I spoke to quickly... plnkr.co/edit/5HThZOZy468kvEsQUq43?p=preview Select one radio and you'll see that the white circle inside the blue disappeared. Same for the check in the checkbox...
This is what I had with a previous beta: plnkr.co/edit/elZFCzggtkz2GNVEyNI2?p=preview I'd like to have the same behavior. You can see with multilines or even when there are more checkboxes, the behavior remains consistent
Simply repositionning the input doesn't work in almost all the use cases. I need something more flexible which adapts to long text, multiple lines or even dynamic positioning of the "block" when the window shrinks
Looks great for this particular use case! What about centering the text so the input is right in the middle when the text is long? plnkr.co/edit/ZyDYSCNKcRDVUaJ5r3c3?p=preview And what happens when the text has two lines?