15:13
Is there any 'best practices' on running 2 functions in a single statement without caring about the return values? Is doing foo() & bar() perfectly valid? (Would any operator work in place of the &?)
Oct 17, 2016 10:35
storeDecorator = (f) => () => {
window.localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(this.items));

is this correct usage of the decorator pattern or have I understood the pattern wrong? With that I can do stuff like `this.addItem = item => storeDecorator(item => this.items.push(item))`. I tried googling about decorator pattern, but didn't quite find anything like that..

Trash can

Like the recycle bin, but trashier.
Oct 17, 2016 10:34
storeDecorator = (f) => () => {
window.localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(this.items));

is this correct usage of the decorator pattern or have I understood the pattern wrong? With that I can do stuff like `this.addItem = item => storeDecorator(item => this.items.push(item))`. I tried googling about decorator pattern, but didn't quite find anything like that..
Aug 4, 2016 12:30
Yeah, always use filterquery when possible it should be a lot faster and it uses filterCache internally
Aug 4, 2016 12:23
Ouch.. Remember to use the filter query for any clauses that should not impact the score and are exact matches (no tokenization)
Aug 4, 2016 12:19
Aug 4, 2016 12:17
Aug 4, 2016 12:17
You can include the score in the results if that helps to spot any problems using fl=score,*
Aug 4, 2016 12:13
Can I post the query as an answer to the question if it solved your problem?
Aug 4, 2016 12:12
haha :P been there. No problem!
Aug 4, 2016 12:10
or 2016* whatever you need
Aug 4, 2016 12:10
nope. pretty sure you can just replace date:2016 with (date:2016 OR date:2015)
Aug 4, 2016 12:07
like ^1001 and ^1000
Aug 4, 2016 12:07
try to put higher boosts?
Aug 4, 2016 12:06
date desc*
Aug 4, 2016 12:06
is your sort score desc, date_i desc
Aug 4, 2016 12:04
I don't know how much scores do the clauses give, but you might need to increase those ^3 and ^2 boosts if getting weird results OR use a constant score ^=1.0 for the additional clauses
Aug 4, 2016 12:02
should work
Aug 4, 2016 12:02
Hard to say without seeing but yes,

`((important: true AND date:2016)^3 OR (important: false AND date:2016)^2 OR date:*) AND something:"foo"`
Aug 4, 2016 11:56
that should be ok
Aug 4, 2016 11:56
(important: true AND date:2016)^3 OR (important: false AND date:2016)^2 OR date:*
Aug 4, 2016 11:55
i used date_i in my own tests
Aug 4, 2016 11:55
oops, simply change it to date
Aug 4, 2016 11:55
missing an OR between the first 2 clauses, but assuming OR is default operator it will work.. :D
Aug 4, 2016 11:53
it showed importants with 2016 as year first, then nonimportants with year 2016, and then everything sorted by date..
Aug 4, 2016 11:52
which may be something what you want?
Aug 4, 2016 11:52
I tested something like this: (important: true AND date:2016)^3 (important: false AND date:2016)^2 OR date_i:* and then sort: score desc, date desc
Aug 4, 2016 11:52
Aug 4, 2016 11:35
What were you exactly trying again? You want items with +important:true AND +(date:2015* OR date:2016*) first, then all non importants after them?
Aug 4, 2016 11:26
Combine the queries with an OR and use boosts to order the items returned by query A first? Example: q="testquery" ((+important:true AND +(date:2015* OR date:2016*))^10000 OR (+important:false)) ? And order by score+date
Aug 4, 2016 11:26
@mickey could you order by score first, then by date? You might need to add constant score for other fields (^=1.0)
Aug 4, 2016 11:26
Is there any reason why you would not do this client-side?