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A: jquery function does not seem to be working

Jonathan SampsonWhen setting $.html, you need to use an anonymous function, and return results: $('#account').html(function(){ return data.login ? : "Account" ; }); Your $flash line was not properly concatenated: var $flash = $('<div class="alert alert-success"><a class="close" data-dis... are indentical for login and logout but when logout is triggered firebug console says data is undefined but it works fine for login
Also, sweet that code looks way better! thanks
@Mike Test the value of before you show it.
its there, "signed out successfully"
@Mike I thought you said it was coming back undefined?
i got firebug console up, the json response from the server is {"success":true,"data":{"message":"Signed out successfully."},"logout":true,"login":false} however firebug also says "data is undefined 'html':" So to clarify it says all of data is undefined. Its not being passed from logout to setNotice i guess :/
@Mike I'm familiar with Firebug. I suppose if the undefined message isn't breaking your app, you can ignore it. If you need to serve up some message in its place, you could do data || "No data";
yup that solution will work just fine, thanks again
What's up, Mike?
so it comes back as data being completely undefined
When you say "data", are you referring to the entire object data, or
the entire object
the controller returns the data object
but the fucntion setNotice does not get it form logout.bind('click') it seems
$('.logout').bind('click', function(e, data, status, xhr) {


that will return data is undefined
Ah, yes. The Click event doesn't have any access to that.
$(".logout").bind("click", function(event){
/* Only the event object exists */
You are confusing methods it appears.
probably im new to jquery/ajax
No worries.
Where are you performing your ajax?
in my controller
Can you share your HTML?
if request.xhr?
return render :json => {:success => true, :data => {:message => message}, :logout => true, :login => false }
respond_to do |format|
format.any(*navigational_formats) { redirect_to redirect_path }
format.all do
head :no_content
Well, I actually need to see the HTML to your page.
its on local machine
you just want the output?
The HTML that is actually viewable through "view source".
You can load it into for ease.
Okay, give me a moment. There's a lot to consume.
So you're posting data asynchronously, right?
and login works exactly how it should
just logout is the problem :/
Where is the code for your logout button?
<li><%= link_to('Logout', destroy_user_session_path, :method => :delete, :remote => true, :class => 'logout') %></li>
Where do you bind your click event to fire off the request to be logged out?
$('.logout').bind('click', function(e, data, status, xhr) {


Hmm, yeah that doesn't actually do anything but call the setNotice method with an undefined data object (makes sense).
$(".logout").on("click", function(e){
$.post("/logout", {_method:'delete'}, function(data){
/* This is where data exists */
so i need to call like an ajax:success?
oh ok
Basically when we click our link, we need to fire off an asynchronous call to a server-side page.
I'm assuming /logout is where your controller sits, ready to log me out.
and that replaces the logout.bind right?
And that it's listening for post data.
Yes, remove the logout.bind code.
it should be delete not post though or is that same difference?
Well, delete is your method in the controller, correct?
destroy is the method
Ah. One moment.
To be honest, I have never written a line of ruby in my life - so this is a bit new to me.
Okay, I think I've got something.
Just updated the code up above to contain a delete method.
ok well :method => :delete, is the request
ah cool
If that doesn't work, I've got one other idea.
not working :/. That breaks the code. Login and logout dont do anything
javascript wise that is
Really? I'm not sure how that could have broken the login portion.
Can you show me how your code looks right now?
maybe i didnt copy it right
where your comment is i replaced with setNotice(data); but that breaks the code
when i remove $(.logout).... it works fine again
You're missing the closing ); on $.post
posts delete to the logout but no rendering of the message or anything else
login works just fine
derp im dumb
everything works fine
Instead of setNotice(data), do console.log(data) to see what comes back.
just a ruby thing
thanks for all your help and time!
No problem, dude! So very pleased that we were able to fix it.
same here :)
Take care, Mike. Thanks for using StackOverflow ;)
you too and thanks

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