May 18, 2012 05:46
you too and thanks
May 18, 2012 05:45
same here :)
May 18, 2012 05:45
thanks for all your help and time!
May 18, 2012 05:45
just a ruby thing
May 18, 2012 05:44
everything works fine
May 18, 2012 05:44
derp im dumb
May 18, 2012 05:43
login works just fine
May 18, 2012 05:43
posts delete to the logout but no rendering of the message or anything else
May 18, 2012 05:39
when i remove $(.logout).... it works fine again
May 18, 2012 05:38
where your comment is i replaced with setNotice(data); but that breaks the code
May 18, 2012 05:38
May 18, 2012 05:36
maybe i didnt copy it right
May 18, 2012 05:36
javascript wise that is
May 18, 2012 05:36
not working :/. That breaks the code. Login and logout dont do anything
May 18, 2012 05:32
ah cool
May 18, 2012 05:32
ok well :method => :delete, is the request
May 18, 2012 05:30
May 18, 2012 05:29
destroy is the method
May 18, 2012 05:29
it should be delete not post though or is that same difference?
May 18, 2012 05:28
and that replaces the logout.bind right?
May 18, 2012 05:27
oh ok
May 18, 2012 05:27
so i need to call like an ajax:success?
May 18, 2012 05:26
May 18, 2012 05:25
May 18, 2012 05:25
$('.logout').bind('click', function(e, data, status, xhr) {


May 18, 2012 05:25
May 18, 2012 05:24
<li><%= link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => 'logout') %></li>
May 18, 2012 05:24
just logout is the problem :/
May 18, 2012 05:24
and login works exactly how it should
May 18, 2012 05:23
May 18, 2012 05:22
May 18, 2012 05:22
May 18, 2012 05:20
you just want the output?
May 18, 2012 05:20
its on local machine
May 18, 2012 05:20
May 18, 2012 05:19
if request.xhr?
return render :json => {:success => true, :data => {:message => message}, :logout => true, :login => false }
respond_to do |format|
format.any(*navigational_formats) { redirect_to redirect_path }
format.all do
head :no_content
May 18, 2012 05:18
in my controller
May 18, 2012 05:18
probably im new to jquery/ajax
May 18, 2012 05:17
that will return data is undefined
May 18, 2012 05:17
$('.logout').bind('click', function(e, data, status, xhr) {


May 18, 2012 05:16
but the fucntion setNotice does not get it form logout.bind('click') it seems
May 18, 2012 05:16
the controller returns the data object
May 18, 2012 05:16
the entire object
May 18, 2012 05:15
so it comes back as data being completely undefined
May 18, 2012 05:15
May 18, 2012 05:14
yup that solution will work just fine, thanks again
May 18, 2012 05:14
its there, "signed out successfully"
May 18, 2012 05:14
i got firebug console up, the json response from the server is {"success":true,"data":{"message":"Signed out successfully."},"logout":true,"login":false} however firebug also says "data is undefined 'html':" So to clarify it says all of data is undefined. Its not being passed from logout to setNotice i guess :/
May 18, 2012 05:14
Also, sweet that code looks way better! thanks
May 18, 2012 05:14 are indentical for login and logout but when logout is triggered firebug console says data is undefined but it works fine for login