that's funny, haven't there been M$ ads about upgrading to win10 for free been blasting on all the windows 7 machines for months and causing massive headaches to productivity?
It's not my renderer, actually, it's a prototype renderer from someone else who wanted to make a Voxlap-like renderer on the browser. The code is small, but I think Silverman (the creator of Voxlap) got his performance from the fact that it was partly made of handmade assembly
Does anyone know how much performance improvement should be expected when using the Closure Compiler with ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS? I'm trying to optimize a voxel renderer
@FlorianMargaine What do you mean by that? The code would be calling the ENet bindings directly to establish a UDP socket, i.e. client = new enet.Host(new enet.Address('localhost', 0), 128, 1, 256000, 256000, "client"); peer = client.connect(...)
Do browsers apply CORS to non-HTTP services? Say that I use ENet bindings (a UDP wrapper) for Node.js and then use Browserify to bring that over to the browser, and I try to connect to a server. Will it work or will it get blocked?
well I'm making a bot for a voxlap game. In reality the map is RLE'd, compressed with zlib, then transmitted over ENet with the packet compressor enabled. So I only receive about 682000 bytes from the server, then the bot sets up a simple HTTP server that takes requests from the voxel clients that want the map data in JSON.
hmm, trying to compile a project made in C++/CLI, Unicode is set as the character set, but when I run the build it just shows gibberish (it's supposed to be Japanese). What gives?
CMake Error at C:/Program Files (x86)/CMake/share/cmake-3.2/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:138 (message): Could NOT find GLUT (missing: GLUT_INCLUDE_DIR)
Hey I have a problem with cmake on windows. For some reason cmake is not detecting GLUT even though the DLLs are on my System32/SysWOW64. I've already gone to ##opengl and #cmake but nobody knows the solution (since nobody has encountered the problem).